Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 1015: Supreme Body

Ye Xing has refined a piece of heavenly shards and also helped Wei Qingxuan find one. _Yawen 8﹍﹍﹏ =-=

As for Wushuang Sword God and Chiba True God, they need the fragments of heaven and can find them by themselves.

The heavenly holy realm is opened every 30,000 years, and each time it is opened for 30 years. For the next 30 years, Ye Xing naturally wants to cultivate the immortal body of the stars and strive for a higher level.

Wei Qingxuan also took ‘Qingxinshenguo’ when he was nirvana seven times, and he kept his consciousness clear when he was nirvana. Naturally, there was no accident in the eighth time.

Nine days later, Wei Qingxuan succeeded in Nirvana and became the true God of Nirvana, standing in the same realm with Ye Xing!

However, Ye Xing was from the peak of the Seventh Nirvana and reached the late stage of the Eighth Nirvana. Wei Qingxuan was from the late stage of the Seventh Stage of Nirvana and reached the middle stage of the Eighth Stage.

Don't underestimate this level. Cultivate yourself to the level of the Eight Lord Nirvana, even if it is an extremely wicked genius, every small step forward takes decades or even hundreds of years!

Wei Qingxuan Xiu broke through, but the Tao in the heavenly shards has not been digested yet, and he must continue to retreat.

Ye Xing also entered the imitation of the Star Hall, and practiced ‘Star Immortal Body’ in retreat. The imitation of the Star Hall shrank to an inch and was carried on the body by Wushuang Sword God.

Wushuang Sword God and Chiba True God continued to wander in the heavenly holy realm, searching for `` Skyway Shards ''. 8-`-= --- · = `

With the strength of both of them, they can have the upper hand in dealing with two ten-star true gods.

In addition, if there is any difficulty, Ye Xing can come out of the imitation of the Star Temple at any time. In this heavenly realm, no one can threaten them, and the two can go to any 6 places to find.


Wei Qingxuan thoroughly refined the Taoist fragments, and realized the 'Tiandao Principles'.

In addition, it is the "Ice Road Law" of the road grade, and its strength is far different than that of the Seven Nirvana gods.

With the power of the Law of the Ice Road, even the ten-star true **** is difficult to be Wei Qingxuan's opponent. I am afraid that only the top true gods who have combined both rules into the magical power can beat Wei Qingxuan.

In the eight times Nirvana cultivation, the strength is naturally inferior to Ye Xing. But in fact, this is already extremely powerful, and I am afraid that only the strongest and supreme can it reach such a level when the Eight Lord Nirvana.

After Wei Qingxuan completely refined the doctrine, he saw Ye Xing practicing in a closed space in the hall. She also continued to retreat and practiced her pupils, the ‘reincarnation pupil’.

The reincarnation pupil has the means of attack ‘light of reincarnation’, which is the supreme technique. Only Wei Qingxuan has the complete blood of the reincarnation, can he practice it. If others reach the limit of true god, he may not practice it.


Wushuang Sword God, Chiba True God, running around in the heavenly realm. Let's go to-=-· After passing one big 6 after another, look for ‘Tiandao Shards’.

The gods besieged Ye Xing, but they were defeated by Ye Xing, and the shooting of nine ten-star true gods has been spread among the gods.

When other gods saw Wushuang Sword God and Chiba True God, they avoided as if they were ghosts and gods, and the process of searching for the heavenly fragments was frank and smooth, without anyone blocking or interfering.

Ye Xing and Wei Qingxuan practice in closed space in the imitation of the Star Hall. Ye Xing cultivates the immortal body. Wei Qingxuan practices reincarnation pupils!

Time is like water.

In the heavenly realm, year after year!

After nearly 20 years of cultivation, Ye Xing has finally made a qualitative breakthrough. Reached the third floor!

The third layer of the immortal body has the same strength as the best soldiers, and it can be compared with the Supreme Body. It is indestructible. Even the Supreme Martial Arts can only be slowly refined. Can't kill quickly.

As for Wei Qingxuan's ‘reincarnation pupils’, a few years before Ye Xing, he broke through to a higher realm, and since then has been practicing and consolidating.

In the twenty-seventh year, the successful Ye Xing and Wei Qingxuan left the space inside the hall.

There is only about three years left to close the heavenly realm. For the Eight Lord Nirvana, three years have passed by with a finger. Ye Xing is hardly able to practice the starry glazes of the stars, or the virtual **** pupil. progress.

Wushuang Sword God and Chiba True God searched in the heavenly realm for 27 years and did not know how many 6 lands had passed, but only in the eighteenth year, they found a piece of heavenly shard.

Two people, a piece of heavenly debris, do not know which one to assign to, so they have been looking for two pieces of heavenly debris, one for each.

But nine years have passed since the first piece of heavenly debris was found, and the second piece has not been obtained.

Since Ye Xing ’s immortal star body has broken through and there is still no qualitative improvement after three years of cultivation, it is better to come out and help find the ‘shards of heaven’.

With the second layer of the broken virtual pupil, you can see the vision of tens of thousands of miles, and the efficiency of searching for heavenly fragments is naturally much higher than Chiba Shinshin and Wushuang Sword God.

Chiba True God, Warriors Sword God, it takes 10 days and a half months to find 6 lands, but Ye Xing can see several 6 lands in one day. The difference in efficiency is dozens of times.

However, at this time, the heavenly realm has been opened for more than twenty years. The gods are scattered in the heavenly realm to find everywhere. I do n’t know which 6 places have been searched for. The debris of heaven is not easy.

Time flies in the process of Ye Xing's four searching for the heavenly debris.

Two years later, in the twenty-ninth year of entering the heavenly realm, Ye Xing finally found another piece of heavenly heaven.

Wushuang Sword God, Chiba True God, look very happy, now they can be a piece of heaven.

The cultivation of the two has reached its limit and cannot be breached anymore. The role of the fragments of heaven on the two is the realization of the laws of heaven.

A month later, the two refined the fragments of heaven, both of them, and the swordless gods of Wushuang not only broke through the first layer to the second layer, but also the sword ascension became extreme, breaking through to the level of the Kendo principle.

The law of kendo ~ ~ is the principle of the avenue, and a level of the law of the arrow. Understanding the law of kendo, the strength of the swordless gods has skyrocketed.

If it weren't for his astrology is only the holy white tiger astrology, based on the laws of Kendo and the strength of Wushuang Sword God, he would have to pass the God of Gan Luo.

But in addition to the rules of Kendo, Wushuang Sword God has also realized the second layer of the rules of waterway. Moreover, the two rules are combined with supernatural powers, and their strength is far superior to Gan Luo Zhenshen.

The strength of the current ‘wan swords returning’ power is almost comparable to Ye Xing ’s great magical power ‘诛 神道 箭’. The strength is no less than that of Ye Xing before the cultivation of the immortal body.

Now Ye Xing cultivates the immortal body of the stars to the third level. The **** body is as strong as the best soldiers, comparable to the Supreme Body. Although the attack is comparable to that of Wushuang Sword God, the **** body is much stronger than Wushuang Sword God. Natural strength is still stable and unparalleled swordsman.

The true **** of Chiba also realized the way of wood to the realm of laws, and his strength has also improved a lot.

In the heavenly sacred realm, it is not easy to find a piece of heavenly shard. This time, all four samsaras have obtained a piece of shard, which is definitely one of the most abundant sacred places in all the holy holy places. (To be continued.)

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