Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1109: Dan furnace

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At the moment Ning Xiaochuan is not short of light.

There are countless bright stars hanging above his head. Under these stars, Ning Xiaochuan can clearly see everything around him.

After so many days in the dark hell, and now suddenly came to such a well-lit place, Ning Xiaochuan was already a bit uncomfortable.

Looking up at the stars above him, Ning Xiaochuan began to glance around.

Obviously, the bright stars appearing above Ning Xiaochuan's head at this moment are the places where the skeletal beasts are constantly condensing, and these bright stars are, of course, the skeletal beasts themselves.

If it hadn't been for Ning Xiaochuan's fall from the head, I would not have thought of the origin of these stars.

In addition to these stars, everything around Ning Xiaochuan at this moment also surprised Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment around Ning Xiaochuan, there are countless ancient buildings. These buildings have obviously been abandoned for a long time, but from the traces of them, it can be seen that there must have been a large-scale city here.

At the bottom of the great vortex, such a ruined city would even tower.

How did this great vortex appear? What is the origin of this city?

Ning Xiaochuan glanced around in a stunned way.

Although the power in his body seemed to disappear completely at this moment, it could not be used at all. But Ning Xiaochuan still has a strong physical strength, so he is not very panic.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan walked towards a tower that had collapsed more than half, crouched in front of the tower, and Ning Xiaochuan reached out to blow away a layer of dust on the surface of the tower.

Without this dust cover, a line of handwriting appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

"My Xuanchenzi practiced for 100,000 years, and ended up in such a way, I am not willing! God is unfair!"

The vigorous font seems to express the sadness and indignation of its owner through the font.

Ning Xiaochuan just found this line of handwriting, so he came to check it.

Seeing the handwriting left by Xuan Chenzi, Ning Xiaochuan seemed to be infected, and could not help feeling sorrowful in his heart.

"Just one line of handwriting, and the handwriting that I don't know how many years ago, can actually have an impact on me, the owner of the Seven Tricks and Magic Hearts. This mysterious minister should be the weakest in the world."

Ning Xiaochuan stood up in surprise, glanced around, and immediately walked towards another dilapidated building.

After blowing the dust off the surface of the building, countless handwritings appeared again in front of Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

For the next half day, Ning Xiaochuan was almost everywhere looking for handwriting on these dilapidated buildings.

Some of the dilapidated buildings here have handwriting, some don't, some have more handwriting, and some have less handwriting. Ning Xiaochuan is not fussy. As soon as he finds the handwriting, he squats down and reads it carefully.

After half a day, Ning Xiaochuan's complexion had long been extremely heavy.

From these remaining handwritings, Ning Xiaochuan has a rough outline of what happened here.

It used to be a very prosperous city. To what extent is the prosperity, if the content of these handwritings does not lie, the prosperity of the city should exceed any place in the Dayan world now.

Even the heavenly court cannot be more glorious than this run-down city.

Because in the past, there were real gods living in the city, and more than one **** lived in the city.

It was such a city of gods that one day suddenly suffered bad luck.

A giant blade fell from the sky, as if cutting tofu, cut the city from the ground, and then the city would be placed in this place.

It wouldn't matter if the city moved just one location.

However, the people in this city soon discovered that the place where they were transferred turned out to be in a seal. All of them, including those gods, had lost their power.

Immediately, the gods fell into mortals.

Although the deities in the body are still there, these gods have indeed become ordinary people. Not even the gods can carry the seal here, let alone ordinary people living in the city.

Of course, most of the people who are eligible to live in this city are those who are cultivated as powerful.

Such a group of people suddenly lost all their power and became ordinary people. As a result, no one can afford it.

So, shortly thereafter, those who lived in the city began to leave the city and explore the surroundings.

They want to explore ways to restore strength.

And these people include those gods.

The end result of the exploration is unknown, because those who left the city never appeared again. Those who remained in the city also began to treat themselves as ordinary people and waited silently.

Those who remain in the city still have hope for the future, and they hope that the seal around the future can be unlocked.

However, after living here for decades, things that made these people desperate happened, and their long life should have disappeared here.

They become ordinary people, and they only have the same decades of life as ordinary people.

At this moment, these people are unwilling to leave the city to find a way to survive. But at this time, most of them were so old that they couldn't even walk.

A group of peerless powerhouses finally died one by one in such a ridiculous way.

The handwriting left around was written by these strong men in despair before they died.

At that time, it was only by this method that they could prove that they once existed in this world.

After knowing the history of this city, Ning Xiaochuan jumped into his heart.

Seal of Power!

Become an ordinary person!

Eventually die!

This ending is also a bit scary, and now Ning Xiaochuan's power has been sealed. Apart from this physical strength, Ning Xiaochuan is no different from an ordinary person.

"No, I can't wait to die here."

Less than a day in this dilapidated city, Ning Xiaochuan decisively left the city.

Like the gods who have left the city in the past, he will go outside to find opportunities for life.

After leaving the city, Ning Xiaochuan has been testing the methods he still has at the moment.

The test results disappointed Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, there was really no power left in his body, and even Ning Xiaochuan could not use the world.

Even Ning Xiaochuan didn't even feel the existence of the extinct magic sword and the mysterious animal book in his body.

When he was in hell, Ning Xiaochuan was worried that the spirituality on these things would be sucked away by hell, so he was afraid to take it out.

But now, even if Ning Xiaochuan wants to take it out, there is no way.

After Ning Xiaochuan walked in one direction for two consecutive days, a body appeared in front of him.

This corpse wore gorgeous robes. These robes seemed to be made by collecting streamers. They were dazzling and dazzling, almost like ordinary clothes.

Just by looking at the body of this corpse, Ning Xiaochuan guessed that this man was definitely a big man when he got it.

Some excitedly approached the body, and Ning Xiaochuan wanted to study the body carefully.

You know, he didn't even see a body after he fell here.

This situation is very weird.

It is said that after the existence of those sub-gods, their bones can be almost permanently preserved after death. Not to mention the bones of real gods.

But in the former ruined city, Ning Xiaochuan didn't even see a bone.

According to his guess, those strongmen who live in the city have become ordinary people when they are alive, and the divinity of their bodies has been lost, so the bones cannot be saved after death.

From this point of view, it seems that in this space, no one's body can be preserved at all.

Even the body of a deity will decay, weather, and disappear completely here.

But now, such a body appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

If Ning Xiaochuan's guess is correct, the corpse now appearing here is either weird in nature or he has just died here recently.

No matter that, for Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, it is equivalent to a surprise.

Approaching the body, Ning Xiaochuan lowered his head and looked carefully.

The owner of this corpse is a young man, his appearance is very in line with human aesthetics, almost handsome and indistinguishable between men and women. At this moment he was wearing such a gorgeous robe, sitting on the ground like this.

If it wasn't for his breath had completely disappeared, I'm afraid Ning Xiaochuan would think he was just asleep at this moment.

After carefully examining the corpse for a long time, Ning Xiaochuan's gaze looked below the corpse.

There seemed to be something hidden in the robe of the corpse, and the hands of the corpse clearly indicated his robe, which seemed to remind the later ones to look at his robe.

"Is there anything special in the robe?"

Ning Xiaochuan reached out a little curiously, trying to reveal the secret under this corpse's robe.

However, what surprised Ning Xiaochuan was that his hand reached into the body of the corpse without hindrance.

This feeling made Ning Xiaochuan scream immediately.

Because he had identified it, the corpse that appeared to him at this moment was just a phantom.

In Ning Xiaochuan's astonishment, the phantom disappeared abruptly, and in the place where his robes once covered, a pattern was portrayed on the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at it. The phantom of the corpse appeared here just to protect the pattern on the ground.

Even when he valued this pattern so much, Ning Xiaochuan approached the past with curiosity, and looked down at the picture on the ground.

With one glance, Ning Xiaochuan looked stunned.

Because only one of the most common Dan furnaces was painted in the patterns depicted on the ground at this moment.


Adding a chapter, by the way summon the dragon.

Today Feitianyu's "Eternal God" is on the shelves. I hope you can help the dragon to support the first order, which is 141 chapters. If you have a great dragon, help support a full order!

Thank you all Shenlong!

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