Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 638: 9 Tenjin Games

The turtle said with a grin and said, "It ’s the same. My master used a big break at the time, but he did n’t want the Star Hall to fall into the hands of Xinghe. Homeland can only linger on alien continents. "

After a pause, the turtle said, "My host ’s last wish is to bury his homeland. Ye Xing, if one day your strength reaches the limit of the star continent, you can go to Xingyue continent and bury my host in Homeland, he wished. "

Ye Xing converged casually, with a serious expression, and nodded, "I will do it."

The turtle man got up and said, "Ye Xing, I believe you will do it. Sooner or later, there will be a day when you come. I will take you to a place."

Ye Xing got up and followed the turtle.

Where the Guigong passed, the void walls evaded, taking Ye Xing tow around, and came to a loft.

There is actually a loft in the Star Hall, which is indeed strange.

However, the space inside the Star Hall is already large, let alone a loft, even a large mountain can be installed.

The turtle man pointed to the attic in front and said, "This is the 'Xuanwu Hall'. It has four floors. It contains the mysterious basalts obtained by my master. The third layer is Xuan grade top grade, and the fourth layer is Xuan grade top grade.

Originally, the Xuanwu Palace had to wait for you to complete the trial of the King's Realm and open it to you after taking full control of the Star Palace, but I am very optimistic about you. Learning more martial arts to defend yourself can improve your survival rate.

You do n’t have complete control of the Star Hall right now, but do n’t face the danger of life and death. Use 'Big Breaker' to go to other continents and never come back. So, you have to be as strong as possible. The stronger the better. . "

Ye Xing looked at the Xuanwu Hall in front, his eyes brightened. Said happily: "Muanxuan martial arts in the Xuanwu Palace, let me watch, let me cultivate?"

Gui Gong nodded and said, "You can watch it, you can practice it, but there is a small requirement. To practice martial arts step by step, to learn a kind of martial arts, you must cultivate this martial arts to a supernatural state. In order to enhance your integration with weapons, you can integrate humans and weapons as soon as possible.

Ye Xing knew the will of martial arts. This was the martial arts will that could be realized only after the warrior and weapon reached the unity of human and weaponry.

For example, the combination of man and sword can realize the meaning of sword, and the combination of man and gun can realize the meaning of gun.

What kind of weapon is used, what type of martial arts will be manifested, if you are good at boxing and kung fu. Weapons are gloves, so it is called boxing.

On the continent of stars, only a few kings can comprehend martial arts.

Ye Xing was surprised: "Cultivate martial arts into the realm. Can it enhance the integration of people and weapons and speed up the realization of martial arts?"

This is the first time he has heard.

Gui Gong nodded and said, "Yes, the higher the martial arts attainment. The higher the degree of integration between you and weapons, the more you can cultivate Xuan-level martial arts into the realm, and you will be able to integrate human and weaponry. Become a weapon master and realize martial arts Opportunities increase. "

Ye Xing ’s practice of martial arts has a huge advantage over other martial arts. He has always practiced martial arts, and he has to cultivate to the realm. Therefore, he feels more and more familiar with weapons. See There are faint signs of becoming a weapon master.

Becoming a master of weapons, unity of man and weapon, represents the pinnacle of skills. There is no need to be constrained by moves. Any martial arts, as long as the internal skills and mental methods are practiced, the moves are arbitrary, even if they are just a strike, they have the power of a trick.

In other words, as soon as the master of the weapon fires, martial arts is in a state of insanity.

Ye Xing somewhat understood why refining martial arts into the realm would enhance the degree of integration between humans and weapons, because the masters of weapons and the magical are very similar.

Ye Xingdao: "Okay, I will first cultivate the low-grade basalt to the realm, and then practice the high-grade basalt and high-grade basalt, one layer at a time."

Gui Gong smiled slightly and pointed to the right of 'Xuanwu Palace', saying: "The right side of Xuanwu Palace is 'Lianwu Palace'. Entering it will be the same as conducting trials. You will meet increasingly stronger opponents and you can fight in battle. Cultivate martial arts and speed up the promotion of martial arts attainment. This was originally to be opened after you completed the trial of the king. Now you have opened the 'Xuanwu Hall', this 'Lianwu Hall' is also open, hello Cultivation, when do you feel better before leaving. "

There are basalt practice and the goal of companionship. This is an absolute condition.

Ye Xing was overjoyed and said, "Thank you Gong."

Turtle justice: "You practice in Xuanwu Palace and Lianwu Palace, don't run around in other places."

After all, the turtle's figure flickered and disappeared.

Ye Xing looked at the 'Xuanwu Hall' in front of him, and looked at the 'Lianwu Hall' next to him, with a smile on his face, and said, "Okay, the Xingchen Hall is extremely safe. I just came to the retreat to practice martial arts. In the second place, I have a large number of "Zhou Jihua", which is just to improve the cultivation, to see what kind of cultivation I can achieve with those hundreds of Zhou Jihua. "

Ye Xing entered the 'Xuanwu Hall'. The space inside was very wide. There were only four rows of bookshelves. On each of them, there were twenty or thirty secret books.

Ye Xing can't practice all the inferior basalts. That's too difficult. He is good at archery, cultivating arrows, and practicing gun skills and boxing at the same time. Therefore, Ye Xing's purpose is clear, a secret of archery, A book of gun skills, a book of boxing skills.

In addition, the Xuan level of light-handedness is also essential.

Archery Secrets, Gun Art Secrets, Boxing Secrets ~ ~ plus light work secrets, Ye Xing only needs to find four suitable subordinate basalt studies.

There are only two types of archeological secrets in the hundreds of sublime basalt secrets. One is ‘Flame Relentless Arrows’, and the other is ‘Golden Lightning Soul Arrow’. Ye Xing chose the fire ’s Relentless Arrows.

There are more secret guns. There are a total of six books. Ye Xing chose the ‘Shadowless Killing Gun Tip’ of the wind attribute. This gun tip is similar to the sharp wind method, and it should be easy to practice.

Boxing secrets, more than the gun skills, a total of eight, Ye Xing chose the dark attribute of the "Dark Soul Soul Boxing", Ye Xing's gloves are dark attributes of the dark pattern gloves, and dark attributes martial arts More matching.

As for the light exercise secrets, there are ten books in total. Ye Xing chose a secret exercise called “Nine Heavens God Tour”. Seeing the introduction, Nine Heavens God Tour is a kind of mysterious light exercise method. It is divided into four volumes. Volume, which is equivalent to mysterious inferior grade.

In the nine days of divine arts, a **** character was brought, which is obviously an extraordinary light exercise. (To be continued ...)

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