Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1219: Master Sister

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If the souls of the Shenhe civilization pass through the gate of man and **** to reach the world of Dayan, they must pay a great price, because to the world of Dayan, they are all outsiders and invaders.

However, Ning Xiaochuan and others are different. They are born and grown up in the world of Da Yan. As long as someone has the gate of God, they can return to Da Yan at any time.

Through the door of the man and **** in front of him, the Emperor Zijin has felt the breath of the world.

However, at this moment he slowly shook his head and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, I'm already the next god. If you forcefully pass through this door, I'm afraid it will be completely destroyed, so you can go back alone. From now on, you can. This gate of humans and gods will become the connection point between our world and the civilization of the Shenhe River. There is no room for loss. I will stay here until this gate of humans and gods is no longer useful. "

He nodded at Ning Xiaochuan, and Lord Zijin turned directly, sitting cross-legged on the corner of the hall.

Ning Xiaochuan watched every move of the Emperor Zijin, sighed, and then stepped into the front of the front.

The lower the level of civilization, the more backward the communication methods, such as the Dayan world, the highest level of civilization, so the soul of the Dayan world wants to come to the Shenhe civilization, it is almost impossible.

The Shenhe civilization, which is already the Bapin civilization, has a variety of technologies. It can cast tools such as the starry sky boat and the broken world boat, shuttle in the starry sky, and even develop a long-distance space transmission matrix. Teleport directly from one star field to another.

In the higher heaven of Jiupin civilization and truth, the communication method is extremely advanced. As long as there is a **** coin, an idea can be transmitted freely everywhere.

Ning Xiaochuan stepped into the gate of man and **** at this moment, but there was a lot of emotion in his heart.

If one day he could develop the world of Da Yan like the Kingdom of Truth, I'm afraid he's a true name.

In the world of Da Yan, over the King's Palace, the corpses of the 10,000 Supreme Masters have now been completely shattered, all condensing into a huge gate over the sky.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, Ning Xiaochuan's figure slowly walked out from this gate.


In the starry sky, a broken boat constantly shuttled through the air.

In this boat, a man in a straight uniform with a stern face is standing in the boat and looking at everything outside.

The starry sky was boring. The cold man looked at it for a long time, and was already a little impatient. He shook his head and sat down to practice.

Just then, an expanding world wall in front of him suddenly caught his sight.

"The outer wall of the starry sky shows the wall of the world. Is this the Dayan world I'm looking for? If it is true, then the leader's entrustment, I can finally complete it."

There was a bit of joy on the cold man's face, and he immediately urged the broken boat to march toward the world ahead.

In the Dayan world at this moment, Ning Xiaochuan and Ning Xin'er and others stayed together for nearly a full day before leaving alone and flying towards Guihui.

When his projection returned to Dayan World, he once promised Sui Hanyu to see her once, but now Ning Xiaochuan has returned, and of course he will not miss the appointment.

In addition, Ning Xiaochuan was now ready to rescue the cold winter rain.

"Although the person who seals the master is extraordinary and I can't compare it at this moment, but this seal has existed for so long, and it must have weakened a lot. As long as I and the master cooperate with each other, I ca n’t break the seal if I do n’t believe it." After a few sounds, the figure immediately rushed into the Hui market.

Flashing in the Guixu, just a cup of tea, Ning Xiaochuan appeared in front of Sui Hanyu.

Sui Hanyu is still like Ning Xiaochuan when she first met her. She has a beautiful face and a cold body, as if it were a piece of ice that is difficult to dissolve. However, her locked on the iron sword is full of vitality. No, it seems dead.

"Master." Ning Xiaochuan fell in front of Sui Hanyu.

From the moment Ning Xiaochuan appeared, Sui Hanyu's eyes had been looking at Ning Xiaochuan.

At this moment Ning Xiaochuan fell in front of her, and her face appeared a bit of bleak expression: "You really are not suitable for practicing the World Extinction. I really don't know if I passed the World Extinction to you in the first place. Did it hurt you? I hope you don't blame me in the future. "

"If it were n’t for the master, I ’m afraid I would n’t be here today, how could I blame the master, not to mention, now I feel that everything is fine with me, even if I do n’t have a **** of extinction, I wo n’t necessarily be better than the ring How much blood sedimentation. "Ning Xiaochuan shook his head.

Although he sealed the Yantai Bloodsink into the black hole, Ning Xiaochuan knew that with the ability of the Yantai Bloodsink, he was afraid that even if he entered the black hole, he would not die.

If the blood sanitation of Yantai is not dead, there will be a battle between him and the blood sanitation of Yantai in the future.

"Death of the World!" Sui Hanyu shook his head and seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he didn't say it, but groaned for a moment and said: "The World of Destruction is the strongest law of destruction. The people are all natural enemies of world leaders. I did not expect that you could become the leader of the Da Yan world while you practiced the method of extinction, and were recognized by the seal of leadership. As a result, I ca n’t determine your future. How do you go on the path of practice? Ning Xiaochuan, you and I have already lost our fate. You do n’t have to come to me in the future. "

"What?" Ning Xiaochuan was taken aback, but did not expect Sui Hanyu to say such a thing.

But immediately he smiled and shook his head: "One day as a teacher and lifelong father, uh, no, it should be one day as a teacher for life ... Sister is good, anyway, the master is not old, master, this time I come over, so It's to save you from here. You can get out of here completely after a while. "

After waiting for Sui Hanyu to say more, Ning Xiaochuan's figure flickered, and several figures broke out on his body, scattered around Sui Hanyu.

"With your strength, you can't break it ..." Sui Hanyu shook his head and did not stop Ning Xiaochuan, but sighed in his mouth.

However, before her sigh ended, her face suddenly looked stunned.

"This is ... spiritual power." That powerful and familiar power appeared on the body, and Su Hanyu was suddenly shocked.

You know, the reason why she lost in the first place and was eventually sealed here is because the other party realized the existence of obsession and possessed spiritual power.

As long as there is obsession, it is tantamount to immortality. This was acknowledged by the first ancestor of the era of the world, and the first ancestor of the era of the world was also the master of spiritual power.

After being sealed here, Sui Hanyu also tried to understand the spiritual power, but until this moment, she failed to succeed.

The existence of spiritual power is a kind of nihilistic existence. There is no experience to learn from, and no method to practice. All depends on oneself, on one's own heart, and on one's own thoughts.

But Sui Hanyu did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan would realize the existence of spiritual power.

"And the spiritual power he understands is very different from the spiritual power possessed by my ancestor of the World Destruction Master. If the World Destruction Master is a pure power of destruction, then this kind of spiritual power realized by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment is a kind of vitality. But he was extremely overbearing. He clearly practiced the World Extinction, but why did he realize such a spiritual power. "Staring at Ning Xiaochuan in front of him, the cold winter rain suddenly became confused.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't even think about Sui Hanyu's thoughts at this moment. He stared at the iron sword that sealed Sui Hanyu. Sui Hanyu was sealed for so many years, and the root of everything is on this iron sword.

Although this iron sword was broken, Ning Xiaochuan could feel that there was still a powerful force circulating on the iron sword.

As long as this power exists, it is impossible for that year's cold rain to escape.

Ning Xiaochuan's body stared at the iron sword for a moment, then walked towards the iron sword step by step, and then reached out and held the iron sword.

A powerful thought of destruction rushed into Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness instantly.

Shocked by this powerful consciousness, Ning Xiaochuan's mind was instantly confused, and the whole person seemed to fall into a completely different time and space.

In this time and space, a stunning woman similar to Sui Hanyu, stepping on the crystal red ghost ship under her feet, constantly shuttled in the starry sky.

Soon, a splendid civilization appeared in front of her, and her look was cold, and she directly entered into this civilization.

Countless people were killed and countless planets were destroyed.

Countless strong men in this civilization are in their early stages and want to suppress this woman, but all of them are killed and stepped on their feet.

In the end, the woman turned to look at Ning Xiaochuan.

Obviously it's just an illusory consciousness, but Ning Xiaochuan feels that the other party is indeed confronting himself at this moment.

"The law beast." Ning Xiaochuan did not hesitate at all, and immediately hit his strongest trick.

The opposite woman also wielded the sword in her hand.

Two huge forces collided together, and countless sword shadows swept Ning Xiaochuan directly.

"Too strong, at least this sword contains thousands of laws of extinction." Ning Xiaochuan screamed in his heart, and the consciousness returned to the body in an instant.

At the moment, his palm is still on the iron sword.


Ning Xiaochuan's mouth blew blood and dyed the chains on the iron sword red.

Immediately, his figure flew out.

"Sure enough, do I still underestimate the successor to the world?" Flying in the air, Ning Xiaochuan laughed bitterly.

Just when his consciousness was about to fall asleep, Ning Xiaochuan suddenly felt that a slippery and soft body fell into his arms and lay on the ground with himself.

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan's consciousness disappeared and she was completely unconscious.

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