Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 765: Youth in purple

The dark star continent has many five-star families and four-star families.

The disciples of the four-star and five-star families are not inferior in blood genius, and the Dark Star Temple has a limited number of recruits. They can become disciples of the Dark Star Temple, or at least the king of Xinghai.

Ye Xing is only the Lord of the Nine Stars. The young man in black reacted instantly. Ye Xing was a disciple from the middle continent.

When the young man in black looked at Ye Xing, Ye Xing also looked at the other side and nodded slightly: "Have seen my brother!"

The young man in black smiled and said, "Are you a disciple of Tenth Peak?"

Ye Xing nodded and asked: "Brother ...?"

The young man in black said: "The seventh peak is extraordinary."

The seventh peak of the outer door, disciple Zhuo, Ye Xing instinctively thought of Zhuo Hongyuan, the founder of Dark Star Education.

Ye Xing smiled slightly and pointed to Zhuo Feifan: "Master Ye Xing, don't mind if I see you by your side!"

Zhuo Feifan was sitting on a piece of bluestone. According to Ye Xing's observation, this piece of bluestone is facing the jade wall of the Arrow Road, and it should be the best place for understanding on this side of the peak.

This piece of bluestone is large enough for two people to sit down and have more than enough to comprehend martial arts. The difference is also a long delay. Of course, with such a good position, Ye Xing will certainly not miss it.

The words to Zhuo Feifan are only polite greetings, and even if Zhuo Feifan disagrees, he will still come to understand.

Zhuo Feifan said: "It's not mine here, as long as you don't bomb me away, you can go wherever you want to go. I have nothing to mind."

"Thank you ...!" Ye Xing sat down beside Zhuo Feifan.

Zhuo Feifan nodded slightly to Ye Xing next to him, then turned to look at the arrow wall and Yubi several miles away, converged, and calmly realized.

Ye Xing quickly calmed down and looked at the jade wall of Jiandao Road and observed carefully.

At the beginning. On the smooth mountain wall, nothing changed, but as Ye Xing's spirit became more and more concentrated, his mind was devoted to the arrow wall, and Ye Xing finally saw some light and shadow from the smooth mountain wall.

In Ye Xing's sight, the mountain wall is no longer a mountain wall. The starry sky had turned into a vast sky in front of them, and a huge bow of light and shadow appeared and shot an arrow.

call out--

The arrows were off the string, and the starry sky was instantly shuttled, and I saw layers of space barriers that were penetrated by the arrows.

This arrow does not seem to be flying in one space, but shot through many spaces.

Ye Xing's heart felt a dreadful arrow!

Although Ye Xing shot arrows. It can also break the void, and temporarily eject the void into a void. However, this still belongs to the same space. No matter how strong and fast the arrow he shoots, it is far from destroying the essence of this space.

The arrow that Ye Xing just saw penetrated multiple spaces, which has exceeded the distance. It is like shooting an arrow on the dark star continent, but as a result, it penetrated the space of the dark star continent. It penetrated the space of Xingyue Continent and flew to Xingchen Continent ...

A single arrow can shoot through the space of the starry continent and shoot targets in other starry continents. What kind of archery is this?

Think of it is scary.

Ye Xing's eyes widened, he looked at the front carefully and focused. All the spirits were thrown into the jade wall.

After a short while, the light and shadow of the **** bow in that starry sky reappeared. An arrow shot again, penetrating several spaces, and the space barrier was attacked by the arrows. It's broken like a mirror.

The picture quickly faded away. The accomplishment of that arrow was too high. Ye Xing just felt strong and terrible, and had little understanding. He continued to watch the arrow wall and focus on the jade wall, until the picture of the archery light shadow archery appeared again.

So again and again.

Ye Xing watched it hundreds of times in a row, and finally, he suddenly realized that he suddenly closed his eyes. The image of the arrow kept popping up in his mind. Ye Xing closed his eyes and meditated, trying to capture that point. Aura, thoroughly understand.

Aside, Zhuo extraordinary glance looked at Ye Xing again, his eyes were surprised.

Although Zhuo Feifan is only the two-star king, he is a ring gear at the seventh peak. The master of the seventh peak also divides the elite disciples of the seventh peak into three levels. Zhuo Feifan ranks first.

The martial arts level of the Dark Star continent is much higher than that of the medium continent. Therefore, the disciples of the first to ninth peaks, whether they are cultivation or strength, must be a bit higher than the tenth peak.

Zhuo Feifan can be ranked at the first level in the seventh peak. It is conceivable that his strength is at least the level of a four-star king, but his cultivation is the duality of the Xinghai Realm, which shows that he is a demon-level genius. .

He is indeed a genius, and Zhuo Feifan is also very confident, but he came here earlier than Ye Xing, and learned the arrow wall and jade wall longer than Ye Xing, but the result was that Ye Xing had gained something, and he had begun to meditate and gain.

This means that Ye Xing's understanding on the arrow is better than that of Zhuo extraordinary.

A disciple from the middle continent is only Jiu Xing's Lord, but he has such anti-natural understanding, Zhuo Feifan was naturally surprised, and he suddenly looked a lot higher at Ye Xing.

As an evil genius, Zhuo Feifan has pride in his heart and won't easily give up. Turning his eyes to Yubi, the arrow road, he is even more determined to stay behind Ye Xing.

However, it is not easy to gain something. It took a full day for Zhuo Fei to realize, and then closed my eyes and entered a state of meditation.

Time passed in silence, and days passed quickly.

These days, there are disciples who practice Arrow every day. They who come here and come here basically have extraordinary eyesight. When I look at it, I naturally know that Ye Xing and Zhuo Feifan are in the best position. Enlightenment.

However, Ye Xingyi and Zhuo Feifan have already taken possession of it, and Wu Daofeng is prohibited from taking action within the scope of the Dao Feng. The latecomer can only choose some other positions and watch the jade wall of the arrow for understanding.

The fourth day ...

A latecomer is a little special ~ ~ His cultivation is for the outside. He is a Samsung peak king in purple clothes. When he came to this side to watch for a while, he went directly to Ye Xing and Zhuo Feifan. Before that piece of bluestone.

The young man in purple with a look of arrogance on his face, his eyes fell on Ye Xing, and said lightly: "The ants in the starry realm, roll away!"

On the side of the peak, the disciples who came to Yubi's Jiandao Road looked at the young man in purple.

Among the latecomers, there are two-star kings and three-star kings. They are not low in cultivation, but they have not grabbed a strong position. This young man in purple is the first and naturally noticeable.

"It's Xue Ziyi!"

The warriors on the side of the peak, there are disciples from various peaks outside the gate, and some people recognize the identity of this young man in purple.

Xue Ziyi, a disciple of First Peak, ranks at the first level and has the strength of a four-star king. (To be continued.)

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