Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1146: King of gods

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The most powerful thing about Jiuyuan Heavy Water is the endless pressure. Therefore, when exposed to the heavy water of nine yuan, they will immediately endure tremendous pressure ten million times stronger than normal.

Under this strong pressure, everything must be crushed and even crushed to disappear.

That's right, it just disappeared.

Some fragile things will be compressed to become smaller and smaller under the weight of the heavy water of nine yuan, and finally disappear before human eyes.

In fact, this disappearance is not real disappearance, but that this thing is squeezed into a very small form and cannot be discovered at all.

At the moment Ning Xiaochuan was pressed in the middle by the heavy water of nine yuan. The strong pressure around him even reduced the pressure of his body by a few points.

If the body shrinks, if it is replaced by another warrior, I am afraid that the body has already collapsed at this moment.

But after all, Ning Xiaochuan's physical body was much stronger than that of an ordinary warrior, so he barely supported it.

Soaked in these terrible nine yuan heavy waters, Ning Xiaochuan could not help swearing in his heart.

"Damn, this is the last time, how can there be something so terrible like Jiuyuan Zhongshui."

Nine yuan of heavy water usually appears only on real gods.

In addition to the heavy water of nine yuan, there are all kinds of powerful gadgets such as the nine-day magic fire, the nine extinctions, and so on, but these gadgets only appear on the gods.

But now, it is Ning Xiaochuandu who is the second god, and the nine yuan heavy water appears.

And in addition to the heavy water of Nine Yuan, Ning Xiaochuan faintly began to appear layer after layer of hazy fire.

This is Jiu Tian Shen Huo, which can be juxtaposed with Jiu Yuan Heavy Water, and its power is naturally not inferior to Jiu Yuan Heavy Water. The characteristic of Jiu Tian Shenhuo is that it never burns.

No one can extinguish the nine-day magic fire, and even those godly powers cannot extinguish this vital fire.

Once contaminated by the nine-day magic fire, unless the death, otherwise, the magic fire will never retreat.

Even more frightening is that, even if the physical body collapses, the nine days of God's fire will still burn the souls of those who cross it.

If you are killed by the nine-day magic fire, it will be absolutely devastating, and there will be no vitality.


Now Ning Xiaochuan is facing a real desperate situation. Before entering the realm of sub-gods, he had already overestimated the sub-gods he would encounter.

But he did not expect that this time the robberies were even more terrible than he imagined.

Water and fire could not coexist, but now the nine-day Shenhuo and Jiuyuan heavy water have broken this limit. Under the pressure of the nine yuan heavy water, Ning Xiaochuan could not move at all, and the nine-day magic fire directly burned along the nine yuan heavy water.

With heavy pressure and scorching fire, Ning Xiaochuan felt almost burst.

Fortunately, after these nine days of magical fire appeared, there were no strange things going on.

Mu Yanxin and others stood in the distance and looked at Ning Xiaochuan Dujie in shock.

At this moment almost half of the masters on the drug king are all attracted here.

Even Ding Kui, the waiter of the Temple of Heaven, appeared here at the same time.

Staring at Ning Xiaochuan, who was crossing the robbery, Ding Kui's ugly face was even more distorted at this moment.

"This is a horrible disaster. How could it cause such terrible things as Jiuyuan Chongshui and Jiutian Shenhuo, even the Supreme Body could not do this. Is this kid doing anything that is so furious, that ’s why he found such a terrible thing. Secondary God. "

Tianjiao, who was never seen by the Supreme Body, crosses over to the gods, but Ding Kui has seen it. They once appeared a Tianjiao who has the Supreme Body.

When the **** of arrogance was sublime, the scene was almost shocking, and Tenjin Palace also cost a lot of money, and finally helped the **** to survive the sublime.

At that time, this Tianjiao had just become a sub-god, so he had a strong combat power, and even some long-established sub-god masters were not his opponents.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan is going to have a terrible disaster, but it is far more terrible than the Tianjiao of Tianjin Temple.

In this situation, many people have the word "sinister evil" in their minds.

This evil is not a description of Ning Xiaochuan's talent, but rather a description of Ning Xiaochuan itself. Because in their eyes, I am afraid that only those demons who have done anything angry and angry can cause such terrible calamities.

However, they did not know that Ning Xiaochuan originally had the triple Supreme body, and later used the original primordial ability to expand and solidify the veins in his body. His qualifications were even more terrible than the Supreme body.

Even if it is the Shenhe civilization, the Supreme Body is already the ultimate talent. The situation like Ning Xiaochuan has never appeared.

Therefore, the secondary gods Ning Xiaochuan wants to cross will naturally become what they are now, much more terrible than the secondary gods of the supreme body.

Oppressed by the heavy water of Nine Yuan, Ning Xiaochuan couldn't move at all. He barely struggled. He could barely hit a magma-like fire.

This is the fire group condensed from the fire path of the exterminator, which restrains the existence of almost all flames.

Even if it is a nine-day magic fire, it will be restrained when it encounters the extinction fire path.

But restraint and restraint, the fire annihilation of the World Extermination now has no strength to destroy the Nine Heavens Fire. A group of extinct fires absorbed almost all the nine-day magical fire around them.

On the magma-like extinction fire group, two distinct parts are formed, half of which is the extinction fire path, and the other half is the nine-day magic fire.

Even the nine-day magical fire was restrained, and Ning Xiaochuan's fire-extinguishing fire path made those gods around him widen their eyes.

For them, when they practice to Nine Gods and start the sacrifice, they may also encounter this nine-day sacred fire, but they have never heard of that person. Also restrained.

So at this moment, many times God's heart has been stunned, trying to get Ning Xiaochuan's means of restraining the nine-day magic fire.

However, these greedy sub-gods did not include Ding Kui. After seeing the World Extinction Demon Road, Ding Kui was already pale and shivering.

"This devastating atmosphere ... is it the Way of Destruction?"

As the messenger of the Temple of Heaven, Ding Kui had heard of the existence of the World Extinction. And recently, he has just heard that from the source side, news has emerged that new preachers of the world have appeared,

In order to deal with this new preacher, several giants in the source world have now started to contact the giants in other circles to prepare for an interface alliance to hang the newly emerged preacher.

So at this moment, after distinguishing Ning Xiaochuan's destruction of the world, Ding Kui was scared and turned to flee almost immediately.

The people who destroyed the world almost destroyed the entire Shenhe civilization that year. This legend still circulates in every part of the Shenhe civilization.

For the people of the Shenhe civilization, the three words of World Extermination are simply the most evil words.

With a pale face for a moment, Ding Kui's thinking gradually returned to normal, and he thought secretly.

"Even if he is a preacher of the world, but he has only begun a divine calamity, and this calamity is so fierce, he may not be able to resist the submarine of the world ... I will first send the news of the prequel of the world to Tenjin. , And then see if this kid can be slaughtered here. If he can kill the preacher of the world, then Ding Kui can make great contributions to the Shenhe civilization. "

In this way, Ding Kui's expression gradually returned to normal.

At this moment, the situation of Ning Xiaochuan seems to be getting worse and worse. The amount of Jiuyuan heavy water is increasing, his body is almost compressed and creaking, and the Nine Heavens Fire is beginning to show its strength at this moment. The burning fire group will bring Ning Xiaochuan The fire path of the extinct fire was completely suppressed. At this moment, the magma-like fire group has mostly become the nine-day magic fire, and the extinct fire has only a small half.

The situation was getting worse, but Ning Xiaochuan turned his attention away.

Before, he put all his energy on fighting against Jiuyuan Heavy Water and Jiutian Shenhuo, and he didn't have any thought to continue to condense the virtual godhead.

But now, Ning Xiaochuan has shifted most of his energy to the virtual godhead in his body.

Now he has realized that only if he condenses the virtual godhead first and improves his strength, then he has the possibility of breaking through the immediate predicament.

Otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for him.

The virtual godhead has been formed, but it is not stable. What Ning Xiaochuan has to do is to completely stabilize the virtual godhead.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan used to have a lot of **** beads and pseudo gods. Even the real gods have been in contact with them. These things are similar to the virtual gods, so at this moment Ning Xiaochuan doesn't panic. .

"To completely stabilize the virtual goddess, we must first have enough energy to form a solid wall." Ning Xiaochuan thought for a moment, and his whole body's aura rushed towards the virtual goddess madly.

The virtual godhead, which had been a little dim, had a little light at this moment. This layer of light even penetrated Ning Xiaochuan's body and illuminated the nine yuan heavy water outside.

"This is a virtual godhead?" Ding Kui and others almost swallowed their tongues.

The average godhead has thirty-six facets, which is the most common godhead. These sub-gods appearing here at the moment, and most of the virtual godheads in their bodies are thirty-six facets.

In addition to the thirty-six aspects of the goddess, some peerless Tianjiao, they may condense more than thirty-six aspects of the goddess.

Like the supreme body Tianjiao that Ding Kui had seen at the beginning, the godhead he condensed has a total of 1,800 aspects. This godhead is stronger than the ordinary godhead. I don't know how many times.

But at this moment Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead condensed, at least more than 2,000 aspects, so many aspects that make Ning Xiaochuan's virtual godhead infinitely close to a circle.

It is impossible to have a truly round goddess as a whole, and it is infinitely close to the circle. This is already the most powerful existence in the godhead, and it is enough to be called the king of the godhead.

When the King of Godhead appeared, Ning Xiaochuan's body shrank due to the weight around him, and finally disappeared into the heavy water of nine yuan.

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