Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 262: Court situation

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Ning Xiaochuan took an intermittent treatment of Dandan, and began to slowly refine the Danqi to heal the internal injuries!

In the study, there are only Jiangehou, Ning Qiancheng, and Ning Xiaochuan. They are regarded as the three most powerful three generations of Jiange Houfu, and they are also absolute leaders of Jiange Houfu.

"Thousands of cities, you say it! Some big things should also let Ogawa know." Jiange Hou said.

Ning Qiancheng looked dignified and took a dragon skin map from the bookshelf!

This is a real dragon skin, peeled off from the dragon, with dense lines engraved on it, marking the territory of the sixty-three domains of the Yulan Empire.

The dots are drawn in the locations of ancient cities and towns, the human figures are drawn in the positions of soldiers and dangerous customs, and red dots are dotted in some important places.

In addition to the territory of the Yulan Empire, the dynasties, kingdoms, and federations surrounding the Empire are also marked on the map. Some small countries are as large as a "domain" of the Yulan Empire. Some small countries are as large as a fingertip on the map. .

"On the west side, there are forty-eight" Sanpin civilization "dynasties attached to the Yulan Empire. But not long ago, thirty of these dynasties' army gathered at the frontier, adding up to a total of 17 million troops. The western side of the empire sails side by side, and has the momentum to swallow the mountains and rivers. "

"If so, the Alliance of Thirty Kingdoms is coming east. The three realms to the west of the empire will be bound to endless war. At that time, the people will be displaced, the bones will be piled into mountains, and the treasures, money, and women will be robbed. Repression, without years, it is impossible to calm down. "

Ning Qiancheng marked thirty red dots on the map and marked the location where the army gathered.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Those third-class civilizations have limited resources and martial arts are backward. Even if they are combined into coalition forces, they only have an advantage in number. They must be vulnerable in front of the imperial lion army."

Ning Qiancheng laughed: "Ogawa, do you know what is talking on paper? You are talking on paper now. When you really lead a soldier in customs, you will find," Sergeants pass by 10,000, they will become a sea ". Just 10,000 sergeants Is like a sea of ​​people. What is the concept of a 17 million army? "

"Even if the sergeants of the Yulan Empire are masters with one enemy ten, but when 17 million troops attacked, how many people can you stop? When these troops break through the border and enter the empire, that will What a terrible mess it caused, this is simply not what we can imagine. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I'm curious about one thing. Now the Yulan Empire is the heyday, the martial arts prevailed, and the martial arts came out. The princes are all very talented people. How dare they fight against the Yulan Empire? Are they not afraid of destroying the country? "

Ning Qiancheng nodded and said, "This is why I returned to the Imperial City. Where did these three-pin civilizations come from? Who is behind them?"

Ning Xiaochuan and Ning Qiancheng both stared at Jiangehou who was sitting on top.

When it comes to marching and fighting, Ning Qiancheng is definitely a brave and brave general.

However, to analyze the situation of the imperial court, to take full control of the situation, and to look far ahead, it is still necessary for Jian Gehou, an old man who has lived for nearly a century, to see through!

This is human experience!

Jiange Hou said: "I am afraid that something big will happen to the Yulan Empire! Within a few years, no more than five years, there must be a prince who will raise his troops to rebel."

Ning Qiancheng's look moved, saying: "Hou Ye said that the main messenger behind these three-pin civilization came from the inside of the Yulan Empire? Is it a certain prince in power?"

"Exactly, it's a prince!" Jiange Hou said.

Jiange Houfu has been regarded as one of the most powerful in all major Houfus. Even Jiange Houfu has no confidence to take the emperor Yulan Emperor. Naturally, no other prince has the ability.

So there is only king!

In the Yulan Empire, only four kings were hereditary thrones, and the forces were the most powerful, King Jinpeng, Qilin, Shenlong, and Peacock Ming.

Of course, since the emperor Yulan ascended the throne, he has also awarded several kings, but those lords are just a title, and after their death, the son-in-law cannot inherit their throne. Therefore, these kings cannot compare with the four hereditary kings at all.

Only the four kings have such a powerful prestige that they can order the monarch of Sanpin civilization.

"Did King Jinpeng prepare to take the throne?" Ning Qiancheng said.

Jiange Hou said: "The King Jinpeng mastered the troops and horses of the Yulan Empire three or more levels, and was the first master of the court. As long as it is obvious to everyone, he won the Emperor Yulan's throne sooner or later."

Ning Qiancheng Road: "With the power of King Jinpeng in the imperial court and the prestige of the army, it is actually a breeze to seize the emperor Yulan Emperor. It doesn't take so many weeks!"

Jiange Hou Yi stared at Ning Qiancheng, as if to say, boy, you are still very tender!

"What do you know? The hardest thing to offend in the world is not the emperor, but the 'imperial power'. Even if Da Jinpeng's kingship is in power, if he wants to take the throne, he must think twice, otherwise he will end up betrayed by relatives. . "

Jiange Hou also said: "In addition, the Emperor Yulan is really as weak as it looks? I can't see that at least the three most powerful arms of the Yulan Empire are in the hands of the Emperor Yulan. If King Jinpeng and Yulan The battle between the emperors, it is still unknown who will die! "

"In my opinion, if King Jinpeng wants to take the throne, he needs to play at least three moves."

"The first step is to control the fourth-grade civilization, the third-grade civilization, the second-grade civilization, and the first-grade civilization around the Yulan Empire."

"Although the strength of a small civilized country is far less than that of the Yulan Empire, there are many advantages. If it can be integrated together, it will be a powerful force."

"The main thing is that these small civilizations are far away from the imperial city, and they are the least affected by the imperial power and the easiest to control. As far as the current situation is concerned, King Jinpeng has already secretly made this move almost."

"The second step is to win over the princes in the DPRK and grasp the military power of the Yulan Empire."

"The third step is to control the forces of the Imperial City."

"When these three steps are completed, it is when King Jinpeng attacked Yulan the Emperor! Of course, it is definitely not easy to complete these three steps. Without a few years, the situation will never be clear."

Ning Qiancheng laughed loudly: "If King Jinpeng wants to take the throne, we in Jiangehoufu must definitely go to help with fists, and long ago wanted to kill Yulan Emperor to avenge his third brother."

"Reckless husband!"

Jian Ge Hou Leng hummed.

Ning Qiancheng immediately put away his laughter and grinned, but dare not refute Jiangehou!

Jiange Hou said, "Ogawa, what do you think?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The Yulan Empire has a vast land and a vast territory. The territory spans as wide as every domain and as small as every town. There are garrisons in the court. Even if King Jinpeng controls the soldiers and horses in the world, it is definitely not a piece of war It's easy, but it can also cause chaos in the world and eventually give away the empire to foreigners. "

"If King Jinpeng wants to win the throne, he will surely win as many dynasties, ancestors, families, and martial arts as possible."

"King Da Jinpeng congratulated the army of thirty third-class civilizations on the west and gathered in the frontier. It was a signal to the people in charge of the Yulan Empire-everyone can start to stand in line! Is it on the side of Yulan the Great? Standing on the side of King Jinpeng? "

Ning Xiaochuan continued: "In fact, whether Emperor Yulan is Emperor or King Jinpeng is Emperor, it is not good for our Jiange Houfu. Only when the two tigers are in conflict, the Houfu forces are quietly developed. This is the foundation of a foothold. "

"When Jiange Houfu became strong, both Emperor Yulan and King Jinpeng would only take the initiative to seduce us, not to destroy us."

Ning Qiancheng Road: "Ogawa means that none of us support it?"

"At least at this stage we have to remain neutral and no one can be guilty. Don't stand in the queue easily as a last resort. Once you stand in the wrong team, you lose all the games!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Jiange Hou nodded and said, "Ogawa has the talent to dominate the world!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Master Hou, dare to ask about the acquisition of the mine, how is it going?"

Jiange Hou smiled mysteriously: "I have personally talked with King Kirin. If he hadn't sold it before, but that mine has been spotted by Ghost Villa recently, and it became a chicken rib. Let's talk about it. However, Ghost Villa is a big trouble. If we can't solve them, we can't mine even if we buy the mine. "

Ning Xiaochuan's mouth moved, but in the end, he didn't tell Jiange Hou the truth.

He intends to take control of Ghost Villa and build it, and then tell Jiangehou slowly!

"I know a big man in Ghost Villa and have a fatal relationship with him. I can talk to him." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Is this true?" Jiange Hou said.

Naturally, he couldn't think of Ning Xiaochuan as the now-famous ghost villa owner.

Because Ning Xiaochuan is really too young, even if he is talented and talented, it is absolutely impossible to become an evil leader.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "Have you heard of the Situ family?"

Jiange Hou said: "The Situ family is the largest calciner family in the imperial city. However, I heard that the Situ family's calciner and calciner were all ransacked by the ghost village, I am afraid that they have been greatly injured."

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Those calciners and calciners were bought at a high price from that friend's hand, and they were used to establish the own calciner base belonging to Jiange Houfu House, in preparation for the establishment of the" Shenjian Palace. " "

"it is good!"

Jiange Hou took a slap on the table with a slap of excitement, and laughed, "I saw you build the Excalibur Palace, and thought you would need at least five years to develop and grow. Now you get this batch of excellent calcinators and calciners. I am afraid that it only takes one year for the Excalibur Palace to see its scale and become famous in the Imperial City. "

"The establishment of the Excalibur Palace is not only famous for the imperial city, but also for the world to become the world's first calciner. The imperial city is only the first step!" Ning Xiaochuan said calmly.

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