Seeing this scene, Bai Wuchang was a little stunned.

She thought these people had some kind of death-defying counterattack, but she never expected such a scene.

These so-called masters are too unruly.

This is a sign of defection on the spot!

Immediately, her eyes fell on Li Yan who was tied up.

In Bai Wuchang’s view, the vitality in this wealthy old man’s body was like a candle in the wind.

But even so, if he lives a good life and does good deeds, not to mention extending his life, he should still be able to live for one or two years.

But there is still a lot of resentment wrapped around him, which is constantly shortening his lifespan.

By now, I’m afraid I only have a month or two to live.

The so-called seeking immortality has actually accelerated Li Yan’s death, which is really ironic.

At this time, Li Yan was kneeling on the ground, looking at Bai Wuchang with fearful and fanatical eyes.

“God, disciple Li Yan, is dedicated to seeking the truth!”

“Everything I did was for the purpose of seeking the truth. I was also deceived by treacherous people. I was deceived by these swindlers and was led astray.”

“If we could see God Impermanence as soon as possible and witness the grace of God Impermanence, how could the disciples believe these charlatans?”

“You must do your best to serve God!”

He repeatedly cried out that he was wronged.

“God, I am as rich as you can get, with lots of money and power”

“As long as God releases me, I am willing to spend all my wealth to serve God, build the most magnificent temple for God, spread God’s name all over the country and even the world, and let God’s incense continue.”

“God, please spare my life!”

It’s just that Bai Wuchang looked cold and said lightly.

“Now? late”

“Even if you are a wealthy person in the world and you offend Tao Lord’s followers, no one in heaven or on earth can save you.”

“Bai Wuchang, under the orders of Dao Lord Qingxuan, who disturbs Dao Lord’s loyal followers will be killed without mercy!”

Her cold voice was like a bell ringing in the ears of everyone present.

Taoist Lord?

Taoist Qingxuan?!

This fatal Bai Wuchang in front of them was actually sent by Taoist Qingxuan?!

In their minds , Song Juan’s fanatical look and prayers emerged.

What Song Juan kept saying was that Taoist Qingxuan was watching her and had sent an envoy.

But they all felt that this was just a feudal superstitious delusion, and it was not true at all. They didn’t believe it.

It wasn’t until now that they understood. It turns out that the Taoist Qingxuan that Song Juan believed in actually existed?

From this, it seems that Song Juan’s liver cancer got better because she believed in Taoist Qingxuan!

In this world , it turns out that there are real immortal gods like Qingxuan Daojun?

Even the legendary Bai Wuchang is the envoy of Qingxuan Daojun. You can imagine what kind of existence this is.

At least he is on an equal footing with the Lord of Hell!

Li Yan’s eyes showed regret and jealousy

“Lord Qingxuan, Lord Qingxuan……”

“It turns out that I entered Baoshan but came back empty-handed. I had heard the name of Lord Dao, but turned a blind eye. I had just passed by the true God. Instead, I believed in these charlatans.”

“Regret, regret!”

Before he finished speaking, Bai Wuchang waved his hand.

Li Yan instantly turned into a headless corpse and fell heavily to the ground.

The masters were silent and knelt on the ground, all of them trembling.

Especially The two members of the White Lotus Mother Cult who informed Li Yan about Song Juan were shaking like chaff.

Li Yan kidnapped Song Juan, but was killed by Bai Wuchang without even blinking an eyelid.

If something went wrong, They are going to die here too!

For a moment, the two people from the White Lotus Holy Mother Sect were heartbroken and trembling on the ground, waiting for Bai Wuchang’s trial.

At this moment, Bai Wuchang’s eyes swept across this group of charlatans. , and found that several people were also stained with strong resentment.

Needless to say, the things Li Yan did included killing people, removing their hearts and livers to make soup, digging purple river carts, using pregnant women and babies to make soup and medicine, etc., 80% of them were these. People encouraged and helped.

Bai Wuchang showed disgust in his eyes and waved his hands, and these charlatans all turned into corpses and fell down.

At this moment, Bai Wuchang’s eyes fell on the two people from the White Lotus Holy Mother Cult..

Among this group of people, these two people are relatively clean. They must have cheated a lot of money, but they did not kill people.

Bai Wuchang didn’t pay attention to this. She looked at the two people with eyes. There was a strange color in them.

On these two people, she felt a rather rich power of incense.

With a flick of her finger, a cloud of smoke filled with the power of incense was taken from the two of them. A white porcelain statue about the size of a palm.

This statue depicts a woman holding a lotus, which has a sense of holiness.

The power of incense that Bai Wuchang senses is placed on this white porcelain statue.

This The power of the incense inside is a good resource for the practice of the way of incense.

Bai Wuchang felt happy in his heart.

This thing should be brought back to Liu Qingxuan and it should be put to use.

Liu Qingxuan will definitely not use this kind of belief in the White Lotus Virgin It uses the power of mixed incense to practice, but it is a good choice to use it to refine an incense magic weapon.

Therefore, Bai Wuchang put away the statue of the White Lotus Virgin and looked around at everyone coldly.

“Remember, if I don’t kill you, it’s because Qingxuan Daojun has the virtue of living a good life.”

“You must recite the name of the Taoist Lord every day, kowtow devoutly, burn incense and serve, and pass on the name of the Taoist Lord Qingxuan.”

“If anyone dares to cheat under the banner of Dao Lord, even the eighteenth level of hell will not tolerate you!”

The surviving charlatans all burst into tears of gratitude and kowtowed on the ground.

“Disciples must serve the Tao Lord devoutly”

“Qingxuan Daojun is here, and this disciple is grateful to Daojun for sparing his life.”

“Disciples no longer dare to bluff and deceive. Only when we see the true faces of immortals and gods will we know that there are Tao Lords and true immortals like the Supreme God of Impermanence in the world. We will definitely complete the things that the gods entrust us with!”

Bai Wuchang nodded with satisfaction, and immediately reported a series of numbers.

These charlatans looked at each other, and looked at Bai Wuchang with puzzled faces.

“Dare I ask the God of Impermanence, what kind of secret is this number?”

Bai Wuchang said lightly.

“This is the penguin group account of Taoist Master Qingxuan. You all use Penguin. Please join it when you have time so that you can listen to Taoist Master’s instructions more conveniently.”

“If you do things well, you can change a few talismans to avoid cheating and losing face of Dao Lord.”

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