Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1148: God of Destruction

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A monk is a master who is only a secondary god, and suddenly a flower blooms in front of him, then he feels that the virtual godhead in his body is directly taken away.

Feeling the loss of vitality in the body, this sub-god saw clearly Ning Xiaochuan standing in front of him.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan was expressionless, holding a virtual godhead with thirty-six facets in his hands, and suddenly exerting force in his hands, this virtual godhead was like a glass bead, shattered in Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

The virtual godhead is the root of a sub-god. Now this virtual god-head is crushed and crushed by Ning Xiaochuan. The sub-god of the sub-god realm immediately screamed and fell from the air.

A sub-god, fell.

The crowds watching the crowd around them, after seeing this scene, were all frightened and frightened, and fled madly away.

There are only some crazy people who have the courage to stay around at this moment, looking at Ning Xiaochuan with admiration.

Alone alone, the whole chaos of the medicine king star is extremely chaotic, and under so many sieges of God, he is still safe and sound, and finally counterattacked and killed a sub-god.

Such awesome existence is simply their idol.

And at the moment, their idols are still killing.

Ning Xiaochuan's strength was originally comparable to ordinary sub-gods. At this moment, he cultivated to reach the sub-god realm, condensing the king of the perfect god, and his power naturally soared again.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan himself can at least achieve the five-fold cultivation of the Second Divine Realm. If he holds the sword of extinction, his strength may be stronger.

But the sub-gods surrounding him now are mostly not more than five sub-gods. Such a group of sub-gods can only be beaten and have no strength to fight back.

After stepping into the sub-god realm, Ning Xiaochuan's speed almost soared to the extreme.

Often, when his figure flashed, he was able to appear in front of a sub-god, and the next moment, the virtual godhead in this sub-god was directly pulled out by him.

The body of a deity of the deity fell from the air, and just a blink of an eye, the dozen or so deities who had besieged Ning Xiaochuan had fallen more than half.

Looking at the next **** next to him, Mu Yanxin shivered in fear.

Although he was previously known as the Thunder God of War and had a hot temper, he was still scared at this moment.

Mu Yanxin's cultivation was almost at the level of the fifth god, and after assessing his strength, he felt he had no hope of defeating Ning Xiaochuan at this moment, and he resolutely backed away and hid to Ding Kui.

"It's too cruel, this demon's shot is too poisonous. Messenger Ding, please ask for help from Tenjin Temple. Only the masters of Tenjin Temple can overcome this demon."

Mu Yanxin was frightened, and began to urge Ding Kui.

Ding Kui was also complexion at the moment, but compared with Mu Yanxin, his expression was obviously calmer.

"His strength is almost five-fold in the sub-god realm, and he has such strength in the first sub-god realm. This talent is definitely stronger than the supreme physical genius of my Tenjin. Ding Kui kept thinking in his heart.

After discerning the limit of Ning Xiaochuan's strength at this moment, the uneasiness in his heart gradually settled down.

"Even if he is an evangelist of the world, his cultivation is too bad, and now he has just passed through the sublime calamity, and his realm has not been stabilized. Such cultivation, I may be able to destroy him.

Ding Kui's eyes flashed with a strange light, and he couldn't bother to care about Mu Yanxin who was hiding beside him.

Although Ding Kui's cultivation is equivalent to Mu Yanxin, he is only a five-fold goddess of cultivation, but he came from Tenjin Temple, and his strength is much stronger than Mu Yanxin.

So at this moment, Ding Kui is still planning **** Ning Xiaochuan.

Unless Ning Xiaochuan's strength was distinguished, Ding Kui had also identified it at this moment. Although Ning Xiaochuan was born again, his state has not recovered to the peak.

Now Ning Xiaochuan, although his shot is fierce, but more is shot by instinct, and his consciousness still seems not sober.

I have to say that Ding Kui's eyes were so spicy that she could see through Ning Xiaochuan's condition at a glance.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness has indeed not recovered, and his body is completely controlled by the virtual godhead.

This virtual godhead is the condensed Ning Xiaochuan who gathered all the ways of the world he realized, and is called the king of godheads.

Godhead was originally the essence of martial arts condensing their martial arts.

General deities can easily be controlled by warriors.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's condensed king was not easily controlled by Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment, not only is Ning Xiaochuan condensing a virtual godhead, but this virtual godhead is also choosing a master. If Ning Xiaochuan does not have the power to control it, it will dissipate and disappear completely.

Compared with the nine yuan heavy water and nine heavenly fire that Ning Xiaochuan faced before, the test of the virtual godhead at this moment is the biggest crisis that Ning Xiaochuan faces.

Inside the virtual godhead, Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness has condensed a body of consciousness.

Consciousness is changing fast enough.

With just one thought, Ning Xiaochuan appeared in front of a huge planet.

kill! Kill all life on this planet.

An invisible consciousness is urging Ning Xiaochuan. Ning Xiaochuan has a faint feeling. If he does not follow the order of this consciousness, the virtual godhead he condensed before will collapse completely.


Only constant killings can create a godhead that destroys the world.

Numerous messages about the godhead poured into Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness.

The godheads have been graded since the warrior condensed the virtual godhead. The weakest kind of godhead is naturally this ordinary godhead with only 36 aspects.

On top of this godhead, there are stronger 72-faceted deities, and then 108-faceted deities ...

The more the aspect of the godhead, the stronger the warrior with this godhead is.

The virtual gods condensed by ordinary Tianjiao generally have more than one hundred aspects, but they do not exceed one thousand.

Only some peerless Tianjiao, such as the Tianjiao with the Supreme Body, can condense out more than a thousand aspects of the goddess.

But even with these peerless arrogances, the aspect of the godhead can hardly exceed two thousand.

A godhead with more than 2,000 aspects is called the king of godheads.

There are many kinds of kings of gods. In order to condense the king of gods, in addition to having a peerless talent, the main thing is to start to comprehend the rules from the creation of the realm.

Only the virtual godhead condensed by the rules can exceed 2,000 aspects.

Like Ning Xiaochuan, his main cultivation practice is the World Extinction. Therefore, the godhead condensed at this moment is called the World Extinction.

There are 3,000 aspects of the extinct godhead, which is extremely strong among all the kings of godheads.

However, the most powerful king of gods is not a **** of extinction, but a kind of extremely perfect god. The aspect of this **** has three thousand six hundred aspects, which is a hundred times that of ordinary gods.

Such a godhead is even stronger than the **** of destruction.

Of course, this kind of godhead exists only in legend, it is much rarer than the extinct godhead, and almost no one has ever seen it.

No matter what kind of godhead it is, as long as it reaches the level of the king of godhead, when condensing the virtual godhead, it will be subject to the same test as Ning Xiaochuan encountered at the moment.

The king of gods can have the title of king, which is naturally different from ordinary gods.

The general godhead is that the warrior himself has chosen condensed, but the king of godhead is different. After each king of godhead appears, he must choose its master himself.

If the master is not satisfied with it, it will abandon the master.

What Ning Xiaochuan faces at this moment is the test of the extinct godhead.

This test was carried out in Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness, so Ning Xiaochuan could not cheat at all, but only accepted the test step by step in accordance with the meaning of the **** of destruction.

When his body of consciousness moved at will, he had entered the planet in front of him and stood on the planet.

In front of him, a group of fierce gangsters were chopping a pretty-looking woman into two pieces. The woman's white flower body was thrown directly into the cauldron in front of them.

The gurgling heat came out of the cauldron, and the gangsters were cooking meat.


Kill these scums.

The instructions of the extinct godhead kept coming.

In the face of such a group of evildoers, Ning Xiaochuan has only disgust and will not give any sympathy at all. Therefore, all of these gangsters died in his hands, and then Ning Xiaochuan was thrown directly into the cauldron that was so hot.

After killing these gangsters, the scene in front of Ning Xiaochuan changed again. A good-looking guy, after getting rich, abandoned his wife in order to abandon his chaotic wife.

In the face of such a person, there is only one indication of the extinction godhead, which is to kill.


Keep killing.

Later, Ning Xiaochuan had no idea how many people had been killed, but he was certain that none of the people he had killed was a good thing.

Regardless of the guy who first began eating human flesh, or the white-eyed wolf who subsequently gave his wife a poisonous hand, and those evil men that Ning Xiaochuan met later, Ning Xiaochuan almost did not hesitate to kill them all.

Such killings continue endlessly.

Even Ning Xiaochuan himself began to feel tired, sleepy, and bored.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan's figure returned to the world of Dayan.

In the places Ning Xiaochuan is familiar with, Yulan Empire, Ghost Villa, Jiangehou House ... Ning Xiaochuan appeared one by one.

As Ning Xiaochuan appeared, those familiar figures appeared in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Laohouye, Ning Xin'er, Ning Qiancheng, Yu Qianqian, Yu Ningsheng ... These familiar figures of Ning Xiaochuan, because of their long-term reunion, one after another excitedly smiled towards Ning Xiaochuan.

However, at this moment Ning Xiaochuan is still constantly hearing the hint given to him by the extinct godhead.

Kill them! Only the close relatives can be killed to condense the **** of extinction and possess the mind of extinction.

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