Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1301: The emperor’s blow shocked the world

"Humanity, this prince will say it again, hand over the Spirit Fire Great Pill, and arbitrate in front of this prince, I can keep your whole body!"

Prince Wan Yao stood proudly in the void, overlooking Qin Yi.

The momentum of the three semi-sage demon gods, like a mountain of ten thousand feet, rolled towards Qin Yi.

Under this momentum, Qin Yi seemed weak!

It seems that at any time it is possible to be torn to pieces by this terrifying breath!

"Hahaha, this is like a Half-Holy Demon Venerable!"

Finally, Qin Yi raised his eyes and laughed loudly.

"Come on, have a good fight!"

Qin Yi squinted at the three people, with black hair dancing wildly, and a mighty force in his body, surging surging.


The golden blood swelled and rose into the sky, spreading the sky.


In the illusion world, the vast white mist gathered one after another, forming a large sea of ​​clouds.

Amidst the sea of ​​clouds, a golden true dragon that spreads for unknown reasons is looming!

The real dragon is the respect, and the sea of ​​clouds hides!

On top of the golden true dragon's head, there was a god-man wearing an emperor's robe, with indifferent eyes, like a nine-day god.

Everlasting, unpredictable power!


After this god-man appeared, the entire fantasy world was collapsing!

"Three styles of tyrant fist, fist strikes the world!"

Qin Yi roared, his energy suddenly penetrated into one place, and gathered on his right arm.

Open the boxing frame, and when the body is pulling, it is a punch!

With a punch, the phantom of God is also punched!

This punch is like a powerful punch from a nine-day **** king who dominates the boundless world of heaven and earth!

As the emperor, I can defeat all the world's heroes with one punch!


Space is collapsing, and the fantasy world is collapsing a little bit!

Under this punch, the sun and the moon were hanging upside down, and the world fell!

Allowing the group of feathered demon veterans to madly inject the demon element into the formation below them, it will not help.

In the end, Datongmu Yuyi took the shot, and this could stabilize this fantasy world!

And the three of the Ten Thousand Demon Princes who faced this fist had a great change in their complexions, and felt a sense of catastrophe that they were about to die.


Wherever Quan Jin went, the void seemed to be frozen.

Taotao black water stopped flowing.

The billowing black smoke stopped the surge.

The Black Profound Pterodactyl and the Sky-Silver Dragon are also stagnant in the air!

Prince Wan Yao's face changed in panic, and a trace of understanding flashed in his heart.

He seemed to be unable to take this punch!


Prince Wan Yao roared frantically in his heart, his eyes were red, and his body trembled violently, trying to break free from the terrible restraints.

However, his figure was still unable to move.

Even if you ask for mercy, you can't do it!

Only, staring blankly, Qin Yi slammed a fist away, terrified.

He finally understood the feeling of City Lord Chiyang before, that kind of powerlessness and despair!


The mighty boxing strength fell on the ten thousand demons prince and others, and the huge bone cracking sound suddenly sounded, exploding in the air.

In an instant, the prince Wan Yao brought the two Silver Light Demon Venerables together and crushed them into powder!

This horrible boxing power has not even stopped, and it takes advantage of the trend to penetrate the fantasy world and hit Tianyu.


The aftermath of this punch, like a golden beam of light, has been soaring in the air, breaking through the nine heavens, and shattering the sea of ​​clouds in the sky!

Even after spreading more than ten thousand miles, it gradually stopped!

At this moment, the powerhouses of the entire Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty can see this golden beam of light across the sky when they look up.

Bright and dazzling!


The sonic boom caused by this fist even roared the entire Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty.

The emperor's blow shocked the world!

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