Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1258: The person respected by all people is the emperor

Just when the Tianyao Continent was shaking because of the big barrel wood feather clothes and not losing the reputation of the dynasty.

Qin Yi already took Zhao Yun, Lin Yunxue, and three thousand Yu Lin Wei back to the imperial capital.

Familiar cities and magnificent pavilions became clearer.

In the sky, white clouds are floating, reflecting each other with the towering city.

Look carefully, there is even a golden dragon aura, like a real dragon, rising up from the imperial capital, proudly howling the sky!

Do not lose the dragon spirit!

Infinite air luck, from all parts of the imperial dynasty to the imperial capital, transforming into dragon energy, condensed into this golden dragon that is almost visible to the naked eye!

Longmu was indifferent, watching anyone close to the imperial capital.

There are countless auras gathered and turned into pure chaotic auras, lingering around the imperial capital, rendering it like a fairyland!

I haven't seen it for a few days, but the emperor has changed a little bit more.

Outside the city, there is an extra moat with a width of one hundred feet.

There are many white jade bridges on the river, carved with dragons and phoenixes, just like supernatural craftsmanship.

On the bridge, there are guards wearing battle armor and firm eyes, patrolling day and night.

The cultivation base of these imperial guards, the worst is the real yuan realm!

With the continuous transformation of the Eight Diagrams of Mountains and Rivers and the Map of Mountains and Rivers, as well as the continuous efforts of unfailing courtiers such as Taishan Mountain God and Zhuge Liang.

Fuluo Dynasty can be said to be changing with each passing day. As the imperial capital of Fuluo Dynasty, the changes are of course the greatest!

The strong concentration of spiritual energy has urged countless non-falling martial artists to achieve breakthroughs.

Every day, you can see countless warriors in the Buluo Dynasty, breaking through the current realm.

Qin Yi's car drove through the city gate and went straight to the palace.

As soon as they entered the palace, Qin Yi and Yan Danjun got out of the car and walked slowly to Chenglong Hall.

But in front of Chenglong Hall, the courtiers who did not fall were divided into two columns of civil and military, separated on both sides.

People like Mount Tai, Zhang Liang, Lu Bu, etc. are all listed!

Before the courtiers, Liu Yiyi and the other women stood pretty.

"Welcome to the emperor to return to the court, and to welcome the empress dowager to return to the court!"

Seeing Qin Yi and others approaching, Liu Yiyi and other women bowed to Yingying.

"Welcome to the emperor to return to the court, and to welcome the empress dowager to return to the court!"

Many courtiers who did not fall, bowed down, touched the ground with their foreheads, and shouted with their mouths.

The sound was like thunder, rolling and shaking, and spread all over the imperial capital like a dragon hitting the cloud in an instant.

"Welcome to the emperor to return to the court, and to welcome the empress dowager to return to the court!"

In the imperial capital of Bulu, the folks who heard this voice bowed immediately and shouted.

Many people who are not falling do not know what happened, but they still shouted, even shouting hoarse!

The people, the worship of Qin Yi has long been deep into the bones!

This is the most fanatical worship, respect from the heart!

Without the emperor, there would be no prosperous today!

Since the end of the day, until today, they have shocked the entire Tianyao, making them the envy of countless people!

To humiliate one's own arrogant people, you can also destroy a big teacher!

How disrespectful, disrespectful, and disrespectful of such a domineering and loving emperor of his people!

Even if someone chants Long Live at random, it may cause everyone who is not in the imperial capital to shout for it.

At such a moment!

The person respected by the people is the emperor!

The person respected by the common people is the king!

The one worshipped by the people is the Lord!

In the name of the emperor, we are willing to swear to the death, endless battles!

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