Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 599: Dragon pattern gold needle, unlimited killing power

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Fang Jie led a total of twelve young masters to kill Ning Xiaochuan. However, five people were killed by Zi Hanyan in succession. The seven people alive were not weak. Three of them were strong in the ladder. How weak is she.

Seven monks in black at the same time mobilized the mysterious war sword to form a sword array, giving Zi Hanyan the stagnation, without giving her any chance.

After exhibiting the magical power "Ziqi Donglai", Zi Hanyan was able to barely fight with the seven masters. In a short time, he did not fall below.

Tonight, five young masters have been lost. Fang Jie didn't want to have another accident and took the initiative to attack Zi Hanyan in the past.


Zi Hanyan felt the strong wind coming from behind, and threw the war sword in his hand. At the same time, ten nails grew immediately and became three feet long, just like a ten-handed amethyst forged. Sharp battle sword.

She was all wrapped in purple gas and turned into a purple beam of light, waving her fingers, to meet it.

Fang Jie smiled disdainfully. She punched the sword she had just thrown with one punch, and it was faster. She punched a huge tiger head with a punch, and made a shouting tiger shout. Ten nails were crushed.


Ten nails were broken, and all flew back, half of them penetrated into Zi Hanyan's body, and beat her more than ten meters away.

There was a muffled sound in Zi Hanyan's mouth, ten burst open, his hands became blood dripping, fell to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spit out.

The fifth step, the warrior on the ladder, is called the closest to the existence of heaven and human. The combat strength is too strong. It can not be resisted by her wounds. She was severely injured with only one punch, and it was difficult to climb from the ground. Watching Fang Jie come over.

Fang Jie folded his fist and sneered, "A warrior on the third step of the ladder stepped up to my wild tiger fist, took her up, and brought it back to Jianzong."

"Yes, Brother Fang!"

The seven monks in black had just walked towards Zi Hanyan, and had no time to start. Out of heaven, the Seven-Handed Battle Swords flew and pierced their bodies, their hearts shattered!

The seven monks in black stood upright, with stiff bodies and a fist-sized sword hole in the heart.

The seven-handed sword revolved around the seven of them, and flew back again, disappearing into the night sky.


All seven monks in black fell to the ground and none survived.

Fang Jie's face sank slightly, looking into the night sky, Shen said, "Who is a master?"

The opponent was able to mobilize the seven-handed sword at the same time. In just one move, the seven masters were killed, and it was so terrible that Fang Jie was also fully alert.


At the horizon, a white streamer flew and soon fell to the ground, turning into a young man in his twenties.

The young man put away the light wings on his back, glanced at the purple cold smoke on the ground, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's not too late!"

This young man is naturally Ning Xiaochuan.

Lu Ren used the secret technique to imprint Ning Xiaochuan's appearance and let Fang Jie see it, so the moment Ning Xiaochuan fell to the ground, he recognized Ning Xiaochuan.

Killing seven masters with one hit is really just a mind trainer on the first step?

Fang Jie stared at Ning Xiaochuan, looking at the seven ancient swords floating around Ning Xiaochuan's body, each with a powerful sword power!

Among them, there is an ancient sword that is extremely scary. It is almost like having life. Once the power erupts, I am afraid that even a giant mountain is split in half.

"Jiu Pinxuan!"

Fang Jie's heart scolded Lu Ren's ancestors for the eighteenth generation. Is this the first step to a mind trainer?

Can a mind trainer own Jiu Pin Xuan Qi?

Of course, Fang Jie is a strong stepladder in the fifth step. He can be called the top under the heavenly people. Naturally, he will not be afraid of each other. I think you can't help it! "

After Ning Xiaochuan fell to the ground, the female ghost also fell to the ground, standing next to Ning Xiaochuan, and a pair of ghost eyes stared at Fang Jie.

Staring at the ghost's eyes, Fang Jie suddenly felt restless, and his body was freezing cold, as if something had penetrated into his body, making his blood flow dysfunctional.

He immediately mobilized his vitality and expelled that cold breath from the body. He stared at the female ghost in amazement, with some alertness in his heart. Isn't Ning Xiaochuan not only a psychologist, but also a master of cultivating ghosts? law?

"Fen Jianzong! Why did you burn Jianzong against the Purple Girl?" Ning Xiaochuan heard Fang Jie's previous sentence, so he asked.

"My goal is you. Ning Xiaochuan, I don't think you seem to be a mind trainer, why do you hide your identity?" Fang Jie said.

"You are wrong, I am indeed a mind trainer!"

Ning Xiaochuan stretched out his palm, and a yin and yang flame appeared on the palm of his hand, half of which was a blue yin fire, and half was a reddish yin fire. The yin and yang converged to form a white "open flame".

Ning Xiaochuan didn't want to have so much nonsense with Fang Jie, and planned to capture him and investigate slowly.

With a wave of the palm, the group of flames instantly turned into flames of the sky, forming a sea of ​​white flames, and flung towards Fang Jie.

Fang Jie naturally knew the power of the mysterious fire conquered by the mind-raising division, and immediately held up a ten-meter-diameter hood to resist the mystic fire coming from him.


Suddenly, the seven-handed ancient sword rushed out of the mysterious fire, arranged into a sword array, stabbed the vitality hood he propped up into a hollow, and attacked his heart.

Fang Jie's complexion changed greatly, he put a golden glove on his hand, and punched it in the past.

"Very tiger fist!"

His arms kept getting thicker, breaking through his clothes, and growing golden tiger hairs.

The palm of your hand burst into flames and turned into a giant flame tiger head, attacking the ancient sword with seven handles.


The golden gloves in Fang Jie's hands were smashed by the sword gas, the magical power was broken, the body flew out, and fell to more than ten feet before standing firmly, the clothes on his body became tattered.

He looked at his arm.

The entire arm was cut with sword gas, blood dripped, and the five fingers became fuzzy.

"This is the power of the strong stepladder in the fifth step?" Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the flames, holding seven ancient swords in the palm of his hand, staring at Fang Jie in the distance.

This is the first time that Ning Xiaochuan has actually confronted the monk in the fifth step of the ladder. He didn't despise the other side in his heart, but he treated this battle with great care.

If you can cultivate to the fifth step, you are definitely not a simple character. You must have powerful means.

Previously, his cultivation was not high enough. When he met a strong man of the fifth step ladder level, he used a black stone doll to knock him back.

However, the black stone doll has been destroyed, and now he can only rely on his own strength.

According to his current practice in the fourth step, he is not necessarily able to win the monk in the fifth step.

The world is big and powerful, and no one dares to say that he is the first person in the same realm. Fighting across realms requires courage and courage.

Of course, if you use the extermination sword secretly to sneak in, if you are unexpected, let alone the monk in the fifth step of the ladder, even the heavenly people may be stabbed to death.

However, if Heaven is prepared, he will take a surprise attack, and the chance will become quite slim.

"Huh! Do you really think that the monks in the fifth step of the ladder are so easy to deal with? I am really strong in Kendo, not in fists. Let me see if your Jiu Pin Xuan Qi is powerful or my evil Kendo is powerful? Swordsmanship! "

Fang Jie raised her hands to support a piece of Fa phase.

The entire sky became dark, a blue evil sword condensed above his head, and the sword was covered with evil lines, almost like a living tentacle!

The fifth step is the most powerful place for monks on the ladder, that is, they have the form of the law, which can form their own realm to suppress the other side.


The evil sword rose, turned into a blue evil dragon, and stabbed at Ning Xiaochuan.

The mysterious air between the heaven and earth was squeezed out by the sword air, forming a sword path, pointing directly at the heart of Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan stood still, hit it with one palm, and the seven-handed swords flew out, forming a sword array, colliding with the evil sword, making a huge noise, shaking countless swords, covering hundreds of meters. Space.

Ning Xiaochuan walked in the sword qi, those sword qi could not hurt him at all.

The pace seems slow, but each step can span several feet away and walk directly in front of Fang Jie.

Fang Jie's pupils kept enlarging, and both palms hit.

Ning Xiaochuan slapped in the palm of his hand and pressed Fang Jie's arms back. The bones of his arms made a crackling sound, which couldn't resist Ning Xiaochuan's palm.

In Fang Jie's opinion, the other side is a mind trainer, just like an invincible martial arts god!


One palm, as heavy as a mountain, crushed Fang Jie's arms.

How does he know that Ning Xiaochuan's physical strength is one point stronger than some of the weaker celestial beings, and the power of one shot is just like a row of mountains, and his body will be shattered!

Ning Xiaochuan oppressed the past with irresistible force, stared at Fang Jie's eyes, and said, "Who sent you to kill me?"

Fang Jie clenched his teeth, bearing the huge force, was about to open his mouth.


Suddenly, in the night sky, a half-foot-long gold needle was flying out, pierced into the back of Fang Jie, flew from the eyebrow, and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan!

Fang Jie was pierced by the dragon's gold needles. The surface of the gold needles flashed with light. His head exploded like a watermelon, and his plasma shot, and he died on the spot.

Seems to be just a gold needle, but it is actually a terrible Jiupin mystery!

The golden needle of dragon pattern is silent and unbreakable, and in the case of a sneak attack, there is a chance to kill heaven and earth!

This is a deadly killer!

Ning Xiaochuan was only half a meter away from Fang Jie. Seeing the dragon-like gold needle piercing Fang Jie's head and flying towards him, a fatal cold spread throughout his body!

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