Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 534: Purple King's Skeleton

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No matter how fierce and fast the attack of the blood-eating grass was, Ning Xiaochuan didn't panic at all, stepping on the seven-colored steps, and shuttled between blade-like blades of grass.

At the position of Ning Xiaochuan's heart, a yin and yang flame flew out, showing two colors of red and blue, attacking the blood-eating shape grass.

The yin and yang flames continued to grow and entangled with each other, and soon turned into a sea of ​​red and cyan blue flames, wrapping the blood-eating grass into the center.

The fighting power of the blood-eating shape grass is not comparable to the evergreen spirit vine, which is enough to fight the warrior of the second step ladder. A fist-sized white "stone" is hung at the root. A metallic brilliance emerged from the "stone", so that thirty-two grass leaves were wrapped by the metallic light, and even the mysterious fire was not afraid, and the yin and yang flames were forcibly broken!


One of the blades of grass was as wide as the palm, very sharp, and turned white, like a jade sword, piercing the heart of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan did not panic, cast his body skills, moved out, and rushed towards the root of the blood-eating shape grass.

At the same time, the position of the chest, a heart-shaped tripod flying out of the heart, constantly expanding, turning into a nine-meter-high giant tripod!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Yang Xin Zhen Ding hits the roots of the blood-eating shape grass and defeats it. Drops of blood flowed from the blades of grass.

Ning Xiaochuan soared, fell to the center of the thirty-two grass leaves of the blood-eating grass, and pointed at the root of the blood-eating grass. A golden brilliance rushed out of the fingertips, forming a golden chain. lock. Use the mystery of the yangyang to block the spirituality of the blood-eating shape grass.

According to the experience of Guo Shidao, who was given to Ning Xiaochuan's great cultivator, he recorded the secret method of collecting psychic medicine.

One of them is "locking spirits".

As long as the spirituality of the psychic medicine is locked, it is easy to collect the psychic medicine.

The spirituality of the blood-eating shape grass is blocked, and the thirty-two grass leaves lose their attack power and spread out automatically. Become the same as ordinary herbs, but it is much more vigorous than ordinary herbs!


The monk Tangan fell from one of the blades of grass, climbed from the ground, straightened his robes, and looked carefully at the huge blood-eating grass in front of him!

There are thirty-two grass blades in the blood-sucking grass, each blade is more than forty meters long, showing a crystal red, and a layer of light flows on the surface.

"Well! Why doesn't it move?" Said Dangan Monk.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It's locked by me! I'm not strong enough in mind-cultivation now. If I can become a great mind-cultivator, even if I can lock the spirits in an empty space, it won't be as good as the psychic medicine Trouble! "

"Then how do we divide it now? Sixteen blades of grass per person?" Compared to Yangyangshu, the monk Tangan is more interested in blood-eating grass.

Ning Xiaochuan walked to the root of the blood-eating grass and dug a fist-sized white "stone" from the root whisker.

This "stone" is like jade, crystal clear and very smooth. However, it is extremely heavy, weighing more than three thousand pounds, and ordinary people cannot twist it at all.

Inside the "Stone", there seems to be some interwoven lines, showing an ever-changing pattern.

He had noticed this white "stone" when he had previously dealt with the blood-eating grass. The brilliance emanating from the "stone" can enhance the combat effectiveness of the blood-swallowing grass.

"I want it, and it's your turn!"

Ning Xiaochuan played with the "stone" in his hand. Although he could not see its material, he always felt that its value was definitely more than a psychic medicine.

I was able to get a whole plant of psychic miracles. Naturally, the monk Tangan was quite happy. For fear of Ning Xiaochuan's regret, he immediately put the blood-eating shape grass into a golden bowl and drew it into his sleeve.

"Ning, can you show the 'stone' in your hands to the poor monk?" The monk Tangan felt that he had picked up a bargain, walked to Ning Xiaochuan, and said with a smile.

Ning Xiaochuan handed him the white "stone".

After receiving the "stone", the monk Tangan realized that the "stone" was extremely heavy.

He rubbed his eyes and continued to look, as if watching the origin of the "stone", the whole person was petrified and did not move.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Master! Do you see what it is?"

Tangan monk's face wrinkled like bitter gourd, staring eagerly at Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "Brother Ning, can we change?"

Ning Xiaochuan's heart jumped immediately, saying: "Master, you won't ..."

"Relax! Old man is definitely not the kind of person who is eager for treasure ... can it really be changed?" The monk Tangan tightly dragged the white "stone" in his hand and refused to let go. He regretted his heart very much, knowing when he had previously divided treasure , You should want this "stone".

Is it too late to regret it?

"No!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monk Tangan sighed and said hard: "Okay! If you don't change, don't change."

He reluctantly returned the white "stone" in his hand to Ning Xiaochuan, still staring at the "stone" on the corner of his eyes, saying: "This is not a stone at all, but a human bone!"

"Human bones? How is that possible? There should always be a trace of popularity on human bones, but there is no human breath on this bone." Ning Xiaochuan frowned.

Dangan monk said: "A natural breath will be carried on the bones of human beings. But if people cultivate into God?"

"You said it was a **** bone?"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes widened, staring at the heavy white "stone" in his hand, some incredible.

The monk Tangan nodded and said: "Although the divine power has been lost a lot, it is indeed a sub-God's bone. If it can be refined into the body, the physical strength can be compared with the physical body of heaven and human."

Ning Xiaochuan was also excited and said, "How can I refine it?"

Tangan monk said: "It takes Tianwu's vitality and mysterious fire to slowly refine the sub-God bones, so the sub-God bones can only be refined by heaven and humans. However, you are in a special situation and have not entered the realm of heaven and humans, but cultivate As long as it takes some time, you may be able to refine the bones of the sub-god. The sub-god's bones contain the word of the sub-god. If you can really refine it, it will have a great effect on your future cultivation. the benefits of."

Ning Xiaochuan suppressed the excitement of his heart and gave the sub-god bone to Qian Qiankun's cloth bag. He did not immediately start refining.

It is definitely not something that can be done in one and a half minutes to consolidate the bones of the second god. Now it is imperative to look for Situ, so as not to make him accident.

"The secondary **** bone must be the skeleton of the Emperor Zijin. We are likely to be at the burial ground of the Emperor Zijin. It is better to be careful, but the tombs of the martial arts powers will definitely give birth to extremely scary creatures. , A little carelessness may be broken. "Said Tangan monk.

They followed the blood on the ground and continued to look forward.

It didn't take long for Zen Toad to catch up with them and meet together.

Along the way, they never encountered the psychic medicine, nor did they know how long they had gone. The black mist in front of them became thinner and thinner, and two huge waterfalls flew down from the sky.


One waterfall is flowing black water, and the other waterfall is flowing white water.

The two waterfalls meet together and fall to the top of a huge skull, between the skull's ears, between the eyes, between the corners of the mouth, between the ribs, and between the chests, forming small waterfalls.

The skeleton was huge, like a small hill, wearing gold armor, wrapped around a jade belt, and wearing **** boots. These armors and boots have become rusty and lost their former glory because of too long time.

"The two waterfalls are not the water of life! Both waters of life are pouring out the body of the skeleton. Do you want to use the water of life to reawaken the life of the skeleton?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Zen Toad opened his eyes wide and said, "This skeleton's body is too big! If he is still alive, he will not know how terrible it is to cultivate. I only need a slap to crush thousands of miles of land . "

"Don't say that he is alive, even if he is dead now, the breath on our body can press us so that we can't get close to his bones." Said monk Tangan.

Zen Toad naturally didn't believe it. He walked towards the skeleton with a mace, but the closer he got to the skeleton, the more he felt an invisible force on his body.

At the beginning, it was tens of thousands of pounds. After another 100 meters, that power became hundreds of thousands of pounds. After another hundred years of walking, I was under the weight of a mountain, and the Zen Toad was out of breath.

In the end, Zen Toad still walked back and did not continue to break, fearing that he would be crushed by that force and died.

"It's terrible! Not only the body is under heavy pressure, but even the mind is being squeezed more and more. The heart seems to be broken." Zen Toe stared at the skeleton wearing gold armor again, in his eyes A little more awe.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This is the power of the sub-god! The cultivation of the sub-god is already the pinnacle of human power.

The monk Tangan nodded and said, "He should be the skeleton of the Emperor Zijin! How heroic the Zijin Emperor was when he was alive, with his own strength, he opened up all the land of the world and unified the whole North. Xinjiang. In his later years, he reversed Yin and Yang, set up a large array against the sky, and want to be reborn with the help of the nirvana of the water of life. Unfortunately, the deity can't change his destiny, and eventually turns into a skeleton, everything is dust and dust.

Zen Toad said with some regrets: "It would be nice to be able to get close to the remains of the sub-god. Anything you take from him is priceless."

"Are you here too?"

Situ Jing came out from the bottom of a small lake formed by a fountain of life not far away and greeted Ning Xiaochuan and others from afar.

Two waterfalls, black and white, impinge on the bones of the Emperor Zijin and flow down, forming dozens of small lakes of life.

Situ Jing is walking out of a small lake farthest from the Emperor Zijin. His body is covered with a light white brilliance, giving a strong sense of power!

His physical strength seems to have improved a lot, even a pair of eyes exudes a touch of godsmanship, extremely bright, as if he has got some kind of adventure.

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