Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1237: Son of Destiny

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What does the deep black hole look like? If it hadn't happened by chance, Ning Xiaochuan would never have thought that this black hole, which seems to destroy everything, would be such a holy place in the depths.

And now, the world of Da Yan has a gate of time and space linking the depths of the black hole.

After thinking about this, Ning Xiaochuan and the Emperor Zijin were so excited that it took a long time to calm down.

Ning Xiaochuan stayed in the depths of this black hole for almost a day, and then returned to Dayan World again.

The passage inside the gate of man and **** is distorted. Except for Ning Xiaochuan, no one in the Dayan world can pass at this moment. However, at this moment, the outer space-temporal storm is already weakening, so this man's gate of God will sooner or later recover again.

On the day when the gate of God is completely opened, Ning Xiaochuan can arrange for Ning Xiner and others to enter the deep black hole for cultivation.

Back at the King's Palace, Ning Xiaochuan immediately called Lao Houye and others to his side.

There are now many small worlds outside the Dayan world. Once the storm of outer space and time subsides, those small worlds may rush out of the enemy at any time.

Therefore, Ning Xiaochuan should discuss the countermeasures with Lao Houye and others as soon as possible.

To protect the entire world of Da Yan, it is definitely not enough to rely on Ning Xiaochuan alone. Only gathering the strength of everyone in the Da Yan world can make the Da Yan world truly solid.

When Ning Xiaochuan and Lao Houye discussed various issues, outside the Dayan world, in the small worlds piled together, at least dozens of figures rushed out of a very humble world and stood In the chaos, the storm of time and space is still blowing.

These figures are all young people, all dressed in red, like wearing a ball of blood on their bodies. Leading by it was a teenager who seemed to be at most sixteen or seventeen years old. This teenager had a big mouth, a slumped nose, but small eyes.

Almost all of these young men in red are handsome, but the leading teenager is extremely ugly, which is in stark contrast to those handsome young people.

However, when these handsome young people faced this ugly teenager, they were very respectful one by one, and they did not dare to be the same at all.

The ugly boy glanced around and immediately laughed and laughed: "Haha, when I was born, the **** operator calculated that I would dominate the world in the future, the child of the destiny born with the destiny, let alone our small world, even the whole world. All are to be conquered by me. Now that the eight grades of civilization are destroyed and all the worlds are piled up together, this is the opportunity for my destiny to rise. Little ones, join me to lay down these nearby worlds and destroy their world origin. In the future we will The Lotte Small World is the strongest force in the world. "

"Master is the son of destiny. I think this world change happened because of the master. Even destiny is on the master's side. Wherever the master goes, he must be invincible. No one dares to resist the master." Several handsome young men immediately complimented the ugly boy with a smirk.

The ugly boy nodded and enjoyed, pointing at a small world next to him: "Well, the first world we want to conquer is here, and you will kill me along with me."

call out!

A group of red figures passed through the storm of time and space, rushing to the edge of this small world like a wolf and tiger, breaking the wall of the small world, and then drilling into it.

The size of this small world is much smaller than that of the Dayan world. Within the circular wall, there is a small planet. There is land on the planet, there are oceans, and there are countless different forms of life. .

Those ordinary lives living in this small world have no idea that someone has invaded and still live their own lives.

But those powerful men in this small world have felt the invasion of foreign enemies one after another, flying from the surface of the planet and appearing in front of these red men.

The three strongest people in this small world first intercepted in front of the ugly boy. Among the three strongest people, an old goatee walked out and looked warily: "Dear everyone, here is the Meyer Small World. I am Mei Longzi, the leader of Meyer's small world, didn't know you were here ... "

Before the old man Hu Long Mei Longzi finished speaking, the ugly boy waved his hand impatiently: "You are the leader of this world. Good, you can go to death."

With a wave of the palm, an artifact-grade bead appeared in the hand of the ugly boy. In this bead, a blood-red eyeball was vaguely leaking out.

Aiming at this blood-red eyeball at Mei Longzi in front of him, the power of a law on the ugly teenager flashed faintly.

Immediately, Mei Longzi trembled with an unbelievable look on his face, and his flesh exploded.

From Mei Longzi's body, a piece of the leader's mark jumped out, as if he had spirituality, but he wanted to escape.

The ugly boy took this leader's mark in his palm with one stroke.

"This old man is a sub-god. All the flesh and blood on his body can't be wasted. I collected it all." With a wave of the ugly boy, a handsome young man behind him immediately rushed up and used a white jade porcelain bottle to collect all the flesh and blood on Mei Longzi Up.

Not to mention killing directly, not even flesh and bones are ready to stay.

The other two strong men around Mei Longzi have been shaken by the actions of the ugly boy, and each took out an artifact sword and chopped at the ugly boy together.

"Master, they are both handed over to us." Two handsome young men in red jumped out from behind the ugly teenager, blocking the two strong ones.

Just a few moments later, the two strong men in Meyer's little world were killed by the two young men in red, the spirits were destroyed, and the flesh and blood were also taken away.

The ugly boy glanced at the small world of Meyer indifferently, sneering out of the corner of his mouth: "Go and collect all the resources and treasures of this world, and drive me back one day later."

"Yes, sir." A group of young men in red, hurriedly killed the planet in front of them.

On this day, the planet was covered with seedlings. Those powerful Zongmen were completely destroyed, and the treasures that were unknown for many years were collected and taken away. The young talents in Zongmen were talented. Most of them were killed. Only those beautiful women Tianjiao were deliberately left with their lives sealed off and taken away.

The Qipin civilization was born in the distant place, but this Qipin civilization is invincible in front of these red art youths. With the cooperation of several young people in red, this Qipin civilization only supports After a while, it was completely destroyed.

The entire planet has fallen into complete chaos.

One day later, all the young men in red returned to the ugly teenager again.

"Master, this time we have learned a lot, and even the slaves around Master, we also caught a lot for the Master." These young men in red have gained a lot and went to the ugly teenagers to report the gains one by one.

Many young people in red are holding many young and beautiful girls who have been shrunk many times.

"That's right, that's right, now that the baby has been wiped out by us, there is no need for this world to exist, and you all give me out of this world." The ugly boy nodded proudly.

The young men in red rushed out of the Meyer Small World and returned to the storm of time and space before looking back at the Meyer Small World behind them.

The ugly boy stood in Meyer's small world, took out the seal of the leader that he had obtained from Mei Longzi, put a mouth on it, and swallowed the seal of the leader into his stomach.

Casually, the ugly boy's big mouth opened violently, sending a suction to the planet ahead.

The huge planet began to shrink, and finally turned into a fist-sized planet, and got into the mouth of the ugly boy.

Without this planet, the wall membrane of Meyer's little world shook a bit, and even like a broken egg shell, pieces shattered. In the end, there is only a wall membrane of an empty shell, Disintegrate completely.

Watching the ugly boy appear in the storm of time and space, the young men in red grinned one by one.

"Haha, Master has destroyed a small world so quickly."

The ugly boy flashed, and returned to the small world he appeared before, took out the seal of the leader he swallowed, and pinched it. This seal of leadership turned out to be like a stone that took a long time to complete. Crush.

And the powder that became the crush of the seal of the leader was absorbed into the wall of the world in front of the ugly boy.

After just absorbing some scraps, this small world inflated like a balloon inflated. After it was fully inflated by about a third of the previous size, the small world stopped expanding. .

The ugly boy nodded with satisfaction, then waved his arm, and said to another small world: "Go, I continue to fight with the master."

A group of young men in red turned around again and rushed towards another small world.

Dayan World.

After Ning Xiaochuan told Lao Houye and others about the environment facing the Dayan world at this moment, Lao Hou and others immediately felt a sense of urgency, and Ning Xiaochuan began to discuss various ways to deal with the crisis.

Even the strong men scattered throughout the world of Da Yan were recommended by Ning Xiaochuan at this moment to recall all the King's Court cities.

After issuing several orders in succession, Ning Xiaochuan, together with Lao Houye and other talents, left the Jiange Palace and rushed in a direction of Dayan World.

"Ogawa, you really decided to go into **** by yourself. Isn't it too risky to do so?" Following Ning Xiaochuan, Lao Hou and others looked dignified at this moment, with worries in their eyes.

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