Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 693: Inducing Necromancer


Although Lin Nansheng did not agree that Ye Xing was in danger alone, Ye Xing persuaded Zhuo Zhenghai to go to the previously discovered island.

Ye Xing flew in the air hundreds of meters above the sea, and soon reached the previously discovered island before landing at the center of the island.

An island with a radius of hundreds of miles is like a small continent. Even if Ye Xing opened the eyes of the martial arts sky and looked far away, he could not see the edge of the island in the center of the island.

The central area of ​​the island is a wild mountain. Ye Xing found a relatively gentle valley in the mountains, sat cross-legged, repaired the atmosphere, and quietly waited for the green hair dead to come to his death.

Hundreds of miles away, Ye Xing was alone, and Ye Xing also deliberately repaired it. The nearby green hair necromancy naturally could sense Ye Xing's breath.

A six-star Venerable, many of the Green Haired Necromancers who have the same strength as the Lord, think that they can **** Ye Xing by themselves, and of course they will not miss this opportunity.

The green hairy dead soul hidden in the sea sensed Ye Xing's breath, just like a shark smelling blood, converging towards Ye Xing's location.

After a while, there were some green hairy dead spirits who came to the island where Ye Xing was located.

In addition, not only a team of green hairy dead spirits, but also the island's east and west directions, there are green hairy dead spirits coming out of the sea.

The number of green hairy necropolises on the west side is about twenty. Although most of them are honorable, they are equivalent to the Lord.

One of the teams was the team that had attacked the tenth team. Two green hairy dead spirits were killed. This green hairy dead spirit remembers Ye Xing's breath, and the green eyes flashed a violent taste.

The green hairy dead spirits fly fast, they have the ability to fly, and soon rushed to the center of the island.

Ye Xing is always sensing all around, naturally knowing that a lot of green hair dead spirits have arrived, and the corners of his mouth are slightly tilted.

The green hair necromancy team on the east arrived first.

Within a few hundred miles. Ye Xing, a six-star lord, is lonely in the middle of the island, which makes the green hair dead spirits feel a little surprised.

The green hair necroms are also very cunning, and not all of them rushed up to their ranks. Each has a leader, which is equivalent to the strength of Lord Jiuxing. He waved his hand, and a green hairy soul equivalent to Lord Qixing rushed to Ye Xing.

Ye Xing immediately stood up, and Zhong Pin Xuan Bing Lie Yan Xuan Gun appeared in his hand.

Green Hair Necro's body is very strong. You must use sharp weapons to break open their bodies and dig out the corpses.

If you use archery, of course, the penetrating power of the arrows is sufficient, but it is not flexible enough. It is easy to shoot the corpse jade, but it is not possible to shoot the corpse jade.

With the spear in hand, you can pick out the corpse jade with a stab.

Of course, Ye Xing turned into a dragon. With the sharp claws of the dragon, it is also possible to break through the green hair dead body and grab the corpse jade, but at the beginning Ye Xing did not want to show too much power against the sky, lest these green hair dead spirits be scared away before they come .

嗖 ——

It is equivalent to the green hair necromancer of the seven-star lord, and the speed is fast, such as the same light and shadow directly rushed to Ye Xing.

Relying on their sturdy bodies, they are powerful, and they do n’t have many skills to attack. It is very effective, it cannot be resisted at all, it can be crushed in the blink of an eye, and it dries up the flesh.

But Ye Xing's strength. But much more powerful than the Seven Stars.

Even though Ye Xing didn't even use the astrology, just as a master of martial arts, the power of martial arts is not comparable to that of the Seven Star Lords.

嘭 ——!

Lie Yanxuan shot out with a single shot, and the green hair necromancer who rushed over was hit straight, and lay directly on the ground.

If it is the master of the Seven Stars, the warrior. Ye Xing could hit it with a single shot. However, Green Hair Undead took such a shot without any incident. He crawled up and jumped away like lightning, with green eyes staring far away. Ye Xing, some dreads.

In the distance, the leader of the green hair necromancer equivalent to the Lord of the Nine Stars saw this. With a wave of his hand, two more green hair necromancers rushed out. The strength was stronger than the previous Green Hair Necromancer, and they all had the Eight Star Lord Strength.

Huh! Huh!

It is equivalent to the green hair necromancer of the Eight-Star Lord, faster and more powerful.

clang! clang!

The Lieyan mystery waved and blocked the two green hair dead spirits. Ye Xing's gun art was very mysterious and very mysterious. The two green hairy dead spirits were fast enough, but they were still hit by Right.

Just by the combination of a human gun, it is easy to block the two green hairy dead spirits, and it is impossible to hit the fly. Instantly, the two green hairy dead spirits rushed up again.

Lie Yan Xuan Gun pulled out, screamed, and blocked two dead green hair dead spirits.

It is equivalent to the leader of the Lord of the Nine Stars seeing this, confirming that no other warriors are hidden except Ye Xing. With a wave of his hand, all the green hair dead spirits rushed up.

Black hole astrology!

Flame astrology!

Two starlights rose from the heart of Ye Xing's eyebrow, and Ye Xing used two kinds of astrology at the same time.

The flame astrology made Ye Xing's strength soar, and the black hole astrology descended into the dark world and shrouded the four sides.

The darkness in the realm of death is extremely dark. The dead spirits are natural dark races, and the dark world cannot affect them. However, in the dark world, Ye Xing is more sensitive to the senses. Everything around him is as clear as heart and clearer than his eyes.

Even if the entire team of green hair dead spirits rushed up, including the existence of the Lord of the Nine Stars, Lie Yan Xuan Gun waving in Ye Xing's hands, also blocked all attacks.

All the Green Haired Necromancers were secretly surprised that a six-star lord had such powerful strength that this was the first time they had encountered such an evil human being.

At this time, the west dead team also came to the center of the island.

This Necromancer team, but knowing that Ye Xing's strength is not weaker than Jiuxing Lord, seeing Ye Xing alone and a team of green hair necromancers do not fall, the newly arrived Necromancer leader waved his arm, also Charged with all the green hairy dead spirits.

In an instant ~ ~ The number of green hair dead spirits besieging Ye Xing reached nearly forty, of which, equivalent to two of the Lord of the nine stars and four of the Lord of the eight stars ...

Even if Ye Xie ’s guns in the hands of Yan Xing kept flying, and the art of performing the guns was very difficult, it would be difficult to resist so many siege of green hair.

"it's time!"

When Ye Xing's heart moved, he sacrificed himself.

Dacheng's four-level matrix method was instantly excited, forming a mask covering the squares, covering all the green hair dead spirits.

Green Hair Necromancers were shocked when they saw the sudden formation of bans. They recognize that this is the formation of humans, the thing they are most afraid of, trapped in it. If the main force of the human warrior arrives, they will Became the lingering sorrow.

"You must kill this human immediately and break the formation as soon as possible!"

All the green hair necroms have only one thought in their minds, and the attacks are crazy. (To be continued.)

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