Supremacy Games

1168 The Secrets of Foremother Siamese Galaxy and The Elementals.l

Felix's expression couldn't help but turn for the worst after hearing her confirmation.

He knew that entering this galaxy was simply impossible.

It wasn't because there weren't any wormholes connected to it. In fact, there were plenty of wormholes, which connected it to many of the inner circle alliance's races.

However, no one besides the Elementals was capable of using them.

As for the rest? The moment they exited the wormhole, they found themselves thrown off into the void outside of the Elementals Galaxy!

As unbelievable as it sounded, the few surviving explorers from the void backed this story. 

When talking about the void, it wasn't referred to the void realm mirroring the matter universe...But, the real void between galaxies in this universe, where mere a couple of stars at best reside in it if one was lucky to find them!

Usually, the average distance between galaxies was about one million light years, which meant anyone exiled to the void could be considered dead or lost forever.

Felix knew that those lucky survivors managed to return to civilizations only because they were expelled extremely near another galaxy.

Still, all of them proclaimed that it took them from ten thousand to a hundred thousand years of continuous travel at light speed to return.

Naturally, they deep-froze themselves through the journey to survive the decay of time.

With their stories and the Elementals' confirmation, no one dared to embark on such a suicidal journey anymore.

As for the explanation for such an inconceivable phenomenon? The Elementals refused to disclose it and the SGAlliance couldn't force them to spill it out.

That's because the Elementals were the only race in the entire alliance, which could be considered truly indispensable.

Felix knew that it was because the Elementals ruled more than 80% of the elemental stones market!

"I never thought that even primogenitors were under the void curse." Felix asked with an intrigued tone, "Do you know what's causing it?"

"Void curse? Heh, is that what you think it is?" Thor chuckled.

Since there was no explanation for such phenomena, the superstitious people had coined it as a curse and anyone besides the Elementals had it.

"There is no such thing." Lady Sphinx stated, "You already know that the Elementals galaxy is the only one populated with inanimated objects or lifeforms gaining consciousness."

"Yes." Felix nodded.

It was commonly known that the Elementals Galaxy was extremely mysterious due to its civilized populations consisting of simple inanimate objects or lifeforms gaining consciousness. 

Outside of the Elementals Galaxy, whether it was a sea, an ocean, a mountain, a tree, a forest, a river, a moon, a planet, or even a star had a meniscal chance of gaining consciousness after absorbing enough elemental or neutral energy.

Unfortunately, this process was excessively slow as it was believed that even if an environment was rich in elemental energy, it would take tens of billions of years for anything in it to gain consciousness!

In other words, it shouldn't be possible for anything to gain consciousness even if it existed for fourteen billion years, which was the age of this universe.

Unless there were some exceptions of course...Still, the exceptions never make the rule and this consensus was approved by everyone.

So, it was easy to understand how shocked everyone was when they found out about the Elementals Galaxy and the secluded universe of highly intelligent inanimates capable of communications, feelings, senses, and most importantly, manipulating elements to their desire!

This completely disapproved of the original theory and made everyone excited to explore this new fantasy world to find the secret behind this unimaginable phenomenon.

Unfortunately, whether they planned their journey for science, riches, adventure, or for conquest...All of them found themselves in the void outside of the galaxy, dooming them for eternity.

"If you think that moons, planets, stars, and even black holes were capable of awakening their consciousness, what do you think about an entire galaxy?"

Lady Sphinx dropped a bombshell on Felix, making him feel goosebumps on his skin at such an insane claim!

"You can't be serious..." Even Candace was taken aback as this was the first she heard about this!

It wasn't too strange as most of the information she possessed about the universe was quite limited even though she lived for eons.

An entire galaxy gaining consciousness? Anyone who heard this would laugh his ass off and call you crazy...Yet, Felix believed it instantly!

"It makes sense...It actually makes more sense than a curse." He uttered while having a mindblown expression.

He easily figured out that if the Elementals Galaxy had awakened its consciousness, she would literally be in control of everyone and everything on its celestial body!

For such an outlandish and incredible being, it wouldn't be hard to sense the invaders' existence and kick them out to the void before they could even spend a mere second in the galaxy!

Even the primogenitors wouldn't have any authority inside her body whether they were elemental lords or not!

"She is called Foremother Siamese." Lady Sphinx said her name with an irked tone, "Almost all primogenitors have a bone to pick with her since she refused to give out access to her territory to anyone."

"Haha, I am starting to believe that you are the only one still pissed off at Siamese." Elder Kraken chuckled at Lady Sphinx's annoyed tone.

"True." Thor and the others backed him up with faint chuckles as well.

"Why?" Asna asked with a curious look.

"In our old era, most primogenitors had partaken in many exploration journies, whether solo or in groups." Jörmungandr reminisced about the good old times, "Lord Dune ended up finding a wormhole that was connected to Foremother Siamese. When he took it, he found himself in the void."

"If it was any of us, we would have believed that the wormhole was a bust and screwed us over, but as the primogenitor of space, he was certain that the wormhole's destination was another galaxy."

"Hence, he returned to the same wormhole and gave it another ago...But, he was always met with the same result. Since he could not connect two places with a wormhole unless he knew the exact coordinates or had at least seen the place once, he was forced to call all of us to seek a solution to this."

"Obviously Sphinx was the first to accept the invitation due to the mystery involved." Jörmungandr suddenly chuckled as he recalled, "I still remember her trying over a thousand times with thousands of her clones without giving up, believing that the wormhole would eventually throw one of her clones in a close range to Foremother Siamese and she could travel on her own then."

"While her attempts failed to produce results, it did end up annoying Foremother Siamese to the point she contacted us on her own."

"After giving us a short explanation of her entity, she requested us to stop our attempts as she would not allow anyone entry." Jörmungandr shrugged his shoulders, "We were forced to respect her wish since there wasn't really any other alternative. We were hopeless in her territory and she has no interest in being friends with either of us."

"So, we ignored her existence and continued our lives as normal." Thor continued on as he eyed the irritated Lady Sphinx, "Only your pretty master clearly couldn't move on when an entire galaxy filled with secrets was in front of her, and had no access to it."

When it was put like this, both Felix and Asna knew that it must have been killing Lady Sphinx inside all of those years.

As the titled Guardian of Knowledge and Truth, her calling was finding all the secrets of the universe no matter how difficult it was.

"Make no mistake." Lady Sphinx gave them an indifferent look, "I might be still irked with Foremother Siamese for making things harder than they should be, but I still found out about its secrets."

"You did?!"

"Well, to be exact, the information came to me on its own." Lady Sphinx frowned, "Lord Zurvan reached out to me out of nowhere and told me everything that I wanted to know about Foremother Siamese."

"Huh? Why?" Felix was surprised.

"I don't know...When I asked him, he told me that I will need it someday." Lady Sphinx answered.

"Still as weird as the first time I heard it."

Everyone believed that it was a bizarre answer, even the primogenitors who heard about this information from Lady Sphinx eons ago.

Obviously, Lady Sphinx shared the information with all of her peers as she wasn't known for withdrawing knowledge that wasn't affecting her negatively.

"What did Lord Zurvan tell you?" Asna asked with an intrigued tone.

Felix and Candace perked their ears as well, knowing this was going to be something explosive.

"He told me that Foremother Siamese was an experiment he was involved in for more than twelve billion years." Lady Sphinx said.

"An experiment for such a long time?!" Felix's eyes widened in shock as he had never thought that primogenitors existed for such a long time!

He always believed that the primogenitors were born four or five billion years ago at best.

"You're right, most of us were born for less than ten billion years compared to the first lords." Lady Sphinx confirmed before adding, "It's believed that Lord Zurvan was the first primogenitor to be born and was ahead of the other lords by at least two billion."

"In a sense, he was considered as the true elder amidst us and his seniority is greatly respected even by the elemental lords with their domains."

"I understand..." Felix already believed that primogenitors were extremely old...Yet, he never thought that the Time primogenitor would be literally as old as the universe!

It was simply remarkable and somewhat overwhelming to think about it.

"You think that living twelve billion years was a lot?" Lady Sphinx smiled wryly as she looked at Felix nodding his head in confusion.

"Isn't not?"

"It is, but not for Lord Zurvan." Lady Sphinx paused and dropped another bombshell, "That's because he has sped up the time in the entire Foremother Siamese Galaxy by at least a hundred and kept it ever since to this day."

"In other words, both Lord Zurvan and everything in Foremother Siamese Galaxy was living for almost one trillion and a half years."




Whether it was Felix, Asna, or Candace...All of them had their jaws dropped on the ground as such an inconceivable number kept echoing through their minds over and over again!

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