Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1025: 澹台 血沉

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"I did not expect that there would be so many Lingji stones in the Dayan world. Even in the Shenhe civilization, it is difficult to see so many Lingji stones. Moreover, there is even a Lingji stone turned into a human shape. It can be used as a material for refining artifacts! "After staring at Shi Ji monster, Xing Kuang Shengjun showed a smile of satisfaction.

The stark sage monarch is a prince of the demon class, reaching the ninth level of the good fortune. It is only weaker than the original king of the king of the king, but it is still extremely powerful. It is not a martial art under the ninth level of the good fortune. Imagine.

Called invincible under the gods!

The Xingkang Shengjun is like a monster composed of half-humans and half-beasts, with a pair of long horns on his head, facing the sky straight, more than one meter long.

The eyes of Xingkang Shengjun are red and **** like blood, and at first glance, people will form the scene of corpse mountains, blood sea, and Sen Luo hell!

The height of Xingkang Shengjun is as high as five meters. In the eyes of a normal warrior, he can be regarded as a giant. The blood of Xingkang Shengjun's whole body can be seen clearly, and his heart is beating constantly.

The Sky Demon Clan also belongs to the higher human race. They are characterized by their very strong physiques. The creatures of each Sky Demon Clan are born with divine power, powerful and unimaginable. Their power can fly to the sky and smash the stars!

In the words of Xingkang Shengjun, he did not conceal his thoughts of wanting to get Lingji Stone, and the materials for refining the sub-artifact were also rare in the Shenhe civilization.

Shi Ji Yao was standing there quietly at the moment, without any look fluctuation caused by the words of Xingkang Shengjun, but watching the Xingkang Shengjun quietly.

The current revision of Shi Ji Yaohou has reached the fifth level of the realm of creation, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the star mad saint, so Shi Ji Yao is waiting for the opportunity.

"Hum! Don't you want to escape?"

Xingkang Shengjun seemed to see through the thoughts of Shi Ji Yao, and instantly turned into an afterimage, appeared in front of Shi Ji Yao, and suddenly appeared in his hands a stick-shaped soldier with a strange pattern on his body, facing Shi Ji. The demon's abdomen waved quickly.


The long stick attacked the abdomen of Shi Ji demon with a breaking wind, and a spark was generated. The whole body of Shi Ji demon flew horizontally and disappeared when it landed on the ground.

"It was okay for me to use such a powerful weapon from the supreme imperial class warrior, and it was nothing but a billion-year-old spirit rock!" Star Kuang Shengjun laughed.

Regarding the submergence of the monster Shi Ji, the Xingkang Shengjun did not care at all. In the face of absolute strength, any method would fail.

The Xingkang Shengjun held the exorcist stick and silently chanted the spell. The exorcist stick became immensely huge in an instant, just like a pillar of great sky, plunging into the sky.


The star mad saint simply spit out a word, and the exorcist stick fell down very fast. It even started to burn in the air, destroying the power of heaven and earth, and fell towards this side of the plain!


The entire earth is shaking, and countless spirit rocks are instantly turned into powder, leaving a 10,000-meter deep pit on the ground that matches the shape of the exorcist stick. A large amount of dust is scattered in the air and directly shaken by the stark sage king Go away.

The weight of the exorcist stick reached 5.863.5 million kilograms. It is extremely heavy, and even if it is gently placed on the ground, it will quickly fall toward the ground.

However, it is such a heavyweight weapon, but it is wielded at will in the hands of the star mad saint, without any difficulty at all!


The exorcising stick smashed to the ground again, and the power of the shock spread to hundreds of thousands of miles. The other souls and warriors on this continent felt this powerful force and were shocked! What kind of power is there in such a terrible power?

Shi Ji Yao dived into the ground thousands of miles away, and then there was rolling magma.

For the King of Stars, thousands of miles of strata are nothing at all.

The star mad saint priest sacrificed the exorcist stick, and the stratum was as unbearable as paper skin, instantly broken!

The stone monster demon stood deep in the ground and sacrificed a circle of beads, like holding a star and throwing it upward.

Jiezhu flew out of the ground, forming an enchantment, inhaling the stark mad prince.

The Xingkang Shengjun looked at the surrounding scenes, and saw that the earth was broken, the rivers were cut off, the peaks were collapsed, all the volcanic magma had drained, and solidified into black rocks.

"Jiezhu? Hum, even if it is the Supreme Emperor, how long can it trap me?"

Star Kuang Shengjun lifted his arm, swung down with a stick, and vibrated.


A crack appeared on the surface of the bead!

"It's awesome, it's worthy of being a prince!"

Shi Ji Yao also has great opportunities in Fengshen Relic, repairing to get a rapid promotion. Moreover, after conceiving a magic fetus, she obviously felt that her cultivation speed has become much faster, her strength has become stronger, and she is faint, with a certain power of destruction.

If not, she would not have been entangled with a princely existence for so long.

In the dirt, the speed of the stone demon emperor is faster than that of many creatures in the realm of creation, and it is also a divine stone constitution, which is called an immortal body.

But the difference between them was so great that she wanted to escape if she wanted to escape.

The Shi Ji demon calculated a lot, the world beads absolutely can't trap the star mad Saint, at most a quarter of an hour, it will be broken open, when the time of Shi Ji demon can not escape.

It is impossible for the Queen of Stone Ji to escape from here, unless she can reach the teleportation position instantly and go to the heaven, otherwise even if the Queen of Stone Ji now flees, the Saint-King Saint will soon catch up, when the stone is enough Ji Yao later lost the protection of Lingji Stone Layer and was arrested instantly.

Over time, the fissures on the bead became more and more, and it seemed to be broken.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour arrived, the entire Jiezhu was completely shattered and was broken into hundreds of fragments. Jiezhu had no effect on the Star-King Saint.

The Xingkang Shengjun appeared on the Lingji Stone Plain again. After looking through the layers of Lingji Stone, looking at the Shi Ji Demon below, his mouth slightly raised, and a sneer appeared.

"Huh! Just a hard rock!"

The Xingkang Shengjun simply does not give Shi Ji the demon the time to think, and intends to use his true monarch power. With a wave of the arm, the body stick waved again.

The entire plain was constantly shaking, and a powerful force directly attacked the body of the Queen of Stone Demon through the Lingji stone layer.


After the monster Ji Ji spit out blood in the ground, she was seriously injured. The physical injuries are not serious, the serious ones are the injuries of the soul.

If her soul is crushed, she will really become a stubborn rock again, and she will no longer be able to become a flesh and blood.

Of course, in that case, the value of using her body refiner will be greatly reduced, and it will be difficult to make secondary artifacts.

Therefore, Xingkang Shengjun grasped his power very well, and did not kill the soul after killing Shi Ji Yao.

"Hmm! After I get you, I will definitely let my sub-god, make you into a sub-artifact, only retain your consciousness, so that you will always be the slave of our God of Demons!" Alas, swore to get the Queen of Stone Ji.

The Xingkang Shengjun gave another blow. The entire Lingji Stone Plain was completely destroyed by him, and he wanted to force the stone monster behind.


Beyond the hundreds of thousands of miles of high-altitude world, there is a vast universe. An ancient ship in blood red is sailing forward, seemingly slow, but extremely fast.

The entire body of the ancient ship is made of red crystals, which emits a strong light in the vast universe, illuminating all the dark star fields within tens of kilometers.

In addition, the hull of the blood-red ship was still exuding bleak ghosts.

If a creature rushes onto an ancient ship, I am afraid that it will immediately become a stone sculpture and lose its life instantly.

Above the blood-red ship, there was also a woman, who wore a crimson long dress, as if stained with blood, completely integrated with the blood-red ship.

The woman in the long red dress had a very delicate face, and even the powerful creatures would be amazed at the glance.

However, such a beauty is like an iceberg for thousands of years.

She flew in the starry sky on an ancient ship, possessing a classic beauty and a magical temperament.

She is the fourth-generation descendant of the World Extermination Road, and the blood of Shentai.

The ancient ship flying in the universe is the crystal red ghost ship passed down by the ancestor of the annihilation world!

A huge meteorite flew in front of the crystal red ghost ship, thousands of miles in diameter, like a rocky planet, containing extremely powerful energy. Even the seventh strongest person in the world of creation does not dare to collide. Only by retreating can he save his life.

However, Huantai Shen did not give in the slightest, his gaze was just staring at the far-reaching world.

Dayan World is a huge continent suspended in the starry sky of Henggu. Compared with the surrounding world, the stars around it are like grains of sand.


The crystal red ghost ship collided with that meteorite. The meteorite broke instantly, turned into numerous large and small stones, and continued to float to other parts of the universe.

Even if a planet is blocked in front of her, it must be broken!

Her way is ahead.

Yantai Xueshen drove the crystal red ghost ship to the top of Dayan World, staring at the huge cosmic dimension continent.

I saw that a huge light wheel wrapped the world of Da Yan, with very strange patterns on it, and it was still running slowly, like a matrix.

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