Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1304: Fight against the demon with a single punch




A wave of horrible auras rose into the sky from all over Chiyang City.

A red-gold figure is a strong man in the red-golden monkey clan and its commanding clan.

Each breath is powerful, and they are all cultivated for heaven and man, with as many as 100,000.

And the heads of the hundreds of Red Sun God Monkey Clan, who are like mountains, with blood soaring to the sky, are the Feathered Demon Venerable.

One hundred thousand people!

Hundreds of demons!

Chiyang Tianwei!

This is one of the foundations of the Red Sun God Monkey family, which relies on the sky.


While the figure was shaking, this demon clan powerhouse formed a battlefield.

When the battle formation was formed, billowing blood lingered in the sky, crushing the entire Chiyang City, almost to collapse.

In the end, this huge energy and blood gathered into a terrifying ape who stepped on the boundless feet and roared to the sky!

The red golden fur, like the figure of a mountain, is undoubtedly an enlarged version of the red sun monkey!


This red sun **** monkey roared and screamed.

The arrogance is overwhelming, and the power is overwhelming, sweeping the entire Chiyang City, as if to drink Chiyang City upside down.

The sky is shaking, the sun and the moon are dark!


This red sun **** monkey explored his palm, like a huge grinding disc, crushing everything, and grabbed it towards Qin Yi.

The huge palm swept across, and the space collapsed every inch, extremely powerful.

"Hahaha, humble human race, die for me!"

City Lord Chiyang laughed wildly, with unforgettable hatred and happiness in his eyes.

I can't wait for the next moment to see this human race who humiliated his son, severely wounded him, and killed the Prince of Ten Thousand Demons, being crushed into meat sauce by this red sun **** monkey!

"This is the Red Sun God Monkey Clan, the guardian formation at the bottom of the box!"

"This lowly human race must not be able to resist!"

"Hahaha, a warrior of the human race, dare to come to my Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty arrogantly!"

A group of strong monsters in Chiyang City roared excitedly.

I was extremely excited to see the guardian formation of the Red Sun God Monkey Clan.

"My son, do you need me to take action!"

Zhao Yun stepped into the air, came behind Qin Yi, and solemnly asked.

The red sun monkeys gathered in the battle formation are comparable to the saints in terms of power and power!

This battle is against the saint!

Even Zhao Yun had a solemn expression in the face of this move.

"No need!"

Qin Yi raised his eyes, there was no fear on his face, but a smile on his face.

He was worried before he was fully happy, so someone came to the door.

I say that today, I am a warrior, then today I am the human warrior who invites the warriors to fight against the demons!

Fight against the demon with a single punch!

"Come to fight!"

Qin Yi smiled long, and there was a burst of wanton publicity in his heart.

Wu Qin Yi, thirsty fight!

My Qin Yi, expect a battle!

Wu Qin Yi, willing to fight!


With a roar, the earth shattered, and Qin Yi's figure soared up into the sky without any scruples.

His figure is so calm and unhurried, so arrogant and domineering, and so disregarding thousands of demons as nothing!


At this moment, countless monsters could not help but exclaim.

The magical appearance of the red sun **** monkey is ten thousand feet tall, standing in the vast expanse, and the breath of the sea is surging out, just like the beast of the sky and the sky.

And Qin Yi was as small as a drop of dust in front of the Red Sun God Monkey Faxiang!

In such a strong contrast, Qin Yi's actions seemed so ridiculous, like worms shaking trees and moths to the fire!

Even a demon saint facing the red sun divine monkey's face, he can only avoid his edge and wait for an opportunity. How can he be as public as Qin Yi and directly meet him?

Isn't this looking for death?

However, the next scene is beyond everyone's imagination.

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