
Chapter 824: 1st and 2nd

Paul Newman, a legend in film history. In the selection of great actors in major professional film magazines, he can undoubtedly rank among the top ten. This handsome, handsome, elegant and romantic actor has a legendary and great life. His wonderful acting skills have become The most beautiful scenery on the big screen, ten Oscar nominations only brought him the only actor statuette, but Emmys, Golden Globes, Cannes, and Berlin all praised his superb acting skills. This also proves once again that awards are not the only criterion for proving the greatness of actors.

In Paul's long career as an actor, he left behind "cat.on.a...", "the hustler", "hud", "Blood on the iron window (.hand.luke, "The Great Judgment (the., "The True Colors of Money" and other masterpieces; at the same time, he is also an excellent director, and a "Qiao Fu Yu (. won him Nominated for Oscar for Best Picture.

It can be said that Paul is a more senior and better actor and director than Clint Eastwood, not to mention that he and his second wife Joanna Woodward (.) have remained unchanged for fifty years. Affection, has become the most beautiful fairy tale reality sample in Hollywood.

Not long ago, the "Los Angeles Times" referred to Hugo as the "Paul-Newman successor", but today Hugo is in direct contact with the deity.

When I saw Paul, I would be attracted by his azure blue eyes for the first time. Even if Hugo is also a male, he would be attracted by those azure blue eyes, which seemed to glow in his eyes. The sparkling waves make people sink into it.

After Paul greeted Tim and the Coen brothers, Ethan took the initiative to introduce, "This is Hugo Lancaster."

Paul smiled, "Of course I know that people who don't know Hugo in the past few months, but there are not many." Paul's shining eyes made Hugo laugh, and Paul noticed the rain. The deep meaning in Guo's smile couldn't help asking, "Why, aren't you also my fan?"

Just one sentence made several people clapped their hands and laughed. In fact, in the entertainment industry, the most polite and most epic sentence is "I am your fan", but in fact, maybe I haven't seen the other party's work at all, it's just Use these words to chase after the other party. Under such circumstances, many real fans will be regarded as insincere when they come into contact with idols. It must be said that it is a very helpless reality.

Paul has been in the film industry for more than 40 years, and he is highly respected, and he must have heard a lot of such polite remarks.

Hugo was also amused by Paul. In fact, strictly speaking, he is not a fan of Paul, because he passed through the relationship of previous ages and missed the golden age of Paul's actor career. "No, I like Malone better than you. A Brando." Hugo's honesty made Paul laugh suddenly.

This year Paul is sixty-nine years old, and the years have clearly left a deep mark on the corners of his eyes and eyebrows. His youth is no longer and his face is old, but even so, his elegant temperament still makes people's heart fascinating. , The hearty smile still exudes charm, this kind of wealth that comes from years, is the connotation that Hugo, who is under 30 years old, cannot have.

"When I saw you just now, I actually thought of your words, "Here lies Paul Newman, and he died because his eyes turned brown." Hugo went on to say that this time Paul even just raised it. Raising his hands and applauding for Hugo, the other people standing nearby also laughed.

In Paul’s actor career, whether he played the role of a riffraff, a robber, or a gang leader, the audience could not help but fall in love with this villain. Whenever he turned his face to look directly at the camera, everyone would fall into his sea-blue color. In his eyes, my heart was filled with tender compassion.

In fact, this is a kind of shackles for actors. This is also the reason why handsome guys are always unpleasant in the eyes of Oscar. The judges of the college are always very harsh on handsome guys. Of course, the prejudice in the best supporting actor department will be slightly reduced, but even so, when Hugo won the best supporting actor figure two months ago, many people were still surprised-surprised by the breakthrough of the college. Instead of being surprised by Hugo's upset.

Therefore, Paul once ridiculed his blue eyes, which is a coveted label for others, but for Paul, it is a confinement that has always existed in his career as an actor.

After Paul laughed, he looked at Hugo more cordially, "I read the newspaper not long ago and said that you look like Malone's successor. I think this news is right."

Joel Cohen, who was standing by, immediately answered, "You read the New York Times, right? Me too."

Ethan smiled and continued, "You should probably read the Los Angeles Times," which said Hugo is your successor. "

Hugo stood in front of him, saying nothing, just breathing heavily and wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead from time to time. This childish joke immediately made everyone chuckle again.

Paul understood what Hugo meant. He smiled and patted Hugo on the shoulder. "The media always like to say this. They used to say that I was'Marlon-Brando second." I found it strange. "

In fact, Paul is also a character actor, but because of his looks, people always think of him as "Little Red Riding Hood." With the same handsome face and rebellious image, Marlon Brando and James Dean stand upright on the screen with "supercritical" images, but Paul has never received such recognition. Compared with actors, it is a double-edged sword.

For an actor, he should be an independent individual, not "who is second". Only when the actor has a truly independent personality can he be regarded as a real actor. Prior to this, "who is second" was always just imitating and could never be surpassed.

Paul naturally understood the feeling of Hugo, especially when Hugo was called "Paul-Newman's successor", but he appeared in front of Paul again, as if the "first" and "second" were facing each other. , This feeling is actually a bit embarrassing. But it was resolved by Hugo's relaxed body language.

Paul is just like his image, always like a spring breeze. A simple sentence resolved Hugo’s embarrassment. Hugo also smiled, "I think it’s okay, whether it’s like you or like Malong, this can be They are all handsome people for a lifetime, and I look forward to my appearance after forty."

Hugo didn’t mention acting or anything. Instead, he started from appearance, with a little humor, and he immediately made Paul laugh again, and then turned to look at Joel, “Should I be happy? One can be me. The grandson’s young man praised me as a handsome guy."

Joel shrugged, and Ethan shook his head next to him and said, "You shouldn't ask us, we have never been in touch with the word'handsome'. Anyone... I mean, anyone who says we are handsome, We will all be very happy.” Sure enough, it was in the style of the Coen brothers, and one sentence made everyone laugh again.

In the past two years or so, Hugo has seen many big-name actors, especially at the Oscars awards ceremony, and even recognized the existence of many top actors, but to this day, only Paul and Catherine-Hepburn gave He left the deepest impression. Not because of how brilliant their careers are, but because of their demeanor. This kind of elegance that has settled down after time has been washed away makes Hugo a little envious, and even more admired. He also wants to be such an actor. When I was 70 years old, I still stood on the stage to perform. I could tell jokes, and I could calmly face doubts and criticisms. I enjoyed the performance more than others’ eyes and thoughts. It’s just that Simply, simply, and purely, just enjoy the performance.

Whether Paul-Newman or Catherine-Hepburn, they can be called great, personality charm is also an indispensable part. This is a gift of time and a gift of growth.

Although Hugo was just a guest and not a member of the "Money Empire", he sat next door with Paul and watched the movie together.

"Money Empire" is obviously not the most famous work of the Coen brothers. Strictly speaking, the quality of this work is indeed inferior to the other works of the brothers. The script is relatively weak, and this absurd comedy also carries Strong 90s style.

But the Coen brothers are outstanding because of their absurd, exaggerated, humorous and unique style, and also because of their novel ideas and eclectic performance styles are consistently sharp So, even if the "money empire" is famous Not big, but it is still above the standard, and the viewing process is very enjoyable, the whole movie always has a magical tone.

After watching the movie, Hugo instead left a deeper impression on Tim Robbins.

Hugo has always known that Tim is an underrated actor, whether it is "Shawshank's Redemption" that was ignored by Oscar or "Mystic River (. who later won him the best supporting actor, and "Life Crossing" The masterpieces such as "Dian" and "Players Behind the Scenes" actually underestimated the delicateness and thickness of his performance.

This kind of thinking became stronger after watching "Money Empire". Hugo could not help but made this kind of conjecture for the second time: if there is no Tom Hanks, or the time of Tom’s acting outburst is earlier and later, then Tim’s position in the movie history will have What has changed? But this is just hypothetical. After watching "Money Empire", Hugo also had dinner with the Coen brothers and Paul that night. This was unexpected. Then the next day, Hugo went according to plan and left Cannes by car after lunch. , Ended his first trip to the Cannes Film Festival. (To be renewed. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Kazakhstan to read and vote for the work to vote for a monthly pass. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create!)


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