Superstars of Tomorrow

Chapter 47 Buying a House

After Fang Zhao got the first sum of money, he asked someone to keep an eye on Fang Sheng. After knowing that Fang Sheng had money, he stopped living in the company dormitory, and often went out at night to have fun.

After telling the two of them an address, Fang Zhao let them go. I believe that Shangshengsheng will be very lively tonight.

After the two people left, Fang Zhao still sat on that chair, did not get up, sat quietly for a while, rubbed his fingers on the gun, took a deep breath, and suppressed the hostility in his heart.

He really almost shot just now. He knew that the other party had no murderous intent, only fluctuating malice, but he had an urge to shoot.

Although he was reborn in the new century, Fang Zhao spent most of his life in the apocalypse, and now he can't fully adjust in a short time. It was very good, but Fang Zhao himself knew that he was just suppressing the hostility in his heart, the kind of evil spirit formed in the last days and accumulated for nearly a hundred years.

It was probably because those two people had noticed something just now, that's why they were so "obedient".

Fang Zhao didn't know how long the evil spirit in his heart could be suppressed, whether it would slowly dissipate over time, or continue to accumulate like in the last days. He could only continue to suppress it, and try not to do anything.

The last time he was robbed at the corner of the street, after he snatched the opponent's gun, he almost couldn't control himself and shot the opponent to death. The gunshot that Yue Qing heard was fired by him, and the bullet hit the ground next to the little bastard's head.

And since then, Fang Zhao has sensed the fierceness in his heart, and came with him.

The new century is a world bound by laws. Even the black streets don't dare to go too far. Fang Zhao doesn't want to break the rules, so he can only wait for the opportunity to release them slowly.

Why is Fang Zhao looking forward to installing game equipment in the office building so much? Because the games of the new century can be connected with thinking and feeling, if the real society can't vent the evil spirit in his heart, Fang Zhao will try it in the game.

When Fang Zhao was thinking about when he could play games to vent his anger, Fang Sheng, who was waiting for the news at home, was blocked and beaten up, and was forced to transfer 500,000 yuan as a shock fee for the other party.

The 1.5 million breach of contract transferred from Niguang was obtained by King Kong, and 500,000 was robbed. Fang Sheng was glad that he was cautious, and after getting the 1.5 million, he divided it into three accounts and stored it. , maybe one million and a half million points can't be kept.

Fang Sheng was beaten and robbed, but he didn't dare to speak up. It didn't do him any good to investigate further. But Fang Sheng didn't understand, how did those two people know his address? Didn't you go to Fang Zhao for a bracelet? Why did you come to beat him again?

Fang Sheng still remembered that the other party bared a mouthful of fluorescent green teeth and said that he cheated them, where did he cheat?

Fang Sheng stayed in the hospital for five days. This is still a situation where the medical technology of the new century is much higher than that of the pre-apocalyptic. If the medical technology of the pre-apocalyptic is used, he can stay for at least a month.

Indeed, those two men were more aggressive. They were timid in front of Fang Zhao. That was because their intuition, tempered by their rich experience, let them know that Fang Zhao was not a good target. If they really wanted to fight hard, they had to use They showed the consciousness of going all out, but they just took on tasks to earn living expenses, and they didn't intend to work hard, so they chose to be cowardly. But for Fang Sheng, they returned to their original nature, and they wanted to let Fang Sheng know what it means to be a gangster.

Fang Zhao looked at the news that Fang Sheng had moved to another place after he was discharged from the hospital, probably because he knew that the original place was no longer safe, and also to prevent the two professional debt collectors from coming to rob him again.

After leaving a message for the hired people, Fang Zhao went to a residential building near the third ring road of Qi'an City. The Black Street is outside the sixth ring road of Qi'an City, and the third ring road is relatively close to the center, but there are not many commercial buildings here, most of them are residential buildings.

Fang Zhao received the news from Duan Qianji that the old man who wanted to sell the house came back, and wanted to meet Fang Zhao and talk about the sale of the house by the way.

Find the destination according to the address. This building has a total of 120 floors and a height of more than 600 meters. The whole building narrows from bottom to top. .

The address Fang Zhao got was the top floor.

The owner of the house on the top floor is an old man who is over 160 years old. He is older than Fang Zhao in his previous life. He is a composer. Many music-related higher education schools and writing books have participated in the writing of this person. , Fang Zhao can find several books from memory.

Xue Jing, this is a name that many people in the industry have heard of.

When Fang Zhao passed by, Xue Jing's assistant was already waiting.

"Come in, Mr. Xue is inside." The assistant just took Fang Zhao to a room without going in. None of them could enter this room without Xue Jing's consent.

When Fang Zhao walked into the room, Xue Jing was sitting on a wooden sofa. Few people used natural wood to make sofas in this era. The bookcases, tables, etc. were all made of wood, and the whole room had an antique smell. charm.

There is a layer of wood grain upholstery on the sofa and chair, and the indoor temperature is also maintained in a moderate range.

"Hello, Teacher Xue." He is old and has a long teaching experience, so Fang Zhao should call him "Teacher".

Xue Jing put down the score in his hand, raised his finger and pointed to the single wooden sofa opposite, "Sit."

Although he is over one hundred and sixteen years old, in the new century, this age is roughly equivalent to sixty or seventy years old before the end of the world.

Xue Jing already had a lot of gray hair on his head, but he was full of energy.

"What do you think of the layout of my room?" Xue Jing glanced over Fang Zhao's body, and then asked Fang Zhao's eyes.

"You definitely don't keep pets," Fang Zhao said.

The assistant, who had just been allowed by Xue Jing to come in and deliver tea, raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Zhao when he heard this. Other young people who used to study music came here, who didn't come in and praise the furnishings inside first, and then praise the paintings on the wall that Xue Jing couldn't understand, and then took pictures of Xue Jing. Flattery.

It's a pity that Fang Zhao's brain circuit seems to be different from others.


The assistant recalled his experience since he took office. Xue Jing really has never kept a pet. Can you still look at the bookcase sofa in the room?

Xue Jing was also taken aback when he heard this, and then smiled, "Indeed. Did you raise it?"

"I raised a dog and picked it up in the black street." Fang Zhao said.

Many people would avoid mentioning words related to "Black Street", always thinking that it would lower their own style, but Fang Zhao didn't think there was anything wrong. It was a fact that he lived in a Black Street, there was no need to deceive people, and he couldn't. Xue Jing must have learned everything from Duan Qianji.

"That's a pity, I planned to leave all these to you." Xue Jing sighed. These furniture were made by a skilled craftsman, rather than mechanically.

"The same piece of music, written by different people, will have different styles, there is nothing to regret." Fang Zhao said.

"Indeed." Xue Jing smiled lowly, with a few deep wrinkles on his face, and said with emotion, "Nowadays, few young people can calm down and create. If it wasn't for Qianji who promised me to create those two movements You are the only author, and just looking at those two movements, it's hard to imagine that the creator is so young. But when I saw you, I suddenly stopped doubting it."

Xue Jing couldn't tell why, but when he saw Fang Zhao, he felt that this person could indeed compose those two movements.

"Age is not the determining factor for good or bad music." Fang Zhao said.

"That's right!" Xue Jing looked out of the window, with a sense of peace accumulated over the years around him. From here, you can see many taller buildings in the distance. There used to be a century-old building outside the window, but it was demolished not long ago. Now a new building is being built there, which will be taller and more beautiful than before. Attract more people.

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