Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1321: Come like a god

"His Royal Highness, go away!"

Half-Saint of the Yinjiao Clan looked eager.

"Let's go, I won't go, where the master is, I will be there!"

Xiao Jin shook his head, his tone firm.

The Heavenly Sun Demon Saint is the best existence for it except the owner, how can it leave him!

"Yinyue, let's go quickly, we won't be able to go anymore!"

The Half-Holy Demon Venerable on the side urged.

At this time, where is their prestige before.

If it weren't for Tianyang Demon Saint's action, they wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

If so, if you delay, Tianyang Demon Saint is defeated, and they can't go if they want to go!


The half-sage of the Yinjiao Clan gritted his teeth and abandoned Xiaojin.

The reason why the Yinjiao Clan Half Saint wanted to take Xiaojin away was because he was in the love of the Tianyang Demon Saint, but if Xiaojin did not leave, he would not lose his life for it.

However, just as many demon veterans were preparing to leave, the battle on the sky was already divided.


With a muffled sound, Da Ri was knocked out of the void.

The Tianyang Demon Saint was wrapped around Jin Yan, but blood was dripping from his mouth, and the sky was scattered.

The whole person was blasted thousands of miles away, smashing through dozens of mountain peaks in succession, pulling out a deep ravine, and this stopped the figure!

"not good!"

The faces of many demon venerations suddenly turned pale, and they showed bitter smiles.

The Tianyang Demon Saint was defeated so quickly!

Without the Heavenly Sun Demon Saint, who can resist the Ten Thousand Demon Prince?


The prince Wan Yao incited his wings and suffered more injuries.

Obviously, in the battle with Tianyang Demon Saint, he was not without injuries, but these were just some skin injuries and did not affect his combat effectiveness.

"Want to run?"

Prince Wan Yao looked at the many semi-sages and smiled coldly.


The wings shook, and the devilish energy surged, transforming into four devilish dragons, blocking the retreat of many demon lords from four directions.

"It's over!"

Many demon gods suddenly showed despair, like a concubine.


Xiao Jin remained silent, and slowly took a step forward, facing the Prince Wan Yao.

Xiao Jin clenched his fists tightly, and burst out into a demon, he wanted to fight to the death with the prince of ten thousand demon!

"Master, forgive Xiaojin for not being able to fight for you anymore, forgive Xiaojin for his waywardness!"

Xiaojin murmured.

Just when many demon lords closed their eyes and waited to die, Xiao Jin was ready to fight to the death.


A chuckle, abruptly sounded.

The voice was very soft, but it fell into everyone's ears very clearly.

When everyone looked back, they saw the ruins of Chiyang City, the two standing proudly on the ground.

It is precisely, Qin Yi two people who have been ignored by everyone for a long time!

"the host?"

Xiao Jin was taken aback and exclaimed.

Only then did it notice that its director had always been here!

Even Xiao Jin couldn't help rubbing his eyes with his hands before he dared to confirm.

"Xiaojin, long time no see!"

Qin Yi smiled lightly, stepped into the void, and walked slowly towards Xiaojin.

As he walked step by step, large and small black holes appeared around him.

The powerful suction power came from the black hole, like a long whale sucking water, sucking out the magic energy surrounding Xiaojin and others.

That seemingly terrifying devilish dragon was also easily swallowed by the black hole!

In the end, where Qin Yi stood, within a hundred feet of radius, there was no trace of devilish energy!

At this time, Qin Yi had come to Xiao Jin and gently stroked Xiao Jin's head.

In Xiaojin's eyes, Qin Yi at this moment came like a god!

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