Superstars In Parallel Time and Space

Chapter 65 The Fermentation of Public Opinion

When Chen Mubai talked to Lin Xue about his lonely life in the past five years in the video, his lonely expression made people feel sad.

When Lin Xue asked about his ex-girlfriend and the creation of "The Kiss Is Too Real", Chen Mubai's answer solved everyone's previous confusion.

Also, the song "The Kiss Is Too Real" is not what everyone understands. It is about wanting to cast aside the feelings of my ex-girlfriend, but to write about my own emotional journey.

It is written about the giving and rewarding of the feelings between many men and women. Sometimes the sincerity may not be able to exchange the same true feelings. This is what he wants to express to the public.

Let go when it is time to let go, otherwise the entanglement will still hurt yourself in the end, it is better to let go when you are hurt, so as to avoid more pain in your heart in the future!

"So it's like this, does Chen Mubai hate his ex-girlfriend? In fact, he has both. Just like what he said, he doesn't hate rationally, but hates emotionally. On the one hand, he is grateful for her dedication to him, and on the other hand, he hates her betrayal!"

"I think this is human nature. It's right to feel hatred in a situation like his. After all, it can be said that my life was ruined at that moment. If I'm not talented, I'm afraid it's hard to get ahead."

"Chen Mubai, who is real and unpretentious, wants to say everything sincerely. His feelings for Xingcheng and Zhang Yaohui are indeed full of hatred, but his feelings for his ex-girlfriend are very deep. Even in that situation, he does not hate her. On the contrary To understand and bless her from her point of view is really conscientious!"

"I'm curious, who is his ex-girlfriend? He fell in love with Zhang Yaohui five years ago, and Tong and Chen Mubai were lovers when they were trainees."

"Did anyone notice that Chen Mubai missed it? Lin Xue said that his ex-girlfriend would regret it, but he said that she's a good guy, we can follow the clues to find it!"

"The ex-girlfriend must be a star of Starway. Although there have been many female stars of Starway in recent years, and there are many good ones, but one by one screening will definitely find artists who meet the requirements at the same time!"

Many netizens spontaneously felt sorry for Chen Mubai, and they expressed that they wanted to find out who was the star of Starway Entertainment who caused Chen Mubai to be hidden in the snow.

Just when many netizens felt sorry for Chen Mubai, they knew how Chen Mubai was treated when he left the company, and their anger reached its peak!

"I originally thought Starway was a dark enough company, but I didn't expect that Starway would agree with Zhang Yaohui to ban Chen Mubai from the entertainment circle, completely blocking his way to stardom!"

"That's awesome, Brother Hui, you're too ruthless with the artistes under your banner. Playing with his girlfriend and ruining his future, it's you who are the worst!"

"Brothers, let's report together that Zhang Yaohui used his position to play with his subordinates, accept bribes, and take revenge on others!"

"Brother Hui in the society, people don't talk too much harshly, and if you take action, you will die. I thought that Xingcheng also killed people a long time ago. Did he do it?"

Netizens began to give Zhang Yaohui a hat, anyway, they just buckle it casually, as long as the report is successful!

"There is also Starway Entertainment, let's boycott their company's film and television works, and then report them for tax evasion, let the country investigate them and make them feel better!"

Zhang Yaohui's actions have completely angered the netizens who turned into justice, and they all boycotted Starway Entertainment and cursed Zhang Yaohui!

Generally speaking, the interview time of the video is not too long, and it mainly answers the questions of netizens, many of which are questions that netizens voted for before.

Chen Mubai basically answered all the questions. Netizens knew Chen Mubai's life experience and sympathized with him, but they also admired him. It is really admirable that he can withstand the blow and walk out of the swamp step by step when encountering such a thing!

Since the video was played, the names of Zhang Yaohui and Starway Entertainment have been on the hot search list, and the topics of who is Chen Mubai's ex-girlfriend are in the top five.

Media people from many entertainment tabloids have also started to write articles and want to process them for publication, so as to seize the market as soon as possible tomorrow,

The topic of these explosions is enough to arouse heated discussions among the public.

You know, there are many middle-aged people who don’t play WeChat very much. They mainly watch programs on the Internet, and usually watch news in newspapers, so there is still a large market for the traffic of this part of users.

As for online media, except for WeChat, which is developing relatively well, the development of the rest is not very optimistic. They rely on many advertisements to survive, and their traffic is limited. Even if they get explosive news, few people will watch it.

Too many advertisements affect the reading experience, they have not vigorously developed the user group, the natural flow is not high, and the number of users is also small.

The success of Weixin in such a large volume is also inseparable from the development of Weiyu’s pan-entertainment ecological environment. Multiple entertainment software attract each other to attract users.

Many netizens are guessing who Chen Mubai's ex-girlfriend is, and most of the female stars under Starway are guessed.

Among them, the highest ranked people are Li Lu, Yang Mei, Li Xiyue and Fan Hongling.

These female stars are currently Starway's pillar-level stars, and Li Lu is even a first-line star. She joined Starway Entertainment five years ago, and she was quite famous at that time.

It's just that netizens don't care about this, they count all the female stars on the timeline, and there are even some trainees who joined the company in recent years...

In the end, the netizens narrowed the scope, and they left messages under the personal WeChat messages of the female stars one by one and asked if they were Chen Mubai's ex-girlfriend and why they betrayed him.

It made several female stars have big heads. As famous stars, they naturally often communicate with fans through WeChat.

I also know the recent rumors on the Internet. Only the two of them don't know about it. It's because they were filming and didn't have time to read these in the middle, and the manager didn't inform them of this in order not to affect their status.

After watching the interview, Li Xiyue also knew that netizens were overwhelmingly talking about the candidate for her ex-girlfriend. She was afraid of being exposed, so she quickly put aside the relationship, because Chen Mubai would soon be over.

As long as Chen Mubai is finished, the heat of this matter will pass, and others will not believe what he said, then she will be fine.

Otherwise, if the matter is exposed, her reputation will be severely hit, and even fans will lose their fans on a large scale. In order to climb up and approach Zhang Yaohui, she can only be fine if she does not expose the matter.

Who doesn't want their idol to be a perfect person, if the black history is exposed, especially this kind of black history, I'm afraid her reputation will be ruined!

Li Xiyue was the first to issue a statement that she had nothing to do with Chen Mubai. Li Lu followed closely and said that she didn't know Chen Mubai. Please don't follow the rhythm or she will sue the rumormongers for damaging her reputation.

The other two female stars are also like this. No wonder they are on thin ice.

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