Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 530: Fusion

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Ning Xiaochuan said in his mouth: "I have already martial arts seal into the magic sword, to martial arts into the martial arts seal, we must first martial arts into the magic sword."

"I see! My martial arts practice is 'Jiandao', which is similar to sword practice. Only when I have cultivated three strokes, the sword tactics are fully integrated with the magic sword, and the realm of human and sword unity can be considered a real step in. The realm of the second step ladder. "

Sui Hanyu nodded his head and said, "It's not too difficult to blend kendo and sword body with your talent."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The disciples still have a little doubt. Since there are only four ways to destroy the sword, you can only practice the third step of the ladder. How should the two steps of the ladder" Budao Fashen "and" Budao Faxiang "be cultivated? ? "

Sui Hanyu said: "When you have successfully practiced the four techniques of sword tactics, you will naturally know how to condense martial arts and martial arts. There is one more thing that you must remind you. Even if you practice the sword of annihilation to great consummation, condense your debut Yuan, it is possible and impossible to reach heaven and human realm. "

"Why is this?" Ning Xiaochuan said puzzledly.

Sui Hanyu said: "Your situation is very special, I'm not sure. Because, whether it is the martial arts body, martial arts, or Tao Yuan, are all transformed from martial arts seal. Other people have only a martial arts seal, you But there are three martial arts seals. "

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly and said, "Do I have to cultivate three Taoist elements in order to enter the heaven and earth?"

Sui Hanyu said: "That's not necessarily true. At least your 'Wuhun Dingyin' doesn't need to be cultivated into a Taoist element. As long as you can reach the level of the Great Yangxin Master, you can cultivate the mysterious water in the Yangxin True Ding. Let the Wuhun Dingyin and Yangxin True Ding blend together. However, the 'Wuhun Tianzun Seal' of your eyebrows will definitely need you to find another Wushu, practice the Dharma body and Dharma phase, and condense the Daoyuan. Only let The Wuhun Sword Mark and the Wuhun Tianzun Seal both become Taoists, so you have 100% confidence to enter the heaven and earth. "

Ning Xiaochuan smiled bitterly, too high talent is also a burden. Others only need to comprehend a martial arts script and consolidate a Taoist element to enter the heaven and earth.

However, he needs to consolidate both Wuhun Sword Mark and Wuhun Tianzun Seal into Taoyuan, and he must also reach the level of Da Yang Xin Shi to be able to impact the heaven and earth.

It's too difficult to impact the heavens and the human realm. If you change people, I'm afraid to give up cultivation directly.

"We still have to find a suitable martial arts scripture. How easy is it to find the martial arts script? Or we will first teach the extinct sword tactics to the great consummation!" Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

The beautiful shadow of Sui Hanyu disappeared from the magic sword.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind also withdrew from the blood tricks, and began to consolidate the realm, transforming the Tianwu vitality in the body into Tianwuyuan fluid.

Three days later, Ning Xiaochuan completely transformed the vitality in the body into a liquid. The original huge vitality ocean became a mass of golden fluid that was only the size of a fist, as if it were golden soup and magical pulp, emitting a radiant glow!

The ninth realm of dignity is solidified!

Once the state is consolidated, it is almost impossible to go backwards. Unless it consumes a large amount of Shouyuan, causing blood gas to drop, it may affect martial arts realm.

At the other end, Princess Yueyue and Yu Jingshu led various mysterious beasts. It took three days to finally find the island in the lake of the sun.

That small island was white, and twenty meters below the water.

The island is like a natural white jade. There is no psychic medicine on it, only some ancient array patterns.

Taking princess Yueyue and Yu Jingshu as the repairs, I can't understand the lines at all, it is just like reading a heavenly book.

"It must be the space-shifting array method recorded by the Emperor Zijin. Even heaven and earth may not be able to activate the array method." Yu Jingshu sighed at the formation on the island.

"Oh! Yujingshu, you see they seem to be starting the formation!" Princess Yueyue's beautiful eyes stared with a hint of surprise, staring at the black Crescent Lake in the distance, and only saw the black A small white halo suddenly lit up on the island.

Those high-level mysterious creatures will stare at them.

It didn't take long for the second group to light up again!

The monk Tangan walked on the black island, and while he was studying, he put the black stones into some of the grooves of the formation.

Every time a piece of black stone is placed, the whole island will shine a circle of glory.

After Yu Jingshu saw it, his heart moved, and he began to follow suit, putting the black stone into the groove of the white island.

However, after the black stone fell into the groove, the island did not respond at all.

Whether it is a white island or a black island, there are 8,436 grooves on the surface, which are connected to the dense array.

However, there are only three hundred and sixty grooves that can start the matrix method.

If the grooves are placed in the wrong position or in the wrong order, the matrix method cannot be started.

It can be said that it is possible to make the matrix work only if it is really given to the researched person. It is impossible to start the formation by luck.

When the monk in Tangan was looking for the formation and running the formation, Ning Xiaochuan was merging the kendo and the sword of martial arts sword, striving to step into the realm of the second step as soon as possible.

If he can fully reach the realm of the second step ladder, his cultivation can immediately improve a lot.

Tangan monks are very slow to arrange arrays, and sometimes it takes several hours to find an array.

It took half a month to fully activate the formation.

"The three hundred and fifty-six arrays of eyes have been activated, and there are still four. Master, you must stand by!" With violent vitality fluctuations.

He supported the monk Tangan, walked on the black island, and estimated the remaining four eyes.

To start the formation of the second **** recording method, it is very exhausting, and the monk Tangan is tired enough. If he was not supported by Situ Realm, I am afraid he is already tired and lying on the ground.

With the help of the water of life, Zen Toad cultivated to the realm of a mid-level nine-level mysterious animal and stood on the edge of the island to guard against the mysterious beasts of the fox and holy fish family.

The Canghu and Shengyu clan are divided into two camps, which are stationed on the left and right sides of the black island and surround the entire black island.

They are all waiting for the formation on the island to start.

Once the formation is started, they also want to rush into the formation and go to unknown areas to find psychic medicine, even more valuable things!

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan, who was sitting on the edge of the island, exhaled thousands of sword qi, forming a sphere of sword qi.


A magic light burst from the top of his head and turned into a blood-red war sword.

All those sword qi rushed into the magic sword, rushed into the world of the sword, completely integrated with the world of the market.

Ning Xiaochuan stood up, his body was like a straight excalibur, blending with the magic sword suspended above.

Man and sword are one.

As soon as the thoughts moved, a sword qi flew out of the pupil.

One sword was cut out, and the sword gas separated the entire black Crescent Lake. Among them, three high-end mystic beasts could not escape, and they were chopped by the sword gas. Their bodies suddenly shattered, as if they were cut into flesh by thousands of handles and turned into blood-red fragments.

As soon as the sword gas was closed, he flew back to Ning Xiaochuan's body.

"His Royal Highness, why did his sword qi suddenly become so arrogant, even if he broke through to the ninth place of the land, it should not be so powerful!" Said a fox girl of the Canghu tribe.

Tian Mo Xiong's voice was rude and said, "Yes. When he and Yu Jingshu's book attendant were fighting, their combat effectiveness was still far behind, thanks to several pieces of Jiu Pin Xuan and Tian Wu's vitality in their body. But, I It feels that he is now fighting with Yu Jingshu's book attendant. Even if Jiupinxuan is not used, I am afraid that he will not fall below. This progress is too fast! "

They do not know, however, that Ning Xiaochuan's true cultivation is not the ninth priority of the state of respect, but the state of the second step ladder.

Princess Yueyue gracefully stands on the water, long and slender, with pink powder fluttering. Even if she does not deliberately use the fox's charm and magic power, she is already very charming. She is so enchanting that she is like a nymph!

She also had a hint of curiosity about Ning Xiaochuan. Obviously, there is only the ninth most important realm, so why is it so powerful?

Taking Princess Yueyue's practice as a guide, Ning Xiaochuan cannot be seen through.

Ning Xiaochuan's martial spirit is printed in the magic sword, and the kendo is also in the magic sword. Not to mention Princess Yueyue, even if the heavenly people came to investigate him in person, they would only think that he was the ninth most important state of the land.

"Brother Ning, how did your cultivation become somewhat unpredictable? I thought I would be able to fight with you after stepping into a mid-level nine-level mystic beast, but I don't have faith now." Chan To sighed .

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Everyone has different opportunities. It doesn't mean that you will enter the realm of heaven and earth in the future. I am still in the realm of now."

On the water, a violent vitality wave surged over.

"Ning Xiaochuan, our princess wants to talk to you about something!" The demon bear flew to a place 100 meters away from the black island, and his mouth made a sound of irritating tympanic membranes.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the demon bear and said, "Sorry! There is no possibility of negotiation between us."

"Ningzi, don't rush to refuse!"

Princess Yueyue is graceful and graceful, and she is not far from the black island, and her lips are elegant and moving.

She has an angelic face, a devil-like body, and every part of the body is flawless, making men full of desire. hope!

Under her pink skirt, two soft white velvet tails are exposed, which is very cute, which makes her a little more attractive.

A faint enchanting magical power quietly escaped from her eye-catching eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan has heard the story of vixen since he was a child, but now it is truly seen that the vixen is powerful, charming and seductive, and it is really different from the human beauty. Blood is boiling in the body.

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was hard to calm down, and was tickled by the two fox tails on her hips, and there were many pictures of nagging in her head. There was really an urge to pinch her in her arms.

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