Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1130: invite

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Listening to these drug collectors politely arguing in their ears, Ning Xiaochuan burst into cold sweat almost immediately.

Although he didn't know what the slave's curse was in these drug-collecting populations, just listening to the name, he knew that the thing was weird.

"Fuck, you want to make me a slave. It seems that the Shenhe civilization is even more chaotic than the Dayan world." Ning Xiaochuan muttered secretly.

Hearing that Yao Siqi finally stopped these drug collectors from planting a slave's mark on himself, Ning Xiaochuan was quite impressed by the little girl.

"When I am repaired, I don't mind giving her something good."

Ning Xiaochuan pondered a sentence in his heart, and then focused his attention on the restoration.

There is a little benefit to administering Siqi, and Ning Xiaochuan is definitely qualified to say this.

Not to mention that at this moment he is already a king-level mind-raising master, and based on his practice before the injury, it is enough to throw away the medicine Siqi Street.

You know, Yao Siqi's cultivation at this moment is nothing but genius. As for those who collect medicines, they have the highest strength.

Ning Xiaochuan tried to use all the power to leak out the truth of himself as a psychologist, so that Yao Siqi and others would not easily abandon themselves.

Although it almost brought disaster to him, for now, his plan is quite successful.

After knowing his identity as a mind nurse, whether it was Yao Siqi or other drug collectors, his attitude towards Ning Xiaochuan had changed a lot.

After five days in a coma, Ning Xiaochuan woke up again.

Of course, this refers to Ning Xiaochuan's body, and his consciousness is kept awake at all times.

Opening his eyes slowly, Ning Xiaochuan reluctantly moved, and then refused to move again.

It hurts so much!

Ning Xiaochuan wailed in her heart.

At this moment he felt like he was being torn, and his condition was worse than when he first woke up.

Just when Ning Xiaochuan wanted to gain some strength and struggled to stand up, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Don't move, I will treat you."

Speaking of medicine Siqi.

Summon Yang Xin Ding, Yao Siqi immediately took out a whole body of elixir, and threw it into Yang Xin Ding.

After refining this elixir, a drop of brightly colored elixir dripped from the drug Siqi's Yangxin Ding, and finally merged into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

However, this has no effect.

Yao Siqi is now completely experimenting with Ning Xiaochuan's treatment technology, which was discovered a few days ago.

In addition to saying nothing to Yao Siqi, Ning Xiaochuan was also amazed by the richness of Shenhe civilization.

In the past few days, the amount of elixir that Yao Siqi wasted on Ning Xiaochuan has reached an astonishing level.

If placed in Dayan World, many of the drugs taken out by Yao Siqi can be regarded as treasures, and the birth of any one of them will lead to a scramble.

But here, these medicinal materials are just like roadside stalls, and the medicine Siqi is used without any pain.

In addition to secretly whispering the medicine Siqi waste, Ning Xiaochuan can only secretly use his own Yangxin Ding to inject the medicine Siqi into his body, all of the psychic fluid medicine properties are absorbed.

These ordinary spirits will have no effect on Ning Xiaochuan's injury at this moment. Only some special psychic elixir can refine the medicine for Ning Xiaochuan.

Now Ning Xiaochuan accumulates these psychic fluids. Once he gets a psychic elixir, he can immediately refine the medicine to treat himself.

After Yao Siqi was busy, she approached Ning Xiaochuan and observed the situation of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan also slowly opened his eyes at this moment and looked at Yao Siqi.

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes together, Yao Siqi seemed to be startled, and then took a step back, and then patted his chest to get closer to Ning Xiaochuan again: "Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Also ... Always ... OK." Ning Xiaochuan reluctantly said two words.

"What is okay, I have treated you so many times, you should be at least mostly better." Yao Siqi was very dissatisfied.

The drug collectors on the side did not forget to compliment Siqi at this moment.

"The young lady has spent a lot of energy these days. If you are not good, you are really sorry for the young lady's treatment."

"I think this guy is already dying. It is quite difficult for the young lady to save his life."

"This person's injury is such that even Master Guo is okay, but our lady rescued him."


Even touted, Yao Siqi felt quite comfortable at first, but later, the more she listened, the less she felt.

Among the drug-collecting population, Master Guo is the only king-level mind-raiser in their pharmacy, and it is the treasure of the pharmacist's town.

Although Yao Siqi is quite talented in mind training, it is impossible to catch up with Master Guo.

For this, Yao Siqi knows it.

So at this moment, the smile on her face suddenly disappeared, glanced at those drug addicts who were still touting her all around, and she politely ordered: "You all go away for me, don't disturb us."

Seeing Yao Siqi getting angry, these drug collectors naturally did not dare to offend Yao Siqi any more and turned to the side bitterly.

After all the drug collectors left, Yao Siqi looked at Ning Xiaochuan again.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan had barely sat up with her arms.

Similar to the estimate of the shadow prince, Ning Xiaochuan's state at this moment is almost inferior to ordinary people. Anyone who comes over and poke him with one finger can poke him half-dead.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan is not without a little bit of self-protection.

Although his physical condition is bad, his mental strength has not weakened much, and the power of the Seven Magic Gods has recovered to the peak.

Just relying on the power of the magic spirit of Qiqiao God, under the god, not many people can get Ning Xiaochuan.

However, due to the poor physical condition, I am afraid that Ning Xiaochuan's magical powers of the seven tactics cannot be used often, otherwise, it will also become a physical burden.

"You can sit up, it seems that your condition is indeed much better than before, let's talk, who are you in the end?" Yao Siqi glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and sat in front of Ning Xiaochuan with a cold face. , Began to interrogate Ning Xiaochuan.

Yao Siqi stared at Ning Xiaochuan, adding in a cold voice: "It is absolutely impossible for outsiders, especially unidentified outsiders, to appear on the pharmacist's medicine collection boat."

After a bit of activity, Ning Xiaochuan's condition is much better.

Frowning, Ning Xiaochuan began to explain: "My name is Ning Xiaochuan. As for why I appeared on the elixir of your pharmacist, this is not clear to me. I was suddenly swept by a strong wind on the elixir of."

His explanation is naturally half-truth.

In recent days, he hasn't listened to Yao Siqi and those drug collectors talking to each other. Naturally, he knows how to deal with Yao Siqi.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan was very clear. Yao Siqi was interrogating herself at this moment. In addition to wanting to know her details, she was preparing for the next conversation.

As Ning Xiaochuan expected, Yao Siqi only muttered a few words, and then stopped Ning Xiaochuan's entanglement in his life, but stared at Ning Xiaochuan coldly: "Since this is the case, you also know that you destroy A medicine field of our pharmacist has been dropped. According to the rules, you must compensate me for enough compensation. "

Looking up and down Ning Xiaochuan, Yao Siqi seemed to be looking for something valuable for Ning Xiaochuan.

Compensating a piece of medicine field is actually not too stressful for Ning Xiaochuan at the moment.

These things left on his body, whether they are Xuanshoujian or Tiandi Blade, just take one out and it is enough to replace the entire medicine house.

It's just a pity that these things would never be exchanged for Ning Xiaochuan.

So at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan frowned and shook his head slowly: "All the things on my body have been destroyed. If I really want to compensate Yaotian, I can help you make some elixir."

Ning Xiaochuan knew about Yao Siqi as a mind trainer.

However, at the moment Yao Siqi was curious as to what level of Ning Xiaochuan was a mind trainer.

So at the moment Yao Siqi immediately couldn't help but asked with curiosity: "Hey, what level of mind trainer are you? I have seen you used it before. Division level. "

"Well, before I was injured, the mind trainer was a soul trainer." Ning Xiaochuan lied.

Just kidding, now he dare not tell the true level of his cultivator, or else, based on the actions of these drug addicts he heard before, I'm afraid he will come back immediately to cast him a slave spell Seal.

Yao Siqi's eyes brightened, and he smiled and said, "The soul-level mind-raising master is really better than me. No wonder you could easily concentrate all the spiritual fluid in the spiritual fluid pond into a panacea."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and did not speak.

After Yao Siqi glanced at Ning Xiaochuan several times, a jade-like stone appeared in his hand.

"This is my pharmacist contract. As long as you sign it, it will be the pharmacist of my pharmacist. Rest assured, my pharmacist is a family of elixir medicine. I value the psychiatrist very much, so that you are a psychologist. "After joining my pharmacy, I can definitely get excellent treatment."

Yao Siqi smiled and handed the stone to Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan had a rather unexpected glance at Yao Siqi.

This beautiful girl looks innocent, but she is very decent in her work. Now she can obviously force herself to submit to a pharmacist by force, but she does not do so, but persuaded herself.

From this point of view, Ning Xiaochuan doesn't dislike this medicine house.

"Exactly, since this pharmacist is a family of elixir drugs, I should be able to get medicines from the pharmacist when I join the pharmacist."

Ning Xiaochuan muttered a few times in his heart, and immediately took the stone in Yao Siqi's hand without hesitation, affixed the stone to his forehead, and carefully felt the content inside.

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