Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 968: 诛 Shinto arrows!

Reincarnation disk space!

Xie Yexing took out the ‘blood jade bodhi fruit’ and ate it, and immediately felt a clear-hearted, clear-headed feeling.

Then, Ye Xing's super brain runs to the fastest speed, and while the understanding has greatly increased, he continues to fuse the true meaning of the avenue and create magical powers.

The three true meanings of the avenues he realized—darkness, wind, and fire—have already been created. This time, Ye Xing's purpose is to fuse the three true avenues together to form a three-way Magical powers.

Only in this way can the created magical powers be able to greatly surpass the three magical powers: Dark Fire Road Arrow, Wind Fire Road Arrow, and Dark Wind Road Arrow.

The second layer of immortal star body makes Ye Xing's body strong and indestructible, but this can only make Ye Xing invincible. To defeat the opponent, he must have strong strength.

Xie Yexing's strength has reached the limit of Xiu Wei, and if he wants to improve, in addition to breaking Xiu Wei, there is only one way to create a magical power that contains the three true meanings of the road.

Uh ...

Time is like flowing water, passing in a hurry.

Ye Xing ate the blood jade bodhi fruit, his understanding increased greatly, and the speed of creating magical powers increased more than ten times. However, the true fusion of the three avenues is too complicated. Even if the speed is increased ten times, it is not a short time. Comprehension is created.

With the passage of time, the medicinal properties of Blood Jade Bodhi Fruit have gradually weakened. Over the past three years, the medicinal effects of Blood Jade Bodhi Fruit have completely disappeared, and Ye Xing's perception has returned to a normal state.

In the beginning, the medicinal effect of the blood jade bodhi fruit also improved Ye Xing's perception by more than ten times. Later, the medicinal effect gradually weakened, and the understanding of Ye Xing became lower and lower. After three years on average, the understanding of Ye Xing Improved about seven times.

These three years are equivalent to 21 years of Ye Xing's retreat.

Although Ye Xing has not been able to completely integrate the three kinds of avenues, but it is not far from success, and Ye Xing already has a certainty in his heart.

Time slowly passed, and another three years passed!

Finally, after countless calculations and practices, the three avenues of darkness, wind, and fire, successfully and steadily merged with the arrow, creating a new archery magical power.

Outside of Xie Yexing, three kinds of heaven and earth vitality converge, and they are truly fused. First, they converge two by two to form three kinds of **** channel arrows, and finally, the three kinds of **** channel arrows converge to form an arrow.

This is a black arrow. The arrows are burning flames. Each flame is spinning rapidly. This arrow contains the true power of the three avenues of darkness, wind and fire, and the three avenues. The true intentions fused together, regardless of each other, produced the effect of one plus one plus one far greater than three.

The arrowhead is centered on Ye Xing, and it is slowly rotating outside the body. From the outside, you can not see how terrible the arrow is, but as the master of the arrow, Ye Xing is very clear.

箭 The power of this arrow is ten times better than the combined power of the three supernatural powers of Fenghuodao, Darkfire Daojian, and Darkwind Daojian.

No matter whether it is a Fenghuodao, a dark firedao, or a dark winddao arrow, it is impossible to kill the four-star true **** with one arrow. However, this arrow outside Ye Xing has full grasp and an arrow shoots out. Even the ten four-star true gods can kill in a single shot.

Ye Xing slowly opened his eyes and lifted his right palm. The magical arrows in his body flew into Ye Xing's palm.

"The spirit star said that the magical powers that contain two kinds of true meaning of the avenue are ordinary magical powers. The magical powers that contain three or more kinds of true meaning of the avenue are great magical powers!"

Ye Xing looked at the black arrow in the palm. "This supernatural arrow is a supernatural power. I have to give it a name. It contains the true meaning of darkness, wind and fire. It is called dark wind and fire." Arrow? No ... too ordinary! "

Ye Xing once practiced a kind of archery called ‘Dark Wind Rocket Technique’. As a great magical power, Ye Xing apparently thinks that ‘Dark Wind Fire Arrow’ is not worthy of this mighty **** ’s channel arrow.

Ye Xing thought for a while and said, "This **** channel arrow, shooting and killing the true **** who has experienced Nirvana seven times, is very easy. If I wait to realize the true meaning of the three roads to the peak, the power of this **** channel arrow is even more powerful. It will be greatly improved, enough to kill all true gods ... Then this arrow is called '称之为 神道 箭'! One arrow is 诛 God, this name is worthy of this supernatural power! "

Smash the Shinto Arrow, Smash the God!

The corners of Ye Xing's mouth were tilted, showing a satisfied smile, and his palms were loose.

Uh ...

At the moment Ye Xing created the 诛 诛 神道 箭, the reincarnation is supreme, and it shocks again!

As a great magical power that fuses the true meanings of the three avenues, Shinto Arrow is naturally extraordinary, and its breath is very different from ordinary magical powers.

The reincarnation disk is the ultimate device of the reincarnation. Anything that happens in the reincarnation is inducted.

Ye Xing created the great magical power, how strong the change of breath is, the reincarnation Supreme certainly sensed it, with a wave of his hand, Ye Xing's picture appeared conveniently in front of him.

"how can that be……!"

The samsara rebirth stared at the ‘shinto arrow’ in Ye Xing ’s palm. His eyes were full of incredible colors. “Great magical power ... did he create a great magical power?”

The sound of reincarnation is extremely shocking.

"I created the great magical power ~ ~ but after nine times of nirvana, I realized the true meaning of the three avenues to the highest level, and he succeeded. At this step, what kind of martial arts qualifications does he have? "

Although Ye Xing was able to create great magical powers so quickly, it is related to the 'blood jade bodhi fruit' and the environment of the reincarnation path space, but this is not the main reason.

The blood jade bodhi fruit, reincarnation disk space, only let Ye Xing realize the great magical power several decades in advance, but even without these two factors, after decades, Ye Xing ’s cultivation in Liu Niu quasi-god will still create This is the most essential essence.

The reincarnation supremely resumed his expression, blinking, hesitation: "Is this seat really misreading him? But his destiny is only five stars and blue lives ..."

As a martial arts supreme, how confident is the reincarnation supreme in himself, he has checked Ye Xing once with the reincarnation pupil, and he will never read it wrong!

Since Reincarnation Supreme does not suspect that he has read wrong, he did not rise up to look at Ye Xing again.

I do not doubt myself and have enough self-confidence, which means that the martial arts heart is as firm as a rock.

However, because of this, the reincarnation no longer looks at Ye Xing, and naturally did not find Ye Xing's destiny. It is no longer five-star blue life, but eight-star blue life.

Although Xun did not doubt that he read correctly, Ye Xing's shock to the reincarnation supreme was still very strong, which made him shake the mind of choosing Taiyin Shengzi as the only son-in-law candidate. [To be continued]

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