Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1140: Sky Thunder Demon

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At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was still in a hurry to motivate the Yangxin Ding in front of him, and he seemed to be unaware of the constant vision around him.

Simply speaking, Ning Xiaochuan is almost one of the most inconspicuous people in the square at this moment.

Among those who are not very eye-catching, there is Mu Baiyu, the holy spiritual master of the Mu family.

However, unlike Ning Xiaochuan, everyone knows that Mu Baixun is a holy spirit cultivator, so although his actions are as tepid as Ning Xiaochuan at this moment.

But Ning Xiaochuan's actions fell in the eyes of others, that is stupid and clumsy.

And the same behavior is placed on Mu Baiyu, that is bright and profound.

No one doubts the strength of the Holy Order Psychologist.

As more and more psychologists successfully refined the elixir, Mu Baiyu's movements significantly accelerated.

In fact, it takes a long time to refining an elixir, and it may take tens of days or even years to refining it.

However, I know that I am attending a convalescent mind conference, so no concentrator will be foolish enough to choose this laborious and time-consuming elixir.


At the side of Yao Siqi, a fierce fire suddenly burned in front of the old lady who was a king-level Yangxin teacher.

In this blaze, an ape-looking fire ape was born from the blaze.

The old woman just grabbed it, and the fire ape immediately fell into her hands, turning into a body full of red, exuding a hot fire property psychic elixir.

"Aunt, with your strength, it seems that it is about to break through to the Holy Order." Yao Siqi looked at the old man with envy.

Although her talent is very good, but no one can guarantee that Yao Siqi will definitely surpass this old woman in the future.

And to reach the level of this old man, it is possible to refining the psychiatric elixir casually, not to mention how many years it will take.

Hearing Yao Siqi's words, the old man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The holy order is not so breakthrough, although the king and the holy order are only one step behind, but the difference is greater than all the previous levels. You wait See, when the next step is to succeed in alchemy refining alchemy, there will be a sacred air born into this medicine. This sacred air can be used to wash people's minds and magic. The same elixir does not have this effect. This is the difference between the elixir produced by the holy spiritual master and the elixir produced by the king spiritual master. "

Holy air!

Yao Siqi suddenly looked curiously at Mu Baiyu.

Yao Siqi at this moment has to worship even a king-level mind trainer, and a holy level mind trainer makes her look up.

But after a while, Yao Siqi felt a little bored.

At this moment, Mu Baixun's practice of refining Dan is too ordinary. Changing to a nirvana cultivator may feel that this is returning to true, but for a source-level big cultivator like Yao Siqi, she really can't see the What's so special about Bai's move?

Staring at Mu Baizhen for a moment, Yao Siqi couldn't help turning his head to look at Ning Xiaochuan.

It was okay, but at this time, the drug Siqi found a little unique.

Some of them looked back and forth several times, and Yao Siqi was surprised. "Aunt, look at me, how do I feel that Ning Xiaochuan's alchemy is similar to Mu Baiyu? Doesn't Ning Xiaochuan now want to refine the divine The elixir of gas. "

The old lady next to Yao Siqi casually glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and shook his head directly: "Who knows what this kid is doing, presumably pretending to be like you. Don't be distracted, focus on Mu Baiyu, The process of making elixir by the holy spiritual master will give you a lot of inspiration. "

Although she felt awkward, Yao Siqi nodded her head, "Yes, aunt."

Time passed quickly for two full days.

In two days, almost all of the mind trainers in the square had successfully refined the edible herbs. At the moment, only four people were still refining the edible herbs.

Among the four, Ning Xiaochuan and Mu Baiyu were included.


Under everyone's attention, one of the four mind-raisers suddenly exploded, and the whole population vomited blood to the ground.

Such a situation naturally meant that he failed to refine the elixir.

Although the audience around him was not a mind trainer, he was able to guess that this mind trainer obviously wanted to refine the elixir beyond his standard, but in the end, instead of failing, he suffered a backlash.

There were only three people left in the square at this moment.

Finally, one of the remaining three psychologists suddenly stood up, and a round of elixir appeared in his hands.

Although this elixir looks very good, but it does not reach the spirit-level elixir.

Delayed for so long, but only so ordinary elixir was made, such a scene naturally attracted countless scolding voices from this mind trainer.

However, more attention has now been focused on the remaining two.

At the moment, there were two people on the square, one was Ning Xiaochuan, and the other was Mu Baiyu.

Compared with Ning Xiaochuan, Mu Baiyu is obviously more noticeable. The audience around him is mostly waiting to see the elixir made from Mu Baiyu.

As for Ning Xiaochuan, they just looked at it by the way. Otherwise, who cares about such a sudden unknown unknown mind trainer.


Half a day later, Yang Xinding in front of Mu Baiyu finally changed.

With a crisp sound like Hong Zhong Daluo, a beam of light like a river gathered from all directions, and then condensed into the heart of the heart in front of Mu Baiyu.

Seeing Mu Baiyu's refining of the elixir was successful, at this moment everyone couldn't help holding his breath, watching Mu Baiyu's every move.

Although Mu Baiyu looked serious at this moment, he felt quite proud.

Although he is a sacred-order psychologist, Mu Baiyu enjoys this feeling of being worshiped.

The solid wood scallion was able to refine the elixir one day ago, but in order to make a big splash in the end, he delayed Dancheng's time to the present.

If he didn't have the patience to wait any longer, he would definitely wait until the last one to refine the elixir successfully.

The so-called finale is naturally the strongest mind trainer to do it.

Mu Baixun always felt that he was the genius minder who could bring a grand finale to everyone.

The elixir made by the holy spirit cultivator is indeed much stronger than the king. At this moment, the sky's beams of light are flowing. This gorgeous scene makes the audience around the square look intoxicated.

"It's amazing, I don't know what elixir Master Mu Baizhi is refining at this moment." Yao Siqi's eyes were all attracted by Mu Bai's actions at this moment.

At this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded around the square.

Bang! Click!

Hearing this voice, everyone remembered the scene of lightning and thunder almost immediately.

At this time, an amazing thunderstorm really appeared above the square.

Countless thunders and lightnings formed a power grid, then landed from the air, and landed on the heart in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

That's right, it landed in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Those audience members who are admiring the alchemy of Mu Baizhi and the mind trainers were stunned by these thunder and lightning, and turned their heads one by one to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Why did this guy make trouble at this time, and immediately Master Mu Baiyu was able to make the elixir successfully."

"The kid's refined elixir seems to be quite good. It can cause lightning, is it some kind of psychic elixir?"

"Grass, hurry up the alchemy and fail, but at this time, didn't you delay master Mu Baiyu to train the elixir into it?"

"Don't look at his alchemy. An unknown kid can still be compared to Master Mu Baiyu."


Outside the square, the audience could not help shouting one by one at this moment.

Because of the existence of soundproof covers, many mind trainers in the square did not hear the outside sound.

If these mind trainers heard these voices at this moment, they would definitely swear in their hearts that they did not know Taishan.

Looking blankly at Ning Xiaochuan's refining of elixir, at this moment almost all the mind trainers have been stunned.

"Is this ... impossible?" Such a turning sentence appeared in the minds of almost every mind-raiser.

Yao Siqi and the old pharmacist also stared at Ning Xiaochuan.

After a long time, Yao Siqi looked back in dismay and looked at the old aunt: "Aunt, are the lightnings just now the ones recorded in the classics ..."

After waiting for the drug Siqi to finish, the old man directly interfaced: "Yes, it is the magic of heavenly thunder, the elixir made by the sacred-order mind master, which inherently contains sacred air, which can wash the demon. However, Tianlei can use Tianlei to refine the elixir, and Tianlei will punish him. If Tianlei is refined into the elixir, the ability of this elixir to cleanse the demon will be better than that of ordinary saints. The elixir refined by the class-level mind-raiser is stronger. "

"So, Ning Xiaochuan's refined elixir is stronger than that made by Master Mu Baiyu?" Yao Siqi said.

"It seems to be the case, is this kid turned out to be a sacred-order psychologist ... my eyes are considered to have gone away this time." The old man stared at Ning Xiaochuan with a complex look.

Before, she didn't look at Ning Xiaochuan at all, and she even planned to wait and learn from Ning Xiaochuan.

But now, she suddenly realized how ridiculous she was.

A king-level mind trainer, who wants to insult a holy order mind trainer in terms of mind trainers, is simply a shame.

"Fortunately, I was not so anxious to step forward to ask him for trouble, otherwise I'm bound to be unlucky today." Laozhu sighed inwardly, but stared at the stand on the east side of the square.

The old man knew that at this moment in the stands, the couple of drug pharmacist Huichun were all here.

"Before, my elder brother and sister-in-law did not want Qi to contact the Ning Xiaochuan more. I feel that Ning Xiaochuan is not worthy of Siqi. Now I'm afraid the situation has been reversed. Siqi this girl, I am afraid that even if she is going to be a girl to others, they will It may not be obvious. If the elder brother knows the situation, he does not know whether he will regret it. "

Seeing the distant stands, the old lady sighed again.

She knew in her mind that she had missed the opportunity to have a good relationship with Ning Xiaochuan, and now if she wants to see Ning Xiaochuan, it is not as simple as before.

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