Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 1244: Collection order

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Outside Yan Quan City, a group of evil gods attacked Ning Xiaochuan together. Ning Xiaochuan was just barely supporting at this moment. It seemed that they would soon be defeated by these evil gods.

Ning Xiaochuan also showed a lot of confidence just now, but he was so pustular when he started, the contrast between the front and back was almost huge, which made those evil gods feel a little strange.

These evil gods are all like old foxes. They had always been alert to Ning Xiaochuan to prevent Ning Xiaochuan from playing tricks in secret.

However, after continuously attacking Ning Xiaochuan for such a long time, their worries gradually receded.

"Kill, capture this kid."

Donghuang evil gods and others, at this moment, are coupling, and they are about to break up the days that are protecting Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan, who had been sitting cross-legged in the middle of the sky calculation, expressionless, finally stood up slowly and looked up at the outside.

"This kid is finally going to fight back." The old ancestor Yan Quan who was hiding aside, at this moment brightened his eyes, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, wanting to see how Ning Xiaochuan was going to deal with the evil gods around him.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the evil gods around him, and his figure suddenly fell and fell to the ground.

Of course, those evil gods also followed, and more than twenty evil gods still surrounded Ning Xiaochuan by death, giving Ning Xiaochuan no chance to break out.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you are already trying to escape this time. If you are willing to cooperate with us, we can spare your life." The Confucian evil spirit stood on a stone, staring at Ning Xiaochuan coldly.

In fact, he never thought about letting Ning Xiaochuan do so, but at this moment he just wanted to disturb Ning Xiaochuan's mind.

"Excuse me, your lord seems to be wrong. It is up to you to ask me to let me apologize for your life." Ning Xiaochuan stood in the middle of the sky, and suddenly burst into a drink.

With Ning Xiaochuan's explosion, the surrounding ground suddenly twisted, and a huge vortex appeared slowly at the feet of everyone.

"Ah! What is this?"

"This is Hell's Vortex. How could it appear here? It's impossible."

"Be careful, don't fall in. If you fall into the vortex, it will be difficult to come out again."


The moment the vortex appeared, a scream came from all around.

The tribal sub-gods hiding behind the sidelines, with almost no resistance, were immediately swallowed into the vortex.

Seeing that their sub-gods were swallowed up by the vortex, the evil gods who besieged Ning Xiaochuan were furious, but immediately they found that they were also in crisis.

A huge suction came out of the vortex of hell, sucking them firmly. At this moment, their bodies seemed to be trapped in an ordinary person trapped in a swamp pit. It was difficult to move, just to watch His body kept falling downwards.

The more you struggle, the faster you fall.

Only Ning Xiaochuan stood on the vortex alone, it seemed that he did not feel the appeal of the vortex at all.

At this moment, these evil gods panicked. What the **** vortex represents is very clear in their hearts. Once they fall into the depths of the vortex, they will surely die.

"Damn, it turns out that this is the kid's second hand. No wonder he wants to bring us together and wipe it out."

"This is Hell's Vortex. Hell's Vortex has been in Hell for many years and has never moved. How can this kid be transferred here now."

"Leader! I am afraid this kid has mastered the seal of the leader of Dayan World, but even if it is the seal of the leader of Dayan World, it is impossible to mobilize everything in hell."


These evil gods are struggling one by one and want to escape from the **** vortex, but their struggle is useless, but they fall faster and faster, and almost disappear in the **** vortex almost immediately.

At this time, some evil gods finally became frightened, and began to beg for Ning Xiaochuan continuously.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I promised you that you can be your slave for a hundred years. No, it can be a thousand years."

Yan Quan's ancestors flew to Ning Xiaochuan with a complex look, glanced down at these evil gods devoured by the **** vortex: "Ning Xiaochuan, what are you going to do with them?"

There was a little hesitation on Ning Xiaochuan's face.

To be honest, this time he really wanted to surrender these **** evil gods. Most of these **** evil gods are in the realm of spirits. For Da Yan World who lacks masters at this moment, if they are willing to sit in Da Yan World, it is naturally the best .

However, these evil gods are too taciturn, and even Ning Xiaochuan himself has no confidence to surrender them. If you keep them alive, I'm afraid they will still be the cause of the restlessness of the Da Yan world.

After thinking about it for a moment, Ning Xiaochuan's expression suddenly became firm: "Of course it is to kill without amnesty. I have given them a chance, but they did not seize it, and now there will be no second chance."

With the roaring sounds of the evil gods of hell, their figures eventually disappeared completely in the **** vortex.

Ning Xiaochuan stood above the Hell Vortex, secretly urging the power of the world of hell, and the huge Hell Vortex suddenly looked like an eyeball, slowly closing and disappearing, and the feet of Ning Xiaochuan and Yan Quan's ancestors became condensed again. Real land.

Standing on the ground, the shocked look on Yan Quan's ancestor slowly disappeared.

He didn't expect that Ning Xiaochuan really solved all of these **** evil gods. Without these **** evil gods, today's **** is afraid that Ning Xiaochuan will be completely calmed down soon.

Looking at Ning Xiaochuan with a complex look, Yan Quan's ancestor shook his head and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, this time you can be considered a pit for everyone. However, **** is a world created by a mighty person, even if you As the leader of the Da Yan world, it is impossible to mobilize the power of the world of hell. What happened just now? "

Ning Xiaochuan shrugged and said, "I don't know what's going on. Since I came to Hell, anyway, I have found that by relying on the seal of the leader of Da Yan World, I can also use part of the power of Hell's world. This is the current round, and all the evil gods will be destroyed at once. "

The ancestor of Yan Quan suddenly said nothing: "Is it because Hell and Dayan World have been together for too long, and the two have begun to assimilate, so you can use some of the power of Hell's world. If you knew that you had With such ability, these **** evil gods will probably take precautions early, and they won't be recruited at all. This time they died too badly. "

"Well, what's wrong, if I can't solve them all at once, it's a big deal that I waste a little time, one tribe after another tribe to solve them." Ning Xiaochuan snorted coldly: "Well, ancestor, then in **** I ’ll take care of you. You and the emperor took some time to rectify the various tribes in hell, and when they were almost rectified, they entered the Guixu through the channel I left. At that time, I will take my own shot and take the evil spirits from you. All of them are taken away, so that you can stay in the Da Yan world for a long time. "

Hearing that he could leave hell, Yan Quan's ancestor said with joy: "Okay, leave it to us. I will contact you in advance when we enter the market."

Back in Yanquan City, Ning Xiaochuan and the ancestors of Yan Quan and the Qing Emperor discussed for a long time, and Ning Xiaochuan left Hell alone.

Of course, with the help of this time, Ning Xiaochuan has used Qingji's mother's blood to completely stabilize Qingji's body.

Because he could return to the relationship of Da Yan World soon afterwards, Qing Ji didn't leave with Ning Xiaochuan this time, but stayed with his mother.


Dayan world is full of luck.

After the catastrophe of the battle of the gods, although today's Dayan world is not as prosperous as in the past, Ning Xiaochuan has exerted great means to combine many continents of the Dayan world into one, and has created a teleportation matrix throughout the mainland, accelerating the mainland Communication between places.

As a result, the heritage of Dayan World is rapidly recovering.

Especially near Jiange King City, Jinge King City at this moment is full of golden colors, releasing a strong vitality.

There are monks sitting cross-legged at any time in the King City of Jiange, with their eyes closed to practice.

Ning Xiaochuan's Jiange King City, which has been condensed using the blood of God, has long been a holy land for cultivation. As long as people on the mainland are successful, they will rush to Jiange King City to practice.

When Ning Xiaochuan rushed back from hell, it was exactly in the morning, and the morning sun rose. The whole sky of King Ge appears to be shrouded with a strong and powerful blood. If someone attacked King Ge, they must first break through this layer of blood. Only can.

"Grandpa, what happened?" When Ning Xiaochuan walked into the King's Palace, he found out that Lao Hou and others had already gathered together at this moment, and they seemed to have anxiety on their faces.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan's return, the worry on the old Houye's face disappeared for the most part. Haha smiled and waved a shining jade.

Ning Xiaochuan took over the jade, and his heart intruded into it. A middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe and majestic figure appeared immediately.

"I am the emperor of the wind-shocked world. Now that the world is changing, I have issued a collection order. All the worlds that received this order immediately sent messengers to the wind-shocked world to meet me. Otherwise, Fengchong The army of the great world will settle all the rebels. "

Ning Xiaochuan held the jade in his hand, and looked up at Lao Hou and others. "Where is this thing?"

Lao Hou put his finger up and said, "I fell from the sky, and besides this, I have a lot here."

With a spread of hands, the old man immediately reappeared several colorful communication symbols.

Ning Xiaochuan took a few pieces of communication symbols at hand, and after a little inspection of his mind, he immediately found that the contents of these communication symbols were mostly similar to those he had seen before, except that the leaders of various worlds were preaching their power to others. .

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