
Chapter 753: Tilt the balance

"The picture I originally envisioned was that I took the stage to accept the award in a cool and calm manner, and then used humorous eloquence to make everyone laugh, but now it seems to be a bit difficult. I only hope that the photos of me wiping my nose will not be the object of everyone's ridicule. "When Hugo was talking, the tears in his eyes still slipped down, and his voice was trembling slightly, even his hand holding the little golden man was shaking uncontrollably, and the muscles all over his body were all over. It clearly shows the surging inside him at the moment.

But this simple sentence made the guests laugh again. Many people whistled and stirred their hands to express their support for Hugo in this way.

"The shooting of'Schindler's List' is a magical journey. Thank you Steven for trusting me and giving me enough space to play freely. Thanks to everyone in the crew for supporting and encouraging me without your company. I can’t get here.” Hugo officially started to talk about his award-winning speech, but his brain is in a mess at the moment. It is not that simple to organize accurate language, so he has to After a pause, I adjusted my breathing, and then I went on.

"I want to thank a few people here especially, Regina Perlman, Ludger Leopold, Michael Schneider..." Hugo's thank you line quieted the scene, and no one gave it. Respond, because these names are so unfamiliar and no one knows them at all. Everyone looked at each other: Who is Hugo thanking? "I know, these names are very strange to most people. They are all concentration camps. All of the survivors are Schindler’s Jews who have personally experienced the tragedy of the year.”

Hugo's words immediately silenced the audience. The silence at this time was not quiet, but heavy. The eyes looking at Hugo were full of temperature and heat, making the stage hot.

"I have to thank them. In order to cooperate with my work, I have to force myself to recall that unbearable memory. I don't know how terrible it is, because I have not really experienced it, but I clearly know that from Going here in the movie, holding this trophy in my hand, this section of the road is not that simple. Without their help, I can’t walk here. This section of the road is really too long and too long. Thank you for staying with me all the way. Come on. So, thank you."

Hugo's words were so simple, but at this moment, the guests on the scene couldn't help applauding. Although these remarks do not contain any sensational elements, they are all Hugo’s heartfelt feelings, so true and so earnest, that a painful history for the Jews will be remembered forever, not only because of the Holocaust museums, but also Not only because of the movie "Schindler's List", but also because of their indelible belief.

After the applause weakened a bit, Hugo went on to say, "Thanks to my agent Joe for being with me all the time. Thanks to my good friends, Charlize, Alex, Carl, Leo, and my band. Members of, thank you for being with me all the time."

"Finally, there is one other person I must express my gratitude specifically, and that is my father." Hugo said here, the emotions that had stabilized waved again, the eyes were filled with tears again, and all the lights in front of them It all became blurred, "He is not a person who likes to express his emotions, but I know that he has always been behind me to support me and give me the motivation to move on. Without him, I might not have become an actor. There is no me standing here today."

Hugo’s tears slid down involuntarily. Perhaps Adam would never express his care and love correctly, but Hugo clearly knew that the father’s love hidden in the depths of his violent temper was more valuable than any relationship. heavy. Thinking of this, Hugo tearfully lifted the little golden man in his right hand, bursting into a bright smile and said, "Dad, look, I got the prize."

After speaking, Hugo reassuredly said again, "Thank you." Only then did he take a step back, and under the guidance of the emcee, he turned and left the stage.

Adam was sitting in front of the TV, his hands holding on to the armrest suddenly loosened, his emotions surged, and before he had time to react, he completely submerged him, and then coughed violently, as if he was about to The lungs were all coughing out, so much that he had to stand up, lifted his head and breathed, trying to relieve his cough, but it was still useless, Adam had to walk aside, picked up the water glass and poured it.

Adam suddenly remembered the year when Hugo was fourteen years old, and he left Lanches on foot with his suitcase resolutely and resolutely. At that time, the figure was so thin, so small and thin, as if he could be submerged by a little wind and rain. Adam wanted to step forward to shelter his son from the wind and rain, but he knew he couldn't.

That back figure is so clear in Adam's mind at this moment, but the violent storms in the sky did not submerge this figure, on the contrary, it also created a piece of heaven and earth that belonged to him. Along the way, how many difficulties he has experienced, how many hardships he has experienced, and how many setbacks he has experienced, but he has persisted on his own until today.

Thinking of this, Adam's heart trembled a little, trembling uncontrollably.

Jack stood by, all the celebrations stopped. Looking at the old friend who stood up and walked aside to drink water, he could only see Adam's back, but he could find a trace of Adam’s broad shoulders. The trembling that didn't come out, the slight trembling was so fragile, as if it broke with a touch.

In an instant, Jack felt a little bit, his eyes filled with tears, the warm water vapor made him a little embarrassed to avoid his sight, he lowered his head and wiped it viciously, wiping away all the tears. Then he said, "Is the cough okay? When did you become so weak, but cough like this after smoking two cigarettes."

Adam did not answer, but after drinking a full glass of water, he stood there and seemed to adjust his breathing before turning around, "You will worry about me. I have nothing to do. This is not good. Go ahead."

Adam, as if nothing had happened, sat down again, but the faint redness in his eyes revealed his true emotions just now. However, Jack didn’t plan to expose his old friend, so he assumed he hadn’t seen him, and turned his attention to the TV again, “Hugo has won the prize, so there’s nothing good about it. Or change another channel to watch.” ?"

Adam said irritably, "What's the hurry, this is not the beginning, let's see if Hugo's works will appear in the end, anyway, there is no competition today."

Jack was actually talking about it. Hearing what his old friend said, he didn't say much, just quieted down.

Hugo walked down from the right hand side in the direction of the side stage. Only less than five steps away, he noticed that there was a line of sight below the stage that pierced him like a sharp arrow, which made all the chicken skin on the skin. The sharp hatred that the knots were erected was even noticed by the emcee who was afflicted by the fish. Hugo turned his head and saw Tracy.

At this time, we have left the most densely lit part of the center of the stage, and the lights on the side stage have just been extinguished, so Hugo can vaguely see the seats under the stage, and Tracey’s arrow-like eyes are easily sitting in the crowd. It can be found.

At this time, although the outcome of "Schindler's List" and "Farewell to Sentimental Heaven" has not yet been separated, Hugo is in fact invincible.

No matter who the final winner is, Hugo, who won the best supporting actor, has the upper hand. It can be said that no matter what the result is today, Hugo's advantage over Tracy is already difficult to reverse. Although this has been the case in the past two months, Tracey has been in a state of lying and guilty, but at least Tracey can still hold hope at that time, and even lose to "Schindler's list" "But as long as Hugo does not get a breakthrough in personal awards, this is good news for Tracy.

However, all hopes have been dashed in half today, which almost made Tracey unable to remain calm. She stared at Hugo, wishing to watch Hugo burn in front of her at this time.

Hugo looked at Tracey’s vicious eyes, but was not frightened. There was just a slight pause. He looked at Tracy as if he was witnessing a grand and grand self-destructive performance. He looked at Tracy. Lacey ignited herself, watched Tracey drink the poison, watched Tracey jump off the cliff... This was a performance that took place in front of her eyes. The tragic wind and tsunami are close at But for Hugo, this is just a performance, he is just a bystander. Therefore, Hugo quickly retracted his sight and continued to move forward.

Winner and loser, this is the reality. If Hugo failed to stick to the Golden Globes last year, if Hugo failed to appear in "Schindler's List", if "Farewell to the Sentimental Heaven" could win a big victory, if in January Tracy’s second plan was not destroyed by Joseph... Then it is Hugo who is trapped in the abyss of invincibility, and Hugo firmly believes that Tracy will never make him feel better. There will never be a day to turn over.

Therefore, Hugo does not need to be afraid, let alone guilt.

Tracey still stared at Hugo fiercely, until Hugo disappeared into the side stage, she still couldn't look away from her, she just bit her lower lip fiercely, even if she bleeds. Even if it may be captured by the camera at any time at this time, I am not afraid at all.

The scale of victory has begun to tilt, tilting endlessly. Although the competition is not over yet, but is she still possible to come back? (The text to be continued is provided by (Dian Dian Han Paper).)


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