Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 687: News from North Oasis

The annihilation of a top-class empire is definitely a big chalk sensation that has stirred the entire continent of stars.

Not long after, the weird events of North Youzhou spread across the five continents. It was a monster that could overwhelm an empire and **** warriors into skulls of skulls. It was too scary.

Fortunately, although these green hair monsters are powerful, they are still not as powerful as the king.

After being chased by the king, the green fur monster in North Youzhou gradually disappeared.

However, the wounds left by the green hair monsters are deeply imprinted in the hearts of every warrior. North Youzhou is not only overwhelmed by the ice pole empire, but also several Chinese and lower quality empires have also been washed by the green hair monsters.

In December 10006, the Great Lunar Calendar, this was a tragic time in human history. The tragedy of North Youzhou will be remembered in history and passed on to the world, and to be vigilant for future generations.

The Dark Star Sect has weak control over the North Oasis, but also learned about the North Oasis a few days later. At this time, the year is near, and the Dark Star Sect also sent a king team to the North Oasis to hunt down the green. Hairy monsters are natural enemies of human race.

The time soon came to 10007 in the Chinese calendar, and Ye Xing was twenty-two years old.

The Dark King Sect's king team returned from the North Oasis and brought news about the green hair monster.

Zuo Xingshi Mansion.

King Heibiao came to the residence of Ye Xing and Wei Qingxuan, and the three sat down in the courtyard.

King Heibiao said: "The king's team that returned to North Youzhou from Benjia has finally come to understand what these green-haired monsters are and where they come from."

The green hairy monster can **** human warriors into chalk human skulls. It is the public enemy of human race. After learning about the news, Ye Xing has been watching the news of North Youzhou.

Ye Xing asked, "What is it?"

King Heibiao said: "In the history of the star continent, there have been green hair monster invasions, but the latest one was more than 13,000 years ago, so very few warriors are known.

I have been teaching the Dark Star for more than a thousand years, and I do n’t know about it. The king team who traveled to North Youzhou asked some ancient family members of the chalk family to find out that these green hair monsters are black from the extreme north end of the star continent. From the sea of ​​prison.

It is said that in the depths of the Black Prison Sea, the space is very unstable. Space cracks often appear, and sometimes the space cracks connect to other worlds. These green hair monsters come from another world. "

There are countless martial art families on the star continent. Some martial art families may not be very powerful, but they have a long tradition. Some ancient families have been passed down for more than 10,000 years, and they are even older than the Yuan dynasty. Some even passed on for tens of thousands of years. Dynasties.

These ancient families have the best understanding of the history of the star continent. The history of the chalk family in their family is more than 10,000 years and tens of thousands of years. Although they mainly record the history of the family chalk family, there are some big chalk things in human history. They will also record.

The time when the green hair monsters invaded once was too long. There are more than 10,000 years. Some martial arts forces that have passed down for thousands of years have never heard of it. It is normal.

"From another world?"

Ye Xing frowned, and said, "That is to say, I still don't know what these green hair monsters are? What about the situation in North Youzhou, have these green hair monsters been killed?"

King Heibiao shook his head and said, "These green hair monsters are very sensitive to the breath of human warriors. They can distinguish the cultivation of human warriors. As soon as the king appears, they can know that they are far away. There are very few green-haired monsters killed by the king. Most of them have escaped to the sea of ​​black prison, and they can come out to harm the world at any time. This is a great hidden danger for human beings. "

Xie Yexing said: "Then kill the sea of ​​Hell and find them all. If they are not all removed, how many humans will suffer if they come out?"

Hei Biao Wang said: "The sea of ​​black prison, the space is chaotic, is the king's restricted area. Only when the space inside is destroyed, the king can enter, but the space destruction is not a good thing.

This means that the space cracks in the depths of the Black Prison Sea are wide enough to allow the existence of the king level to pass, then the invading aliens are not the level of green hair monsters.

According to an ancient family that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, there is a kind of green-haired monster that is much stronger than green-haired monsters and has the same strength as a king. If a green-haired monster invades, even the king may be sucked into a chalk human skull. .

One hundred thousand years ago, there was a green hair monster invasion, which swept the entire star continent, and even the kings fell down. Finally, a **** came to the world and expelled the green hair monster. Only then did the star continent be controlled by humans again. "

Ye Xing took a breath of air, and all the humans on the star continent were slaughtered. Even the king was not spared. What a tragedy?

He is simply the end of the day.

Ye Xingdao: "What to do? You ca n’t keep the green hair monster lurking in the sea of ​​the black prison. The king ca n’t always be waiting outside the sea of ​​the black prison. And since the sea of ​​the black prison is called the sea, the scope should not be Little, how many kings can you keep? "

King Heibiao nodded and said, "Of course I can't keep it, so it is necessary to destroy these green hair monsters. The chaotic space of the sea of ​​black prison is like a huge net.

The strength of the king is too strong ~ ~ Once the strength is used, it will exceed the net hole of this net and will be trapped by this net. Captivity, this is the origin of the name of the sea of ​​black prison.

However, even if the power of His Holiness explodes to the limit, it will not exceed the net hole of this net, just like a small fish can shuttle in a large net, His Holiness can also freely shoot in the sea of ​​black prison.

Therefore, any entry into the sea of ​​black prison to kill the green hair monster can only be completed by the lord, but the general lord has a dead end in the face of the green hair monster.

At least you must have the existence of the Lord to be able to compete. If you want to kill the green hair monster, the existence of the Lord must also join the chalk team, otherwise there is a danger of death. "

When Ye Xing looked, she was a little excited and said, "Since the King of Black Prison can't enter, then I can also enter to kill the green hair monster?"

King Heibiao nodded: "Yes, and killing green hair monsters has the same benefit. Although they are humanoid, their body structure is different from that of humans. There are no internal organs in the body, and the heart is a corpse jade that supports them. Source of strength ...! "

Ye Xing was surprised and said, "Dead Jade?"

Heibiao Wangdao said: "Yes, it is the corpse jade, which is no different from the corpse jade of the Heavenly Corps Mountains, but more advanced, the corpse jade in the green hair monster is very effective for the cultivation of the Lord of the Astral Realm. If you can The prison jail will kill some green hair monsters, and the corpse jade obtained will be the treasure of cultivation. "(To be continued." This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 我 爱 小娃 t "If you like this work, you are welcome Come and vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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