Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1048: Before the war

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Suddenly there were six more gods in the Lingxiao Temple of Dayan World, and the ancestral ancestors and ancestral ancestors retreated to the ancestors of the extreme heavens and said, "Brother, what do you do now?"

Peerless ancestors must not be cautious again, and said coldly: "Don't have a dragon, a demon, a demon, you haven't seen enough? If you don't see it now, when will you stay?"

As soon as the ancestor of the absolute cloud finished speaking, a crack appeared in the void. The sky was just returning to the wind and the sun was shining. At this moment, the wind was suddenly strong and the lightning flashed. A huge dragon loomed in the thundercloud. The sound of the dragon trembled everyone.

A demon dragon fell from a height of 10 million meters, and its eyes were larger than the black iron gate of the Lingxiao Temple. The dragon's head had a pair of long dragon horns. Great energy.

"Dragon releases the demon, you have a very loud momentum!" The demon caster of the demons came slowly from the void, and every step out of the void produced a ripple.

Long Shimo opened his eyes slightly and said lightly: "Ha ha! Shrinking into inches, striding thousands of miles, it seems that your control over time and space is not very ordinary?"

"Can you stop for a while?"

As soon as the voice fell, another creature came out of the void, with the head of the dragon and the creature. This is the God of Oversea who was wounded by the Dragon King in the Temple of the Lingxiao in the past.

Feng Haici stared closely at the front, glaring at the Lord of Heaven, and said, "Xing Long, this time let's calculate the old account."

"Anytime!" The Lord of Heaven said faintly, without any change in expression.

"Fu Haici was almost dead in the hands of our Lord of Heaven last time. How dare you come to challenge? You are not brave!" Said a woman with purple hair and red clothes.

"Junior, you are looking for death!"

The oversea **** heard that the creatures of Dayan World dare to expose their wounds, and suddenly became angry, a huge palm fell from the sky, just like a meteorite falling from the universe. If it was hit, it would be a creation. The ninth-ranked monk is probably dead.

"Nam Awu!"

As soon as the palm of the sea **** touched the woman in red, she was blocked by a piece of Buddhist scripture. The Buddhist scripture seems to be spiritual, and the palms are covered layer by layer, just like the scorching sun in the sky, shining light.

"The Supreme King's seat was accepted. The Lord of the Overlords, I thank you for your kindness on behalf of the Buddha. Amitabha!" A monk wearing a sacred orb and holding a worn-out wooden fish facing Oversea Times. God said.

The monk's beard is very slender, and there are nine scars on his head, exuding bursts of golden light.

"I rely on ..."

Oversea **** could not help but burst out a swear word, very painful, but. In order to keep his face, he said calmly: "If you like it, take it!"

This monk's behavior made Ning Xiaochuan think of an acquaintance, but since he stood with the Lord of Heaven, it should be a good practice, and it is probably a hidden god.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Elder Yue, have you ever seen this monk before?"

Yue Mingsong shook his head, saying he had never seen it.

"He is a well-known monk in our Dari Palace, called the Dharma God Buddha. It disappeared 50,000 years ago. I didn't expect to be alive. I just saw him in the image of the Dari Palace." The monk Tangan didn't know when he came to Ning Xiaochuan and paid respectful respect to the Buddha of Dharma.

"Sure enough, it comes from the Taichi Bliss Palace. No wonder I said how he resembles a Tangan monk? What kind of ancestor has what kind of successor!" Ning Xiaochuan thought to himself.


"Dharma, I haven't seen you for 50,000 years, haven't you let go of your greed?" Said an old man wearing a robe and holding a duster.

"It is the Supreme God ancestor of our Taoist sect. When he became a **** 50,000 years ago, there was no trace at all. I did not expect to see his old man again in my lifetime. I also stared at death." An old Taoist Taoist was excited. Said

"Dragon ancestor, his appearance is exactly the same as the statue of our dragon clan, it must be the dragon ancestor of our dragon clan!" Some of the creatures of the dragon clan worshiped at the giant **** dragon entangled above the Lingxiao Temple.

The dragons in their mouths are naturally not the dragons of the Shenhe civilization, and naturally there are dragons in the Dayan World.

"The beautiful woman following the Lord of Heaven should be the empress, but she also broke through and entered the realm of the sub-god!" Yue Mingsong touched the scum on his face.

Dayan World, and the sub-God of Shenhe Civilization suddenly appeared on the Lingxiao Temple. It was completely overwhelming. After negotiations, a result was finally reached. Fourteen sub-Gods performed seven games one by one. fighting. Of course, the losing side has to give each other a heart of the mainland as a bet. After all, the battle of the gods is too destructive enough to destroy everything.

The genius of the younger generation also fought seven battles, and the same bet. Every time you lose, you also give the other side a heart of the mainland.

"The second **** of Dayan World is really stupid, and actually agreed with the suggestions of our ancestors. Isn't this the gift of the seven continents for us?" Said a young Ashura scornful.

"It's too early to say. I heard that there is a genius in the world of Dayan. Many of the young people of our Ashura family died in his hands. I guess it's not that simple!" Said the long monk.

"Ning Xiaochuan, right? I hope he doesn't let me down then. Hey!"

"Not Ning Xiaochuan, but the **** of cultivation. It is said that he broke through the sixth level of the good fortune a hundred years ago. Now, one hundred years have passed. No one knows how terrible his cultivation is. If I can be his slave, All right! "Said a woman from the Ashura tribe.

"You are Ning Xiaochuan, aren't you?" The Emperor Zijin stood in the Lingxiao Temple, staring at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan replied to King Zijin's respectful worship and said, "Exactly."

"Ancestral!" Zi Hanyan knelt down on the knees of the Emperor Zijin, shouting respectfully.

"Well, yes, get up! You practice the Zixia Sutra to Xiaocheng at a young age. I only practiced the Zixia Sutra at the beginning of your age. I have a great chance to surpass me in the future. It is indeed me The descendants of the Zi family! Haha! "At this time, the Zijin emperor was not like a warrior at all, but more like an elderly man who supported the elderly.

"This is not the place to talk, let's talk in the Temple of the Ling Xiao! By the way, tell them about the current situation." Su Funtian said.


A gate was as high as 100 meters high. Ning Xiaochuan, Xue Lingxu, Yue Mingsong, Zihan Yan, monk Tangan, Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong all followed the footsteps of the Emperor Zijin into Ling Xiaosheng. In the temple.

The Lingxiao Temple is very spacious inside, and the building is all made of Xuan Tie iron. Even a supreme punch in the eternal realm can't cause any damage.

"sit down!"

"Hmm!" Ning Xiaochuan and Xue Lingxu and others answered in unison.

"The second **** of the Shenhe civilization will fight against us one-on-one, and the younger generation will also fight seven battles, I believe you all know?" A middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe asked.

"I know." Ning Xiaochuan said lightly.

"Ning Xiaochuan, we have decided to include you, Xue Lingxu, Yue Mingsong, and Zi Hanyan in the battle of the younger generation. Would you like to?" The Emperor Zijin asked.

"This is related to the future of the Da Yan world. As long as you win, you can get more of the heart of the continent. Only when you gather the hearts of the sixteen continents can you start the ancient battle. So you must not lose." Seriously.

Ning Xiaochuan replied without any consideration: "I am willing to fight against the souls of the Shenhe civilization!"

"I am willing to fight against the souls of the Shenhe civilization!" Yue Mingsong and Xue Lingxu also said.

If even the court of heaven is captured, the world of Da Yan will be over, so Ning Xiaochuan must step forward, even if it is broken.

"OK! OK! OK!"

The Lord of Heaven said three good words, saying: "From today on, you can use the resources of Heaven at will. What you need is not polite. In addition, there are three other geniuses to participate in this battle. You can Get to know each other! "

As soon as the middle of the heavens finished speaking, three people walked out of the back cabinet and slowly walked out.

Two men and one woman, the man looks like Yushu Lingfeng, and that woman really looks very beautiful, white collarbone, plump figure, three thousand silver hair hanging on her waist, a white veil on her face Existing like a fairy, a very familiar aroma passed into Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

Ning Xiaochuan was sure that the woman knew her absolutely, and Ning Xiaochuan was also very familiar with the aroma on his body.

Ning Xiaochuan searched all the familiar women in his mind, and finally, suddenly remembered an old man who might have died. Is it her? But how is that possible.

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