Every step Tao Yaoyao took towards the stage was filled with joy. During this short journey, she had been calming down the excitement in her heart so as not to make a fool of herself on stage.

When she came to the stage, she almost calmed down.

"Hello sister Hong, hello brother Fa!"

Tao Yaoyao greeted the two hosts with a smile on her face.


The two responded with a smile.

"You must be very excited now, right?"

"Yeah, I'm very excited. When I heard you say my name just now, my mind went blank and I didn't realize it for a moment. It was Chen Mubai who brought me back to my senses." When Tao Yaoyao spoke, her eyes were full of affection Looking at Chen Mubai below.

At the same time, Chen Mubai was also shown on the big screen, and the two looked at each other and smiled with inseparable affection.

"What an enviable couple!" Sister Hong said enviously.

"Yeah, I am excellent, and my couple is also excellent. You couple, you really let others live!" Fa Ge was also teasing.

"Speaking of which, the two of you have many overlapping awards tonight. You have several nominations, but none of them won. This is the first award you won tonight!" Sister Hong said.

"You didn't win an award before, are you disappointed?"

"Don't be disappointed, Chen Mubai deserves to win the award, he is too good." Tao Yaoyao responded with a smile: "Besides, he wrote many of my nominated songs, and he deserves it."

"It seems that you really like to show off your boyfriend as rumored!" Sister Hong smiled brightly.

"Hey~" Tao Yaoyao stuck out her little tongue playfully and laughed.

"You have a very high starting point. You were a rookie last year. Although Chen Mubai won the best rookie award, you won the best album award with a higher gold content. Today, you won the best female singer award. In the whole of China, you are You are an outstanding singer, few people have achieved what you have achieved." Fa Ge sighed.

Tao Yaoyao's achievements are not limited to female singers, even male singers rarely have such achievements.

Some people won the Newcomer Award in the first year of their debut, and the Best Singer Award in the second year, but won the Best Album Award before the first year. This achievement is very rare!

It's even more difficult for a newcomer to win the best album award than the best singer award!

Because newcomers have no fan base, their influence is limited, and the sales of albums will also be limited.

And the old stars have a fan base and have a greater influence, and the sales of relative albums will be better than newcomers!

Tao Yaoyao received this award as a rookie, which shows that she started everything from scratch, completely relying on the quality of her works to defeat a group of veteran singers, and the album sales can beat them!

This is an extremely rare thing!

There are not no singers whose debut is the pinnacle, and Zhou Junjie is the representative.

But even Zhou Junjie did not win the best album award in the year of his debut!

Because the sales of the album have not surpassed the established singers, even if the quality of the album is high, it is difficult for a newcomer to beat the established stars. This is the problem of fame and influence.

I have never heard of the newcomer's name, who would buy it?

Tao Yaoyao's achievements are partly due to her strong background. The company helps her run the business. Although she is a newcomer, she is still well-known.

The other part is "We Met You". In the show, she and Chen Mubai's couple combination is very famous, attracting a lot of fans, and their influence has increased a lot.

Coupled with the ability to sing on the show, many people bought her album later.

Therefore, she is the result of luck + strength + background + operation, and it is difficult to reproduce this achievement.

Unless, there is another person with similar background and strength as her who can try to challenge this result, but it is also extremely difficult.

"I haven't paid attention to this. In fact, I love music very much. My dream is very simple, which is to make good music for everyone to listen to."

Tao Yaoyao is not proud: "I have been learning music since I was a child. My dream is to stand on the stage and sing, and I also hope to win the Golden Melody Award one day.

After all, this is the glory of a singer, and it is also a kind of affirmation. "

"I never thought I would get this award so soon, it's really a big compliment for me."

Speaking of this, Tao Yaoyao's tone was unavoidably excited, which is understandable.

"Yes, every singer's dream is to win this award." Sister Hong agreed with Tao Yaoyao's point of view.

"Countless singers practice day and night in private, not only to bring better music to everyone, but also to gain the audience's approval and chase their dreams."

"Although you debuted as a rookie, you have actually studied music for many years. It seems that it is very easy to win the award. In fact, the hard work and dedication in private are invisible to others. With this perseverance and perseverance, you success is inevitable.”

Sister Hong said this to the audience, and at the same time warned the rest of the singers that although Tao Yaoyao has a strong background, her achievements are inseparable from hard work.

If she hadn't worked so hard, she wouldn't have achieved what she is today!

I am afraid that people who are more talented than you will work harder than you!

Sister Hong's words are instilling chicken soup, motivating new singers, and making them work harder. Don't just see the results and ignore the process.

The host is here to warm up the scene. Firstly, it can enhance the atmosphere in the venue, and secondly, it can adjust the tension on the spot, so that everyone can not be too rigid or too explosive.

After all, as long as it is a competition for awards, it will inevitably cause struggles and comparisons among people, and then there will inevitably be anger, and the host's presence in the middle is to play a moderating role.

Tao Yaoyao's outstanding grades are inseparable from her own talent.

There are talented people in any industry, hard work determines the lower limit, talent determines the upper limit.

A person who can win an award full of gold must have extraordinary talent.

For example, at a young age, Tao Yaoyao's strength is no less than that of singers who have been in the music industry for decades, and her voice is very recognizable, which is basically the sound of nature. This is a unique talent, and it doesn't take hard work. owned.

Her talent can be ignored to a certain extent, but she must not say that on the stage, otherwise it would be a mess.

It will make many people lose their confidence and lose their motivation to move forward.

In essence, the selection of awards is to urge everyone to work hard and make progress. If you don’t get the award this year, keep working hard, and one day you can get the award you want.

Sister Hong's words made many people who had just become stars feel like they had been beaten with chicken blood. Everyone felt inspired and reasonable.

The older generation of celebrities smiled knowingly. This is chicken soup for young people. They have passed that stage and know that it is easier said than done.

But everyone will not break this sentence. After all, hard work is good and useful.

"I think you have a lot to say after receiving this award, right?" Sister Hong smiled gently.


Tao Yaoyao held the trophy in her hand, then raised it up with one hand, and supported the base with the other hand, so that everyone could see the small golden trophy.

"I can get this award. There are too many people to thank. Thank you..."

Tao Yaoyao said a lot of words of gratitude, including the company's training, trust and support for her.

"There is another person who needs to be thanked the most, and that is my other half, Mr. Chen Mubai!"

"Without him, there would be no award today. He was with me and wrote many excellent songs for me. I know the value of these songs, but he gave them selflessly. Thank you for your help!"

As she spoke, Tao Yaoyao's voice became choked and excited, and she was expressing her heart to Chen Mubai.

Tao Yaoyao's words made Chen Mubai the focus of the topic again, and everyone looked at Chen Mubai's camera on the big screen.

There is no doubt about the quality of Chen Mubai's songs, they have all been verified by the market, high-quality songs are like his bottom line, all the songs he created are above high-quality goods.

The quality and singing rate of the song are terrifying!

Tao Yaoyao's words are true, and everyone agrees.

Without Chen Mubai's song, although Tao Yaoyao's strength is terrifying, she still can't get the best female singer now, I'm afraid it will take a while to grow up.

Although she is very strong and has strong resources, most of the people competing with her for this award are female singers who are backed by powerful entertainment companies, both first-tier and second-tier, and they are no worse than her in all aspects, plus her debut time It was too late, and there was no advantage to speak of, so naturally he wouldn't get the singer's best honor so quickly.

Chen Mubai's songs are an important reason why she can win this award today.

Everyone envied Tao Yaoyao for having such a talented boyfriend. Others wanted to ask Chen Mubai to invite him to sing but were rejected. Only Tao Yaoyao could enjoy this kind of treatment. Everyone envied and hated him!

Chen Mubai's songs are too powerful. The song "King of K Songs" opened up Hu Kai's career in the mainland, and made him explode again and return to the top!

"I also envy you for having such a talented boyfriend. I think not only me, but many people here need such a boyfriend!" Sister Hong joked with a little envy.

"Yes." Brother Fa nodded, and then said to Chen Mubai: "If I were a woman, I'm afraid I would fall in love with you too!"

"Ha ha……"


Chen Mubai's speechless expression made everyone laugh.

"I'm not kidding. Next is the competition for the Best Male Singer Award. Your boyfriend Chen Mubai is also selected. Do you have confidence in him?"

"Yes!" Tao Yaoyao's voice was powerful.

"Is there anything you want to say or encourage him?"

"No matter what, you will always be the best in my heart, you are the king in my heart!"

Tao Yaoyao confessed affectionately: "I have won the awards, you will definitely be able to!"

After Tao Yaoyao finished speaking, she left the stage and returned to her seat.

Sister Hong said goodbye to Tao Yaoyao, and said with a smile: "It can be seen that the relationship between this couple is very good, and I hope everyone can find a good and loving partner."

"Let's see if the two couples who were shortlisted for Best Singer can successfully win this award!"

Fa Ge opened the hand card in his hand: "The nominees for best male singer are Chen Mubai, Qin Li, Li Tian..."

Same as the best female singer just now, except for Tao Yaoyao who is a young man, the rest are all old-fashioned singers, and there are also powerful singers from the Mesozoic era. The competition is fierce!

Li Tian is very popular recently. Although he lost in "God of Songs", the defeat is glorious. In addition, he won Zhou Junjie's new song, so the popularity is very high.

The quality of the song itself is also very good. It is a golden song, so he will naturally become popular.

Qin Li just won the Best Male Singer last year. This year, he released a few new songs immediately while the iron is hot. The popularity has not yet subsided, and he is also a strong competitor.

Among the finalists, except for Chen Mubai's background, the rest are very strong.

Although Chen Mubai is very popular now, a large part of him is because he is popular with passers-by, and there are fans of TV dramas. His fan composition is too mixed...

The Golden Melody Awards are about music, so Chen Mubai's background in music is indeed a bit lacking.

He mainly made TV dramas this year, and he didn't make much achievements in music. Basically, he didn't release any new songs except after the end of "God of Songs".

The camera was shown on several people who were selected, and the shots of several people were displayed on the big screen.

Everyone has a smile on their faces, but it can be seen in their eyes that they are still a little nervous. Everyone hopes that they can win the award.

The stars below are also awaiting the final results.

They were also curious whether Chen Mubai could win this award, and whether he and Tao Yaoyao could become the couple who won the Best Singer Award. This is also a record!

There is no couple in history who won the Golden Melody Award at the same time!

"Brothers, do you think Chen Mubai can win the prize!?"

"I think it's okay. He has composed so many excellent songs this year and sang a lot himself. This achievement is enough to stand out from the crowd!"

"Yes, I am optimistic that Chen Mubai can win the prize!"

"I'm not optimistic. To be honest, Chen Mubai's creative talent is unquestionable, but his singing skills are really not top-notch, and there is a gap between him and the rest. The title of best singer is also linked to the singer's own strength. Chen Mubai is indeed a little bit behind. Meaning, I guess it will take a few more years of training!"

"That's right, Tao Yaoyao was able to win the award because her own strength is not inferior to Ying Na and others, plus the addition of songs, it is expected that she will win the award."

"Chen Mubai won all the awards nominated last time. This time it should not work. The awards this time are very valuable, so it's really not certain..."

"Li Tian's voice is even louder. He has obtained Zhou Junjie's new song, and his own strength is also strong. Qin Li has a lot of influence. It is difficult for Chen Mubai..."

When everyone was discussing, the host Fa Ge loudly announced the winners!

"The person who won the best male singer is Chen Mubai!"

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