Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 933: Fairy Tears

One piece of treasure auction, on average one day, can auction about one thousand treasures.

As more and more treasures are auctioned, the value of the treasures is also getting higher and higher. On the ninth day, the auction of "Cultivated Regeneration Dan" began.

The regenerative alchemy and divine healing elixir are very valuable. Although it is not as good as the top quality artifact, it is more expensive than the top quality artifact.

The warriors fighting for the rebirth of Dan were mainly from the VIP rooms. No one was convinced. At this time, no one let Wu Jiuzhen.

"Twenty thousand ...!"

"Thirty thousand ...!"

"Thirty-five thousand ...!"

"forty thousand……!"


The price of the natural regeneration dandelion quickly rose under the auction of everyone.

At the Xingxuan auction, the units of the total price of the items being auctioned are all the best star crystals. Six nirvanas have struggled for a lifetime, and it is difficult to save 10,000 best star crystals.

As for the true god, the wealth in his hands will naturally be more, but not too much. The average true **** can have 100,000 superb stars, even if it is rich.

Now the price of Zaosheng Dan has been rising all the way, and it quickly broke through the 50,000 mark, which has far exceeded the price of Zhongbing Shenbing.

However, in addition to Wu Jiuzhen, there are still two true gods bidding.

"Five thousand and one thousand ...!"

"Five thousand and two thousand ...!"

"Five thousand and three thousand ...!"


After the price reached 50,000, the increase in the bids of the three people slowed down, adding only one thousand at a time, and Wu Jiuzhen's face gradually became difficult to look.

Wu Jiuzhen took a total of 90,000 superstars, but before he auctioned two treasures, he spent more than 30,000 stars, leaving only 58,000 on hand.

The value of regenerating Dan is high when it is needed, and low when it is not needed. The fluctuation is very large. Wu Jiuzhen thought that the 58,000 Need for Star Crystal should be more than enough, but now it seems a bit bad.

When the value reached 56,000, the two who competed with Wu Jiuzhen, withdrew from one, and Wu Jiuzhen continued to quote: "58,000."

He has only 58,000. If he reports 57,000, others report a style_txt; 58,000 will kill him. Therefore, I directly added two thousand, and reported all the best star crystals on hand.

"Sixty thousand--!"

In the VIP room No.76, a voice sounded again, and it also increased by two thousand, indicating his confidence in the rebirth of nature.

"Brother, I have 20,000 Needstars here. You can use them first!"

The competition of natural regeneration Dan. Ye Xing had already attracted the attention of him. He had a deep insight into Qiuhao, and immediately saw the realm of Wu Jiuzhen.

When Wu Jiuzhen was really anxious, he condemned himself that he should not auction those two treasures just now. When Ye Xing sent 20,000 Need for Star Crystal, he was very happy.

However, Wu Jiuzhen didn't take it immediately, but hesitated. "Brother, aren't you waiting for the auction of Xianyu Qingjin, this is a treasure that is more precious than the rebirth of Dan. How can my brother use your superb star crystal, when that happens, what can you do? "

"For the first time at 60,000, which **** is there, is the bid higher than 60,000?"

The auction host urged because Wu Jiuzhen didn't bid again.

Ye Xing has obtained the treasures of the true God of Heavenly Bow. Those god-class and top-grade treasures are precious treasures, but there are also many superb star crystals, which are hundreds of thousands.

Compared with the total value of those treasures, hundreds of thousands of Need for Star Crystals are nothing, they can only be regarded as a fraction, and Ye Xing has remained.

20,000 Need for Star Crystal is nothing to him.

Ye Xing sent the storage ring containing 20,000 Needle Stars to Wu Jiuzhen. "My Need Stars are enough. I will lend you RMB 20,000 first, and I will pay you back later."

"The second time at 60,000 ...!"

The auction host's voice heard Wu Jiuzhen's anxiety and accepted Ye Xing's best star crystals, watching Ye Xing full of gratitude.

Just as the auction host was about to shout 'the third time of 60,000', Wu Jiuzhen again bid: "62,000!"

"Sixty-four thousand ...!" The true **** in VIP room No.76 seems to be determined to regenerate Dan, and the bidding momentum is very strong.

"Sixty-six thousand!"

"Sixty-eight thousand!"


The price quickly climbed to 70,000. Wu Jiuzhen has 20,000 Need Star Crystals in his hands, full of confidence.

70,000 Need for Stars, this is already a very high price, enough to buy three Chinese high-quality soldiers, the price has reached such a point, the zero-six VIP room's true God bidding has weakened, changed to 111 plus.

Wu Jiuzhen sent another bidding competition several times, and finally took the 76, 000 Need Star Crystal, and took the rebirth.

Soon, some people from the venue sent the reborn Dan, Wu Jiuzhen was full of joy, and extremely happy, thank Ye Xing again and again: "Brother, thanks to you this time, thank you ...!"

Ye Xing smiled slightly. Although the other party was a true god, he never had a real **** in front of him. He also asked him to drink. He had already told a lot of useful news about Ye Xing. Ye Xing had a good opinion of Wu Jiuzhen. He was busy Ye Xing also felt happy.

After the ninth day, the Xingxuan auction ushered in the last and most important day.

On this day, the most precious treasures will appear in the auction.

Except for a few top-quality artifacts, Xianyu Qingjin is considered to be the most precious treasure. It was waited until the auction was about to end before being put out for auction.

"The item to be auctioned below is a god-class top-grade metal 'Immortal Green Gold', a total of one hundred pounds. This is an excellent material for refining top-quality artifacts, and even a flying artifact. The bottom seat is 50,000 Need Stars , Each time the price is raised, it must be at least one thousand. "

When the host of the auctioneer said, "Xian Yu Qing Jin", Ye Xing's eyes finally showed superb eyes.

"Brother, finally you have the treasure you want." Wu Jiuzhen smiled, and cheered up.

One hundred catties of fairy feathers are gold. If you want to make a top-quality flying artifact, the materials are still less, and you need to go through the refiner's refinement, and you need to pay a reward.

Therefore, the value of a hundred catties of fairy feathers is not as good as a complete top-grade **** soldier.

But ~ ~ flying artifacts are too few, because the materials are scarce.

Although one hundred catties of fairy feather green gold is not enough to make a complete top-quality flying artifact, it can be put in the hands and collected some more. Therefore, the value is not low for those who want it.

The normal price of top-grade magic soldiers is about 100,000 Need for Star Crystal, and the starting price of Xianyu Qingjin is 50,000, which is indeed not low.

"fifty thousand……!"

"60,000 ...!"

"70,000 ...!"


There are indeed many warriors who want fairy gold and gold. The price of several times exceeded the final price of the regenerating Dan, and it broke through the 80,000 mark, so that most of the warriors who wanted to bid were sighed and terminated. I wanted it. (To be continued.)


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