Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 319: Dragon King Linghui

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After a short absence, Master Baitan immediately regained his spirits and sneered: "The dragon cub should not fall into the hands of a humble human like you. Only I am qualified to be its master. As long as I kill you, Then it will be my mysterious war pet. "

The momentum of Master Baici kept condensing, and the eyebrow of God's eye burst out with lightning bolts. A sword was cut to Ning Xiaochuan, and the body was condensed with the power of Wu Zun level.

If it were not for the formation of dragons and dragon girls, his sword would be enough to cut off a large river and divert it.

Ning Xiaochuan's body was also imposing. He took the dragon claw war sword and took the initiative to meet and kill. The strength in the body was increased by several times. One sword slashed out, and he resisted with the Beaver Master.


The formation on the ground was torn apart, and Longgu cracked a gap of one meter wide.


The battle sword swelled, the figures were chaotic, and a series of booming sounds erupted.

In the eyebrows of Master Baici, lightning bolts condensed and an electric shuttle was fired.

Ning Xiaochuan's mouth spit out a sound wave, condensed into a three-meter-high Hong Zhong, and collided with the electric shuttle.


One person and one beast exploded at the same time, and flew back to where they stood.

The warriors standing beside did not see what magical powers they used at all, but only saw that they were separated as soon as they contacted.

But on this contact, they have already confronted more than ten moves with fierce danger, and each hit occurred between the electric light and the flint, which has the destructive power of breaking mountains and rivers.

Above the sky, the clouds burst open, and seven black shadows fell one after another from above.




A four-winged viper cub, a juvenile with a spear ... A total of seven mystic cubs were severely wounded, fell to the ground, and passed out.

The seven mysterious cubs, called the seven masters of martial arts, teamed up to besiege the maiden of the magic gate, and they were defeated.

If this goes out, no one will believe it.

Above the sky, a few feather-like snowflakes fell, and the air was cold.

The sorceress of the magic gate wore a white coat, jade skin and smooth skin, black hair was soft, like a fairy flying from the sky, wrapped in mystery, stepping on snowflakes, and fell to the ground.

With a veil on her face, the fascinating beauty of the country seemed looming and very hazy. Every inch of skin was as beautiful as crystal, and no flaws could be found at all.

It is also because of this kind of hazyness on her body that it adds a bit of mystery to her.

"Master Beaver, you must know that our demon gate is not afraid of cutting Tianhuangling. Master Demon has been in retreat for ten years and has successfully cultivated" Blood Devouring Demon ". It will be the ninth most important thing. The ancestor of the raccoon. "The maiden's voice was sweet and sweet, like the spring falling on the Lingshan Mountain, beating Bluestone.

Her voice was empty and pleasing, but with a strong tone.

The Emperor actually practiced the ninth weight of "Blood Eater"!

This is a pretty scary signal.

If this is not the deliberate words released by the sage of the magic gate, the demon emperor in the ninth realm of "Blood Demon Gong" does have the strength to resist the court ancestors with the **** ancestor.


As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's arm was stretched out, Yang Xin Zhen Ding flew back from the cliff and fell into his hands, turning into a Ding Ding, and putting it in his heart.

The sage of the magic gate, the little prince of the court, stands on the shore of the holy lake.

The momentum on them was pressed towards Master Beaver, and they cooperated so well that they had the intention of joining forces to deal with Master Beaver.

"The Madam of the Magic Gate and Ning Xiaochuan's Qi field fit so easily. Hey!"

The corner of Yun Zhonghou's mouth slightly ticked, with a deep look in his eyes, which made people wonder what he was thinking?

Each warrior has his own "gas field".

Even if two completely unknown warriors want to join forces against each other, their own aura will collide, and it is difficult to cooperate with each other.

Only two people who are familiar with each other will run into each other. When they join forces against the enemy, they will be more tacit, and their strength will be superimposed and become more powerful.

Of course, there are only two cases when you want a fully tacit battle to show more than 200% of your combat power. First, the two are twins. Secondly, the two men are fully connected.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the maiden of the magic gate and Ning Xiaochuan to have contact. However, at this moment, their aura fits very well, and there is no conflict, and they are completely suppressed in the direction of the **** master.

"Gas field" is an extremely mysterious thing that other warriors cannot naturally observe, and only by reaching the state of Yun Zhonghou can one observe the clue.

Just when everyone on the shore of the Holy Lake was deadlocked, a waterfall of white light haloed from the waterfall on the cliff, and the water condensed into a huge old dragon head.

It's just a skull, but it exudes the power of everyone's heart.

The dragons in the whole Dragon Valley seemed to sense something, and they roared, the sound of the tyrannosaurus, the sound of the pterosaur, the sound of the dragon ... the sound of the dragon rang.

Throughout the Muteng Forest, the sound of the roar of all beasts erupted.

"Meet the Dragon King!"

The dragon son and the dragon girl quickly kneel and salute the dragon head formed by the white light on the waterfall.

Although it is not the real body of the dragon king, it is a spirit of the dragon king, which represents the will of the dragon king.

Now that the Dragon Kings have appeared, Master Baici naturally put away his sword and saluted the Dragon King immediately.

"Let's all get up!"

An old voice sounded, very majestic, echoing between heaven and earth, with a supreme breath.

This is an old antique that has lived for thousands of years. It has a longer history than the Yulan Empire, and people can only give birth to awe.

"Since all the talents of the Yulan Empire have gathered in Longgu, I can tell you a secret that has been hidden for 10,000 years. This is the most important secret that the Dragons have left in the Yulan Empire. Today, it can be announced. Now, "said the Dragon King.

Crowd uproar!

The secret of the Dragon Guardian for thousands of years?

This may be the reason why the Dragons have been staying in the Yulan Empire. It can be imagined that it must be a shocking secret. Many people are excited and feel that great opportunities will come to themselves.

The Dragon King said: "The ancestors of the Dragon tribe had owed a favor to the Emperor, so they promised the Emperor to lead the descendants of the Dragon tribe to stay in Dragon Valley for generations and wait until the advent of this era."

"Dare to ask the Dragon King, what does this era mean?" Ye Nantian asked.

Anyone standing in front of the Dragon King would feel their legs weak.

Only a strong man like Ye Nantian, with a firm mind and a natural pride, can resist the fear in his heart and take the initiative to ask the Dragon King questions.

The Dragon King nodded approvingly, and said, "I don't know what this era really means. This is passed down from generation to generation by the ancestors of the Dragons. Legend has it that the Emperor of Heaven suddenly saw something after ten thousand years before he became a god. The picture says that there will be a big age that is inferior to the Fengshen era. Therefore, before the emperor became a god, he left something and wanted to leave it to future generations to welcome this big era. "

"According to the only words left by the Emperor of Heaven, and the calculations of the ancestors of the Dragon clan, they predict that this big age will come to your generation, and it is difficult to predict the specific time."

What kind of realm is the Emperor's martial art cultivation? Even Wu Zun couldn't guess.

Before the emperor was about to become a god, he saw the fragmentary picture in the future, and guessed that there would be a big era more magnificent than the ancient feudal **** era. The news has always been held by the Dragons and is unknown to the outside world.

Many people were shocked and could not calm down for a long time.

"The Era of Ancient Gods" has always been a legend. Will their generation experience such an era?

In the big age, many people will surely die and become dead bones.

However, it is often only in the great age that great men, saints, and gods can be achieved.

Many warriors are enthusiastic and feel that they may become history-makers.

Only Ning Xiaochuan seemed very calm, because he had already heard the news from the Heavenly Emperor Blade, knowing that before the Emperor became a god, he really saw something in the future.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What exactly left the Emperor? Who is it left for?"

The Dragon King continued: "The emperor has long predicted that in this great era, there will be many peerless men. For example, in the Yulan Empire, it is difficult to have a rare genius for a thousand years. But in In this era, however, there have been digital figures, all of them great geniuses, and the achievements in the future are limitless. "

"Of course, the Yulan Empire is only a five-grade civilization, and the grade of resources is low. It is almost impossible for you to reach the level of 'five thousand years of rare encounters.' Unless you encounter great opportunities."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Can the things left by the emperor improve our talent level?"


Dragon King said: "Although the emperor has become a god, he still hopes that his homeland can produce a peerless hero and protect this land. Therefore, all the things left by the emperor are left to you, but only real people can get."

Everyone was trembling with excitement, and the things left by the gods felt crazy, even if only the hair left by the gods was priceless.

Ye Nantian frowned and said, "Xiu is entitled to the things left by the emperor in order to reach the state of honor."

Dragon King Road: "Cultivation of a warrior who has reached the level of enshrinement is not necessarily completely fixed, but it is more difficult to shape than that of a warrior under the level of enshrinement. The drugs in the Nether can no longer help you to shape your body. What remains will definitely help you to improve your talents a lot. "

Ye Nantian, Jindu Shizi, and Yun Zhonghou all had a look of excitement in their eyes. With their state of mind, they couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts.

Ye Nantian said: "Dare to ask the Dragon King, how can we get what the Emperor left behind?"

This is a question everyone wants to ask.

"Going to the Temple of Heaven Emperor." Dragon King said.

According to rumors, the Heavenly Emperor's Shrine is suspended above the Yulan Empire and is a palace flying above the clouds. However, no one has seen this palace since ancient times. Therefore, all martial arts soldiers use it as if it was a legend.

Since the Dragon Kings have confirmed it in person, it also proves that the Heavenly Emperor's Temple really exists.

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