
Chapter 703: Prestige steps

The "New York Times" is one of the most influential newspapers in the United States. Their focus is obviously more in line with the orientation of ordinary people. They reported this incident as "rebellious scum or individual hero...".

"Hugo Lancaster righteously rejected the reporter's interview in the hospital, and even violently clashed with the reporter with sharp words, which detonated the offensive and defensive war between the media and Lancaster this time. , Then is he a rebellious scum or a character hero? Obviously, different media and different audiences will have different answers to this question."

It can be seen from the frontispiece that the "New York Times" intends to conduct a comprehensive analysis this time, and the facts are also true. They used an entire page to produce a special topic and analyze the entire incident. Such treatment is absolutely Hugo. For the first time in his acting career, one can also see the firm determination of the "New York Times" to defend Hugo.

"Looking back at Lancaster's behavior before 1992, there are moments that make people eye-catching, such as the down-to-earth and outstanding talent before the'Death Poetry Society', such as the Yale 520 novel position; there are also moments that make people feel bad. For example, drag racing led to car accidents and hospitalizations, such as alcohol and drug abuse. The problem of drugs emerged one after another, especially in 1991. Everyone witnessed the fall of Lancaster, just like River Phoenix and James Dean left embarrassingly. Generally, people almost think that there is another genius who is going to fall as fast as a meteor.

This is also the reason why everyone lacks confidence in Lancaster.

However, looking back at Lancaster's behavior in the past two years, it is full of moments that make people firm their convictions. It also affects the steadily rising career and stays away from poison. The poison of taste and alcohol led the band to glory to death. Justice, gentleness, sunshine, gentleman's words and deeds... all are undoubtedly huge changes, and we have witnessed Lancaster's journey to glory with our own eyes.

However, Lancaster always carries his own personality in his bones, and it is unruly to interpret with a negative point of view; but to interpret with a positive point of view, it is self-persistence, and this belongs to Lancaster. A true appearance, principled, not easy to compromise, young and vigorous, but not aggressive, not sharp, and not irritable.

From the thunderous blow of the "Witch Trial" in the Michael Jackson incident to the continuous positive energy in the glory to death music; from the desperate performance in the "Schindler's List" to the Grammy Awards ceremony Hugo’s persistence, Hugo’s personality is rebellious in the mainstream view, but it is truth in the long history of history.

This time the incident is also the same. Lancaster was injured and entered the hospital for examination. He did not lose control because of the reporter's destruction of his own sex. You must know that he had just experienced an out-of-control explosion. Completely ruled out the danger to his life; but he was furious because the reporter's noise might cause harassment of the patient, and even hesitated to confront all reporters.

In the face of Lancaster like this, what can the news media do? slander him, discredit him, shift focus, and pass on anger... This is undoubtedly another moment of shame for the news media. It may not be as bad as a witch trial, but it is better than a witch. The trial is even more terrifying, because the media is losing their principles step by step. They are losing their principles for profit, which is in sharp contrast with Lancaster's consistent persistence.

Whether Lancaster is a rebellious scum or a character hero, everyone should have his own answer. Instead of listening to the media at will, he uses his own eyes to make correct judgments!"

Although the "New York Times" did not give a direct answer in the report, there is no doubt that they are using this method to push the popularity of Hugo to a whole new level.

Since the people have always lacked confidence in Hugo, every time negative news appears, people’s minds will come up with hints of "returning to the old"; then the "New York Times" will eradicate this time, and it must make people truly aware of the past two years. Hugo's changes in the years, and more importantly, Hugo now has an important influence on society as a public opinion leader.

The argument of the "New York Times" is supported by huge arguments, especially since the end of last year, every confrontation between Hugo and reporters has been so clear, everyone sees it, so it is not so difficult for the people to make a choice. Up.

Of course, perhaps this time the hospital incident is not direct enough, and there is no way to do it in one step, but the "New York Times" has already laid the groundwork. As long as there is another catalyst, Hugo's public image will be truly reversed and a bright future. You can look forward to it.

The “Los Angeles Times” and the “New York Times” are indeed one of the most influential media in the United States at present, and both sides have similar ideas. The idea of ​​the "New York Times" actually started before the "Los Angeles Times". The Nicholas McLennan article about whether the box office of "Life and Death Speed" can exceed $100 million is a signal, which means that the "Los Angeles Times" is also working hard. Reverse the negative image of Hugo in the public and in the media.

Quantitative changes have caused qualitative changes. Hugo’s accumulation of the past two years has already had enough weight. Now the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times are further promoting quantitative changes, hoping to complete the qualitative changes in one breath when the catalyst arrives.

In this incident, the "Los Angeles Times" did not focus on the same perspective as the "New York Times". They focused on the Grammys and used this as a starting point to report.

"To the death of glory I missed the only opportunity in my life, the only opportunity to win the best newcomer of the year in the Grammy, but this is not a regret to the death of glory, but a regret of the Grammys, as if the Grammy had missed it at the beginning. Nirvana band is generally, this time Grammy missed the glory to death. Obviously, Grammy is foolishly missing the whole rock and roll process.

Standing at the height of history, this will inevitably become the most fatal flaw in the long history of Grammys: when people recall the classic era of rock’s resurgence in the 90s, people will surprisingly find that the trend of rock’s full renaissance In, there is no place that belongs to the Grammys. This is a loss for Grammy, who claims to be the world's most authoritative music awards ceremony.

There is no need to regret the glory to death, and they will not regret it. From the moment they refuse to attend the awards ceremony, the 36th Grammy has nothing to do with them. It does not matter whether they are nominated or not, and it does not matter whether they win or not. It doesn't matter, this has never been in the list of glorious to death itineraries.

Therefore, Hugo Lancaster will not lose his rhythm because of a small Rookie of the Year award, he will not even be furious because of an explosion accident, but he will be reprimanded loudly because of the noise of the reporters. , This is the truest Lancaster: he hates journalists.

This is not a difficult subject. Recalling how reporters treated Hugo, you can know that these treatments were all asked by reporters. Let’s not talk about it. Let’s just talk about this incident. When reporters lost their feet because they were eager to interview Hugo and caused chaos in the hospital, they chose to shift the responsibility to Hugo. They didn’t even mention the reason for Hugo. And those who entered the hospital did not mention how much noise they made in the hospital, let alone Hugo's concession and tolerance, but only mentioned Hugo's bad temper.

In the face of such a reporter, it is difficult for Hugo to smile. In this way, Hugo does have a bad temper.

When everyone was questioning Hugo’s temper, no one noticed that Hugo was injured and admitted to the hospital to fight for the show; when everyone was discussing that Hugo missed the Grammy and was distraught, but No one noticed that Hugo was devoting himself wholeheartedly to Yeying’s performance, just hoping to dedicate a more exciting work; when everyone is discussing how bad Hugo’s new work is and not worth looking forward to, no one noticed. How much effort Hugo put into this movie, and the entire crew is working hard to shoot a movie.

Even if ‘Life and Death Hour’ is a bad film, we should pay tribute to the hard-working crew. This is their hard work. Even if we curse it, we hate it, we despise it, but we can’t ignore it. This is not only the attention that the film industry needs to get, but also the attention that every job in society should get.

What's more, what the quality of the finished product of and Death Speed ​​will be, none of us can predict, because we are not a producer, nor a director nor an actor. We can only wait and wait for the movie to be released. judge. As for Yeying's box office, it was handed over to the North American market. "

The report of the "Los Angeles Times" still came from Nicholas. You can see his consistent style, a unique perspective and then a small view. He interpreted the entire hospital event from a new perspective, and then directly refuted it. The absurd remarks of the "Chicago Tribune" further despised the "New York Post" and the "National Inquirer."

From this point of view, the "Los Angeles Times" is indeed higher than the "U.S. Weekly", of course, Nicholas is also better than James Rattle.

In addition, the "Los Angeles Times" also conducted an interview with Joseph. Under the dual role, Nicholas's report also exerted unimaginable power.

First there was "U.S. Weekly" and then the "New York Times" and "Los Angeles Times". There was a huge difference in the power of the media. This event quickly distinguished the winner and the loser. The dirty water of the "New York Post" still failed to achieve its goal. Instead, Hugo's reputation rose again this time, and the "New York Post", which was seriously injured by the "witch trial", suffered another blow. This is obviously not good news for them.

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