Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 133: the third floor

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The white robe man's arms spread out, a ray of mystery overflowed between the five fingers, and eighteen vines appeared around the body, like iron chains, woven into a huge cage, guarding his body in the center.





Those leaves bombarded in the past, and were all blocked by the vines. Under the huge impact, they turned into a blue mist.

The people in white robes stood in the cage of vines, eighteen rays of light emerged from their fingers, and they pointed towards Ning Xiaochuan, and the eighteen vines twisted into a strand, like a steel dragon.

These vines are all condensed by "wood force", which is full of vitality and powerful enough to lock the dragon elephant!

Ning Xiaochuan punched at the top of the eighteen vines, and flashes of light flashed across them. All six vines were withered and turned into powder.


The remaining twelve vines stretched out their tentacles and wound Ning Xiaochuan's arm.

The tentacles are extremely sharp and stabbed into Ning Xiaochuan's body.

"Wan Jianhua rain!"

Around the body of Ning Xiaochuan, a hundred swords of qi emptiness condensed, and he slashed wildly towards the twelve vines, crushing them into powder.

Ning Xiaochuan merged his hands, and a hundred swords were imaginary, condensing into a war sword, his body turned into a lightning, and a sword stabbed at the robe of Baipao.


An extra wooden stick was added to the Baipao people's hands, hitting the blade of the sword, blocking Ning Xiaochuan's devastating sword.

This sword, Ning Xiaochuan has used his full strength, but was still blocked by the white robe people, no wonder Princess Lan Fei, Royal Enemies, He Jia and others were all defeated in the hands of this white robe man!

This white robe man's cultivation is not really powerful!

"Scorching sun!"

Ning Xiaochuan moves the martial arts mystery in the body, and the mystery energy gathers towards the center of the eyebrow, making the center of the eyebrow more and more bright, like a burning meteorite fireball!

Ning Xiaochuan's body became more and more hot, and the flames almost made the flesh burn.

"call out!"

A beam of light flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's brows and bombarded the white robe man.

The beam of light is like a ray of flame!

The white robe man used a wooden staff to resist the power of the beam of light, but the hot temperature caused the wooden staff to burn, causing the white robes on his body to be burned.

"I see! The white robe people on the first floor of the Tongtian Bridge use the five elements of" golden force ", while the white robe people on the second layer use the five elements of" wood force ". The flame of the burning sun just restrained the wooden lines force."

After Ning Xiaochuan understood the reason, he also knew how to break through the second floor of the Tongtian Bridge, condensing the strength of the whole body to the eyebrow, so that the light of the eyebrow was as bright as the hot sun.

The white robe man was pierced by the light of Ning Xiaochuan's heart, and his eyes were difficult to open, and his power was greatly suppressed.

Ning Xiaochuan quickly ran to the person in front of the white robe and used physical strength to fight him. When the white robe man was overwhelmed, the golden mang in the heart of Ning Xiaochuan flew out again, causing the entire body of the white robe man to burn!

Under the power of "Blazing Sun", the body of the white robe man was burned into ashes, then turned into a few light spots, and gathered into a second beam of light!

"Congratulations on passing the second floor of the sky bridge!"

Ning Xiaochuan passed the beam of light and continued to move forward.

When the second beam of light rose on the Tongtian Bridge, many people on the bridge showed joy.

"Ning Xiaochuan's talent was so high that he actually crossed the second floor of the Tongtian Bridge!" Ning Xiaojian stood on a towering tower, staring in the direction of the Tongtian Bridge, wearing a white student robe and carrying a handle Wupin Xuanqi-level war sword, Jun Yi's face was a bit cold.

Ning Xiaojian is the fourth son of the uncle Ning Qianwen of Jiangehoufu. He is 23 years old this year and is known as the first genius of Jiangehoufu. Five years ago, he was admitted to the Heavenly Emperor Academy with the twelfth place and became the glory of Jiangehoufu.

Ning Qianwen has secretly summoned him, asking him to take Ning Xiaochuan's life in the emperor's market.

"No wonder my father asked me to take Ning Xiaochuan's life. I just crossed the second floor of the Tongtian Bridge as soon as I entered school. With the old man's admiration for him, he will definitely become the young man in Jiange Hou House in the future. Ning Xiner's talent is also very high However, she is a daughter. Sooner or later she will marry, but there is no threat. "

Ning Xiaojian also held the position of the successor of Jiange Houfu House. If it was not for the appearance of Ning Xiaochuan, it would be a matter of time to become the heir of Jiange Houfu House with his talent.

"Cousin, we must get rid of Ning Xiaochuan as soon as possible, or wait for him to cultivate from the Tiangong, the cultivation will definitely improve a lot, it is even more difficult to kill him." Situ Mingyu said.

Situ Mingyu is the proud daughter of the Situ family.

The Situ family is a large family in the Moling domain. In order to climb the relationship of Jiangehoufu, they married Situ Yuehua, the pearl of Situ's family, to Ning Qianwen.

Situ Mingyu is the sibling of the Situ family, cousin of Ning Xiaojian, and was admitted to the Emperor's Academy five years ago.

In addition to Situ Mingyu, there are three young talents in Jiangehoufu who are all standing behind Ning Xiaojian. They are all the second students who were admitted to the Heavenly Emperor ’s Academy five years ago. .

Ning Xiaojian said: "The number of places that have entered Tiangong in the past three days is full. Ning Xiaochuan is bound to stay in Tiandi City for the past three days and always has a chance to get rid of him."


Ning Xiaochuan meets the third white robe man on the Tongtian Bridge!

The breath on the white robes became more powerful, just like a mountain. Before the shot, the air field on the body suppressed the surrounding air as if it were solidified.

"In this freshman, you are the second one to come here, and your cultivation is the fifth most important. This is quite remarkable." Although white robe people are formed by the condensation of fog, they have independent thinking ability. .

Ning Xiaochuan walked step by step to the opposite side of the white robe man. A black cloud shrouded above his head. It rained heavily, wet all his robes, and raindrops kept rolling on his forehead.

Knowing that the other party was extremely powerful, Ning Xiaochuan seemed extremely cautious, and his whole body was wrapped by lightning, condensing a hundred-handed sword Qi and the shadow around him.

The white robe man's momentum became more and more fierce, saying: "Kill me and pass through the third layer. If it is not enemy, immediately admit defeat, if you do not admit defeat, you are dead!"

Baipao's arm was raised slightly, and under the bridge, a wave of water surged, setting off a huge wave, and rushing towards Ning Xiaochuan.

"Sure enough! The first layer is 'Gold Travel Force', the second layer is 'Wood Travel Force', and the third layer is 'Water Travel Force'."

Ning Xiaochuan spread a pair of large wings on his back, his body soared, and he gathered them into a sword net with the sword energy, and bombarded the white robe man.

The white robe man hummed, his sleeves waved, and the water waves condensed dozens of ice swords. Each ice sword was three feet long, wrapped in mysterious air, breaking through the wind, and dragging a long tail!

Every ice sword has a warrior who killed the fifth restoration of the **** body!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Ning Xiaochuan was forced back by those ice swords, and he tied his sword with both hands, and hit out at the same time, "Destruction of the World!"

Ning Xiaochuan's hands condensed an extremely stout sword wave, with a diameter of one meter thick, and turned into a seven-meter-long giant sword. Like the same sword, the light flowed into the armpit of the white robe man instantly!

Ning Xiaochuan's sword was intended to pierce the heart of Baipao people, but the practice of Baipao people was too high, and the speed was as fast as a phantom.

Ning Xiaochuan's complexion changed and she wanted to retreat immediately, but it was late!


People in white robes bombed Ning Xiaochuan's chest with a single palm, and the clothes on Ning Xiaochuan's chest shattered, and the flesh was blurred!


Ning Xiaochuan spit out a blood spit, but felt that all the internal organs were broken, the ribs were broken, and the body flew back like a kite with a broken wire.

The white robe man did not give Ning Xiaochuan a chance to breathe, his arms spread out, and a 30-meter-long white ice sword was condensed with water gas, and a cold air swept the world.

The ice sword was like a magic sword that opened up the world. A sword slashed towards Ning Xiaochuan.

This is a killing sword!

Ning Xiaochuan watched the sword getting closer and closer to him, and his brain moved quickly, thinking about countermeasures.

Is it to continue the fight, or to give up immediately?


Ning Xiaochuan's blood boiled all over her body, inspiring her physical potential. The "wing of the wind" on her back was unfolded again, her body was forced to roll over, and the ice sword was cut off from Ning Xiaochuan's left shoulder dangerously and taken away flesh.


Ning Xiaochuan fell on the Tongtian Bridge again, mobilizing the mysterious energy in the body, suppressing the wound on the shoulder, and sealing the blood of the wound!

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