Chen Mubai has been very popular recently. He has been on a gold-medal variety show. The program "We Are in Love" that he participated in is also rated by Changhong. It is a quasi-gold-medal variety show.

He has gained a lot of fans, including a lot of CP fans. Because of this program, he also got the endorsement of a diamond brand, which can be regarded as the endorsement of a mid-to-high-end brand in China. As a newcomer, he has already achieved excellent results up.

Half a year later, Chen Mubai has gained a lot of fame from being banned at the beginning, and has also won the titles of genius singer, strongest newcomer singer, etc.

He has had a lot of hardships along the way, and he has gained a lot. Unknowingly, he has taken root in the entertainment industry.

Because of Chen Mubai and Qian Duoduo, Mubai Entertainment has gained a bit of fame, at least everyone will no longer think that this is a leather bag company.

Some people saw that after Qian Duoduo left Feifei Entertainment and joined Mubai Entertainment, not only did he not sink but became better, and he also got a song written by Chen Mubai, which made them envious.

Some starlets and trainees on the 18th line have the idea of ​​coming to Mubai Entertainment. Mubai Entertainment currently only has two stars, and the number is not large. They have room for development.

If they can get Chen Mubai's songs, maybe they will be as famous as Qian Duoduo. With the idea of ​​becoming famous overnight, everyone knows that Chen Mubai's songs are very influential, and many singers can't ask for it!

As long as there is no problem with the quality of Chen Mubai's songs, his new songs will always attract attention, not because of the songs, but because of people.

Chen Mubai's name is now the quality assurance of the song, unless his signboard is broken and there is a problem with the quality of the song, his name is the signboard!

It's all low-level celebrities who have this kind of thinking, and the really famous people don't have this kind of thinking, because they know that Qian Duoduo was able to get Chen Mubai's songs because of their good relationship, not because the company has few artists.


Chen Mubai has recently rejected all the announcements, and so has Qian Duoduo.

The crew has almost finished planning, and all the equipment is ready, just waiting for the filming to start!

"Duo Duo, don't be stressed, take your time."

Mubai Entertainment, in the meeting room, Chen Mubai and Qian Duoduo said.

Qian Duoduo had stopped all work a week ago. He was reading the script at home to understand the character and behavior of the protagonist "Dapeng", and how to perform this character.

Qian Duoduo still attaches great importance to this drama, not only because he is the leading role, but also because this drama is a relatively important drama in the company's current stage, very important.

This is the first drama in his life, he was the leading role in acting for the first time, he was under a lot of pressure, although the drama did not require high acting skills, but he still hoped to perform better, so he worked hard practice acting in front of the mirror.

"it is good."

Qian Duoduo nodded. He was very nervous, but he couldn't be timid. He believed that he could play a good role. He had worked hard for this for a long time, and he was secretly encouraged.

"We must not disappoint everyone!"

He already got the script. He got the script when he was the leading actor last time.

In the past two months, although he has made announcements, whenever he has time, he ponders over the script, until a week before the filming starts, he stops all work to prepare for the film.

"Chen Yunteng, Ji Yuxuan, have you finished your work?"

Chen Mubai looked at the two assistant directors of the company, who had just joined the job last time.



"it is good,

Then let's go! "

Today is the first day of filming for "The Dirty Man". All the preparations for the crew have been done, and Chen Mubai is only in charge of directing.

The co-ordination of the film crew is in charge of two assistant directors: Ji Yuxuan and Chen Yunteng. They have been running around these days, and they have already communicated with each other about the equipment and venue needed for shooting.

Chen Mubai's mobilization meeting has been completed, and he took everyone to the first day of filming.

The start-up ceremony of the film crew was officially completed two days ago. This is a tradition that is very important in Xiangjiang. Chen Mubai worked in Xiangjiang in his previous life, so he kept this habit.

Bow before turning on the machine, it can be regarded as a consolation, and it can also be regarded as a means of praying for blessings.

The launching ceremony of "Diaosi Man" attracted many news media.

There is no way, who made Chen Mubai popular on the Internet recently, there are countless press releases about him, especially this time he will cross over to be a director, which is even more shocking to everyone's attention.

At the opening ceremony, many reporters were interviewing Chen Mubai, asking him various questions about the filming location of the film and television drama, and they all felt that Chen Mubai must die.

Professional directors often rush to the streets when filming, let alone those who have never studied film and television or have related experience!

In the eyes of the outside world, Chen Mubai is just a deadly act. Some people think that Chen Mubai is just a celebrity. Mubai Entertainment just hopes to use Chen Mubai as a director gimmick to attract everyone's attention. Simply put, it is a hype.

The directors of this film must be filmed by two assistant directors. Chen Mubai is named as the director, but he will not participate in the filming of the crew.

Then, the reporters discovered that the two assistant directors were also unknown people. One named Ji Yuxuan graduated from a famous media school. He had won a short film award on campus, but he disappeared for several years.

Many people like this appear every year. How many of them are famous? There are a few more people who have made a name for themselves in the directing industry, and they are all lost in the crowd.

Not to mention the other assistant director, his resume looks very good, and he has participated in the shooting of many film and television dramas.

But he has no experience in directing alone. The most is the executive director. To put it bluntly, he is a handyman. He has no experience in shooting alone. The shots of the executive director are all arranged by the director to shoot. What he has to do is execute. .

No matter how the news was written, the news of Chen Mubai directing the web drama spread like wildfire and caused a lot of repercussions on the Internet.

"Chen Mubai's music is indeed talented, and he can also make online dramas, so awesome?"

"I think it must be a bad movie. I want to make money from fans. After all, it's just a trick, no different from those fresh meat!"

"You know it's a bad movie before you watch it? Navy?"

"There's still something to be done about it. A normal person would know that this film is not good. It's equivalent to a three-no product. From actors to directors, every profession, this drama can be popular, and I will eat shit!"

"Sure enough, there are a lot of stupid fans. There are obviously bad movies and there are fans. It's not justified if you don't earn money from you idiots!"

"Back to black? How do I feel that these fans are Chen Mubai's trolls, and this can be praised? Give me a chance to make money together?"

"It's definitely a bad movie. Even though I'm a fan of Chen Mubai, I still have to say this. One size fits one. Music and film are two different things. I don't think he can make a good one."

"Only I care, what does [Diaosi] mean?"

"Science popularization, [Diaosi] was first mentioned by Chen Mubai, and it probably means short and poor people, ordinary people who want everything and nothing..."

"Damn it, is it so miserable... I feel like I hit all of them?!"

The evaluation of "Diaosi Man" on the Internet is not good. In the final analysis, no one believes what a group of newcomers made.

The crew is not good, the director is not good, the actors are not good, and the positioning is still an online drama, let alone the quality. The outside world's impression of the online drama is shoddy, and there is no such thing as quality.

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