Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 285: I am waiting for you

The core disciples are here for the first time. Seeing these scenes, one by one **** air-conditioning!

"This ... what's going on, that valley, and that ... that valley, like palms?"

Not all the core disciples have heard the legend of the king fighting. Gong Yunxiu, ranked seventh, pointed at the palm-shaped valleys below and said in a terrifying voice.

Those palm-shaped valleys are like someone photographed with the palm of their hands, but these palm-shaped valleys are hundreds of kilometers long and wide. Who can shoot such a large valley?

It's hard to imagine!

"Sister Gong, it is said that there were two kings fighting here. These traces on the ground are legendary that they are the battle trails of the two kings ..."

Ma Ren explained to Gong Xiuyun.

"The battle of the king?" Gong Xiuyun took the air, but the doubt in his eyes was gone.

Such a miracle, I am afraid that only the king's battle, can explain it, no wonder there is such a legend.

Not long after, the Ziyan King Eagle carried the crowd to a huge flat ground, where several people from Zongmen had arrived.

The people of Lingyue Zong have already come one step ahead. Lu Tianyuan let the Purple Flame King Eagle land next to the bird of prey, and he greeted the real person of Lingyue Zong's Xingyue!

"Xingyue live!"

"Tianyuan is real!"

Lu Tianyuan and Leng Xingyue nodded to each other. In Qingyun area, the real person is the strongest standing on the peak of the warrior.

Putting the name of a real person behind the name is a respect for the real person.

If you don't respect each other, naturally you don't need to add a real person's title, just like Lu Tianyuan and Yun Zhankong, they call each other by their first names!

Lu Tianyuan looked at the light curtain at the end of the flat land and said with emotion: "When the Qingyun Ancient Land opens again, I don't know what treasure will be born this time!"

Leng Xingyue smiled. Dao: "Ye Xing, a talented disciple of Guizong, has made another breakthrough. With his combat effectiveness, he should now be fearless of the Eight Star Wu Sheng. It is also a male-level demon. It seems that Guizong was in this time. In the ancient clouds of Qingyun, there is a lot of harvest! "

Although Ye Xing didn't show his cultivation intentionally, but how sharp the real person's eyesight is, he can naturally see his cultivation.

but. If Ye Xing also stepped into the astral realm, and all the stars were converted into astral aura, then the astral aura locked up, unless he took the initiative to reveal the cultivation, it would be difficult for anyone to see his cultivation, unless it is a saint. The above strong.

Lu Tianyuan naturally knew that Ye Xing had become the six-star martial arts saint, but how powerful Ye Xing was, he was not quite sure, Ye Xing had not been revealed.

Only when Ye Xing was in Wuxing Wusheng. In terms of being able to fight across two realms, his strength should not be inferior to the Eight Star Wu Sheng.

Lu Tianyuan grinned, there are many treasures in Qingyun ancient land. But every year, the disciples of the four northern divisions receive most of the benefits.

The six boys are among the top ten disciples of the younger generation. If Ye Xing also reaches this level. It means that Ye Xing can also participate in the battle for the most important treasures, and the benefits obtained are naturally better than in previous years.

Lu Tianyuan said radiantly, "Hehe ... I hope so. I hope so!"

Leng Xingyue said: "In the ancient clouds and clouds, the crisis is perilous. I also ask your master Ye Shaoxia to take care of his disciples!"

When speaking, Leng Xingyue raised his pitch and glanced at Ye Xing.

Although the three main gates of Luoxingzong, Lingyuezong and Feiyunzong are alliances and belong to the same faction, it is not uncommon to enter the Qingyun ancient land with their disciples because of their treasures, not to mention different sects. Disciples between the doors.

Fifteen years ago, in order to **** the chance of being a real person, Hua Tianyu shot and killed Ling Lanzong's disciple Zi Lan and cut off Hua Tianfeng's feet. Moreover, Hua Tianfeng reconciled not only with his disciples, but also with justice. Brother Yiyi!

Lu Tianyuan patted Ye Xing's shoulder and said to Leng Xingyue: "He will!"

At noon, the ban on Qingyun Ancient Land will be opened, and there is not much time left.

Shortly after the arrival of the Luo Xingzong people, there were other sects, one after another.

After the Dongfu Zongwu warriors arrived, both the real elders and Wusheng disciples looked at the Luoxingzong people with strong hatred.

Especially Ye Xing, he felt many eyes locked on his body. One of them was very strong, moving like a sharp blade across Ye Xing's body.

Ye Xing looked down his eyes. The owner of his eyes was a young man in his early twenties, wearing a blue and black gown, and a sevenfold repair of the Xing Xuan Jing.

Ye Xing immediately turned on the super brain scan, and there was a yellow destiny fire in the other's mind, divided into three clusters.

Qixing Wusheng, Samsung Huang Ming, Ye Xing knew the identity of this person instantly, the first disciple of Dong Fuzong-letter of Watanabe!

Watanabe Shinto, the first genius in Dongfuzong's history, not only has a high level of cultivation talent, but also a strong martial arts talent, and has the ability to challenge beyond the ranks!

He is the only disciple among the six disciples in the south who can compare with the talents of the four most outstanding descendants in the north. He is one of the six strongest disciples in the ten disciples!

His title is-Watanabe!

Seeing Ye Xing come over, Watanabe's lips moved. Although he didn't say a word, Ye Xing could tell by the shape of his mouth what the other party said.

"Waste! I will break your body in Qingyun Ancient Land!"

At the corner of Ye Xing's mouth, a faint smile appeared, and he also said nothing: "I'm waiting for you!"


Watanabe's breath suddenly rose and became extremely sharp. He wanted to see the fear in Ye Xing's eyes, but he was disappointed. Ye Xing did not have the slightest fear, and what he said did not convince him. Put it in your eyes.

Watanabe's lips continued to move: "Waste! You will die terribly!"

Ye Xing's eyes narrowed for a moment, he no longer responded, but a slight radian of the corner of his mouth, his words had been finished, waiting for his Watanabe son, will not say again!

Soon after the Dongfu Zongwu warrior arrived, the Feiyun Zong warrior also arrived, standing on the other side of the Lingyue Zong, separated from the Luo Xingzong.

In addition, after the cloud exhibition was empty, he only greeted the Lord Lingyue and ignored the people who fell under the Star Sect.

Luo Xingzong is the first of the three trials. Ye Xing is the commander of the three disciples in the Qingyun ancient land. When Fei Yunzong arrives, he should take the initiative to greet Luo Xingzong.

Lu Tianyuan snorted softly. Yun Zhankong didn't put Luo Xingzong in his eyes, and he would not take the hot face and paste the cold **** on others.

Ignore it anyway, anyway, Lu Tianyuan has decided that this time after Qingyun Ancient Land, Luo Xingzong and Fei Yunzong parted ways and went their separate ways.

On the vast flat ground, the six major gates in the south are clearly divided into two camps.

The warriors of the three main gates of Luoxingzong, Lingyuezong and Feiyunzong stood on the side.

The warriors of the three main gates of Dongfuzong, Shenfengzong and Bloodyzong are on the other side.

The warriors of the two camps, looking at each other, revealed unfriendly eyes.

As for the warriors of the four northern gates, they have not yet arrived. Until the midday of the day of travel, noon, the warriors of the four northern gates arrived at the same time.

The warriors of the Four Sects came from different directions. Obviously, they were not intentionally agreed, but because the more they came, the more weight they showed. Together, waiting for several others.

Of course, there is a limit to the display. If the ban on Qingyun's ancient land has been opened and has not yet appeared, then it will be said that there is no concept of time and it is a joke.

So, when the ban on Qingyun Ancient Land was about to open, they appeared at the same time.

As soon as the warriors of the four sects gates appeared, four torrential weathers came over them. UU Reading at

Like the six southern sects, the real elders who escorted the disciples from the door had four members each. However, the truth of the four northern sects is higher.

Among the four elders, the highest ones are all five-star real people, and the remaining three are all three-star real people, some are one four-star real people, and two three-star real people.

In the six cases in the south, all the real people are junior real people, and there are very few Samsung real people. In the six cases in the north, the lowest real people are also Samsung real people, and nearly half are intermediate real people.

The gap between Zongmen's strength in the north and south of the Qingyun Mountains is obvious!


Second more! !! The arrow **** was burst two daisies, tears for a monthly ticket! !! (Want to know more exciting news of "The Extreme Arrow God?" Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign at the top right, select Add Friends to add the public number, search for "", follow the public number, and never miss every time Update!) (To be continued ...)


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