Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1121: Confidence of Wan Buddhism


Ten thousand Buddhism.

On the winding Ten Thousand Buddhas Mountains, green pines and cypresses are hidden among the mountains.

There are also ancient temples on the mountain peaks, the Buddha's light is shining, the bells in the morning and the drums in the evening, the sound of Sanskrit singing is endless.

Tianyin Temple.

The Chamber of Ten Thousand Buddhism, at this moment, gathers all the people of Ten Thousand Buddhism.

Hosted by the Jielv Temple!

Hosted by Cangjing Temple!

Arhat Temple host!

Everyone who is counted by thousands of Buddhists sits in front of the Buddha, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

Under the towering Buddha, there is a young monk with a crown of jade, sitting cross-legged.

The monk looks extremely young, but the opening and closing of his eyes reveals a vicissitudes of life and ancient charm.

Eyes like the starry sky, looking through the red dust, surveying the great thousand!

The whole body is full of Buddha rhyme, like a Buddha!

"My Buddha is merciful, I have seen the master teacher!"

Many Buddhist Zen masters put their hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name.

"All the juniors are exempted."

Ten Thousand Buddhism leaders twisted flowers with a smile and said softly.


Immediately afterwards, the head of Ten Thousand Buddhism stretched out his hand, and the bronze was suspended in front of the crowd, revealing a scene of a world.

The mountains are like swords and dragons, lying in the mountains!

This is clearly the scene of Taixu Mountain.

This mirror is called Jingtian Mirror.

Wan Buddhism, as the supreme great religion in Zhongzhou, possesses the background of saints, and its methods are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Relying on the Jingtian Mirror, even if it is thousands of miles away, the Buddhists can monitor the world and spy on what is happening thousands of miles away.

"Senior Brother Baoxiang, take care of the buddhist brothers, and go to kill the enemy.

How do you think about this matter? "

Ten thousand Buddhist leaders pointed to the scene in the Jingtian mirror and said.

"It's safe and secure. The lord of a large-scale dynasty can attract Brother Baoxiang to take action, which is enough to be proud."

Luohan Temple host Yaoyi said with confidence.

Zen Master Yaoyi is a mighty man with a height of nine feet and a sturdy back.

In his opinion, Zen Master Baoxiang and other twelve half-sages made the shots, and even one dynasty had to retreat from it, not to mention a large dynasty.

"Great good!"

A crowd of Buddhist Zen masters on the side nodded and laughed, agreeing with the words of the Luohan Temple host.

If it is said that Ten Thousand Buddhism has taken action against other great religions or a dynasty, everyone may still be a little worried.

However, the Buddhism dynasty is just a large dynasty, how can it be compared with the ten thousand Buddhism!

In addition, the Buluo Dynasty came from the barren state of Qingzhou, and has never been valued by the Zhongzhou warriors. Neither aura nor Lingbao can compare with Zhongzhou.

If it were not for the power of incense, Wan Buddhism would not spend a lot of time on Qingzhou.

Whether it is the number of Tianjiao in Qingzhou or the top martial artists in Qingzhou, the gap with Zhongzhou is simply unreasonable!

The most powerful warrior in Qingzhou is just the old man of Shenwu in the late stage of emergence, and the warrior of this realm is nothing in Zhongzhou.

Among all the great sects, the venerables in the late stage of emergence can be regarded as status-respected, but in fact they are not really high-levels!

Only the ecumenized nine-fold, semi-sage martial artist can be regarded as the high-level staff of Yifang Dajiao!

As for the power of a saint, that is the foundation of a great teaching!

Even if there was an accident of not falling to the king, all Buddhist Zen masters were full of confidence.

The twelve half-saints joined forces, and there is also a saint, even a saint can compete against one or two, not to mention the Buluo Dynasty in Qingzhou!

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