Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1104: The source of hell

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A figure appeared silently beside Ning Xiaochuan.

Although it was still dark all around, Ning Xiaochuan at this moment clearly saw the whole picture of the figure in front of him.

He is slender, dressed in Confucian costume, and looks like an ordinary Confucian student. However, there was a faint stream of light flowing on his skin, which made him look a bit strange.

Just such a young man who looked so strange appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan now had a look of alertness on his face.

From this young man, Ning Xiaochuan felt a strong sense of oppression.

Even in many times, Ning Xiaochuan did not feel this terrible feeling.

Despite his shock, Ning Xiaochuan kept calm and said, "Who are you?"

"You can call me Yan Quan ancestor."

The young man stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan and chuckled softly, and with a wave of his arm, a bonfire was created in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

There can be no aura in Hell, not even light.

But this young man, so casually created such a pile of flaming bonfires.

Ning Xiaochuan looked back at the bonfire, and his eyes were already surprised.

The bonfires kept burning on the ground, and there was no sign of disappearing.

After entering Hell, Ning Xiaochuan saw for the first time that someone could make a bonfire.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's gaze refocused on the young man in front of him.

"Yan Quan ancestor!"

Ning Xiaochuan repeated the name with some disbelief.

Ning Xiaochuan already has a certain understanding of the tribes in hell. According to his knowledge, each of these tribes in **** has a **** behind it, a true god.

For example, the Qing Emperor Department is the emperor behind the sky.

There is no doubt that there is a **** behind Ning Xiaochuan's Yan Quan Department. The name of this deity is most likely related to the word Yan Quan.

Yan Quan Department!

Yan Quan ancestor!

The relationship between the two alone is enough for Ning Xiaochuan to distinguish. The young man who appears in front of himself at this moment is probably the **** behind Yan Quanbei.

"Are you the deity enshrined by the Ministry of Yan Quan?" After judging the identity of Yan Quan's ancestor, Ning Xiaochuan said immediately.

In the face of a deity, Ning Xiaochuan felt better to ask clearly.

What's more, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan only felt the power of the sub-god from this young man.

In this moment, the power of the demons that Ning Xiaochuan has accumulated in his body is so strong that he has no strength in the first battle.

"This is just one of my avatars. My body is still asleep. Even in a ghost place like hell, there is no guarantee that my strength will not be absorbed, so we can only let the body In the seal. "

The ancestor of Yan Quan sighed. Although he did not answer Ning Xiaochuan's question clearly, it was enough for Ning Xiaochuan to confirm his identity.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Yan Quan's ancestor and said, "You mean ... us?"

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan has calmed down. Now that I heard Yan Quan's ancestor mention other gods, then Ning Xiaochuan wants to know how many gods there are in this hell.

Ning Xiaochuan has already begun to guess that this **** is just a prison, and the gods such as the demon and the ancestor of Yan Quan are all prisoners in this cage.

"You're interested in things like our gods? Since you're interested, then I can talk to you anyway. You choose a place to sit."

Yan Quan's ancestor looked at Ning Xiaochuan with interest, as if he was greeting an old friend, and he greeted Ning Xiaochuan by the bonfire.

Approaching the bonfire, Ning Xiaochuan immediately discovered that there was a difference between the bonfire and the real bonfire.

The most obvious point is that at this moment, there is no heat emitted from the bonfires, as if the burning bonfires are just a ghost.

"What's your name?"

Yan Quan's ancestor called Ning Xiaochuan to sit by the bonfire, and then began to ask Ning Xiaochuan's name.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Yan Quan's ancestor with amazement at this moment.

He couldn't figure out what Yan Quan's ancestor was looking for at the moment what he wanted to do.

It is said that these gods are trapped in hell. What they want to do at this moment is to just leave hell. This dim sum has already done it, so the devil immediately hits his mind on the path of destruction.

The ancestor Yan Quan is obviously not able to escape from hell. The reason why he finds himself is probably related to this.

As soon as he thought about it, Ning Xiaochuan looked depressed.

Now he doesn't know how to leave Hell, let alone help these gods leave Hell.

Ning Xiaochuan did not answer the ancestor of Yan Quan, shook his head and said, "Do you know my true identity?"

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was still a disguised Skull and Dragon, and his appearance was also a skinny appearance.

Yan Quan's ancestor looked like he smiled, and waved his hand gently on Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt that he was cut by a knife.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan returned to his original appearance.

"The fourth-generation descendant of the World Destruction Road, I should be right to say so." After Ning Xiaochuan's disguise was removed, Yan Quan's ancestors began to scan Ning Xiaochuan up and down.

Although Ning Xiaochuan's expression had not changed, but his eyes had already revealed a deep fearful expression.

The ancestor of Yan Quan actually knew his identity, and Ning Xiaochuan couldn't guarantee whether the other party came like a demon to learn his own way of extinction.

Seems to see Ning Xiaochuan's scruples, Yan Quan's ancestor shook his head with a smile: "Don't worry, I don't have any interest in the world's destruction."

In his heart, Yan Quan, the ancestor in front of him, was still very vigilant, and Ning Xiaochuan said, "I just accidentally fell into hell. Is there something wrong with my ancestor?"

"Yes, of course, but I will talk about this later. Didn't you just be interested in the gods in **** just now, then I will tell you what you are interested in first."

The ancestor of Yan Quan nodded his head, staring at the bonfire in front of him, but it seemed to start to flutter.

Faced with such a weird deity, Ning Xiaochuan could only press his temper and sit quietly.

At this moment, the two were sitting around the campfire at will, as if two close friends were camping in the wild.

Ning Xiaochuan has been quietly observing Yan Quan's ancestors at this moment.

Although the ancestor Yan Quan now has only sub-level strength, but he is a true deity after all, and he must have a much stronger means than ordinary sub-gods.

If he can't fight, Ning Xiaochuan would definitely not want to fight with each other.

"Hell is actually a cage, a cage that holds our gods."

Yan Quan's ancestor's eyes fluttered, it seemed to be sinking into the past, and his face even showed a bit of sadness: "This prison cage is specially designed for us. All the gods, all souls of a civilization, all detained Into the cage of hell. And our gods, this cage is mainly aimed at objects ... "

Yan Quan's ancestor told me that at this moment, he seems to just want to vent, and there are many things that make Ning Xiaochuan a little scratched.

However, the more this happened, the more Ning Xiaochuan felt the sadness in Yan Quan's ancestors' heart.

A deity also showed such a decadent and desperate mood, which surprised Ning Xiaochuan.

As Yan Quan's ancestors kept telling, Ning Xiaochuan slowly guessed something from his remarks.

For example, this **** was built by a supreme power, and the main purpose of building this **** was to detain countless deities including Yan Quan's ancestors and the demon.

And in addition to these gods, the life of this supreme power and even a seventh-class civilized world with huge power is all imprisoned in hell.

These lives are the ancestors of these evil men in hell.

The whole life of a seventh-class civilization was detained in a prison cage, which made Ning Xiaochuan also confused.

We must know that the seventh-class civilization cannot be born at present in the Dayan world, and the Shenhe civilization that will upend the world in the Dyan world is just a seventh-class civilization.

And what this Supreme Power does is tantamount to confining the entire life of the Shenhe civilization in a prison cage.

This ability has reached the level of anti-sky.

Ning Xiaochuan's ancestor of the annihilation of the world should have been the strongest in the world. After all, the ancestor of the annihilation of the world can destroy the world's strongest.

But at this moment, when he heard what the Supreme Power was doing, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that the power of the Supreme Power might even have surpassed the ancestor of the annihilation of the world.

Because one of them is directly playing with the entire civilization as a plaything. The other one simply destroys a civilization.

Ning Xiaochuan listened for a while, but did not hear from Yan Quan's ancestors why this Supreme Power had confined all his life to hell.

Yan Quan's ancestors vented a general complaint for a long time, but eventually his voice gradually disappeared.

At this point, the ancestor of Yan Quan gradually returned to normal, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Haha, I haven't chatted with people for a long time. Now I've talked to someone to tell them, and it's really much happier. Oh, brother You haven't told me what your name is? "

At the moment, Yan Quan's ancestor was just like a young man. He called his brother Ning Xiaochuan. From the aspect of appearance, there was nothing wrong with it.

But in this life, my brother listened to Ning Xiaochuan's ears, and immediately made Ning Xiaochuan jump a little.

After all, Yan Quan's ancestor is a deity, who is qualified to call him a brother or a brother, I am afraid that only the existence of a **** can be.

Ning Xiaochuan was shocked, then nodded.

"My name is Ning Xiaochuan."

"Ning Xiaochuan, it really has a good name." Yan Quan's ancestor nodded to Ning Xiaochuan, but then he was curious: "You have met with the demon, otherwise, there will be no demon left in you seed."

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