Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1333: Six immortals, who can underestimate

Sky dome.

The devilish qi stagnates and flows, like the wind and rain stop, staying behind.

Everything in a radius of a thousand miles, not only magic energy, but also spiritual energy, air, and prohibition at the same time, it is like time freezing!

At this moment, the entire sky seems to be a picture scroll!

The huge snake body of Snake Yuan is frozen in the void, like a lifelike ink painting, and the river of devilish energy at his feet is like an overturned red ink!

"No, I don't believe it, I don't believe you are an ancient sage giant!"

Snake Yuan snake eyes glared, his body surged, and he struggled frantically.


The magic light blooms all over it, like a magic flame flying into the sky.

Behind him, a dragon with three heads and distinct scales appeared suddenly.

The body is like a lofty mountain and river, and its scales are as large as a mountain, with magic patterns flowing in it, and endless horror and demonic energy lingers around him!

Sovereign of the Devil, the three dragons!

Qin Yi's eyes condensed, and he recognized the identity of this phantom.

Among the heavens and all realms, there are real dragons, kunpeng, dragon horses and other strongest beasts.

And in the Nine Nether Demon Realm, in the endless abyss, there is also the supreme demon beast of the Demon Realm comparable to the divine beasts, and the three dragons are one of them!

The strongest demon world comparable to a real dragon, can give birth to a tearing sky and swallow the sun and the moon!

It is said that even in the Nine Nether Demon Realm, the three dragons are the most powerful existence, with the highest blood!

This Snake Abyss has the blood of three demon dragons to become the number one warrior of the demon clan outside the territory!


The three dragons raised their heads and screamed, exploding against the weather.


The three magic dragons moved slightly to break the imprisonment force in the void.

The trace of magic energy leaked from his body is extremely pure, and it is dozens of times more terrifying than the magic energy of Snake Yuan!

She Yuan relied on this trace of devilish energy to break the imprisonment.

She Yuan panted heavily, obviously, relying on the blood of the three dragons in his body to break the imprisonment is not without price.

"go with!"

The next moment, Snake Yuan's scarlet snake pupils condensed, and his eyes sharpened.

The three dragons roared and rushed towards the big hand on the sky.


After doing this, Snake Yuan didn't stop, turning around and leaving.

At this time, although Snake Yuan didn't believe in Tianyao Continent, there were still ancient sages.

However, the strength of Otsuki Yui made it have to accept this fact.

It tried all its strength to mobilize the blood veins hidden in its body, but it was just as capable of breaking free from the confinement of the Yuyu Yuyi.

Don't talk about resisting, just now, it has consumed nearly half of its mana!

If this kind of existence is not the Old Sage, Snake Yuan is the first to not believe it.


Snake Yuan turned into a black light and shot towards the distance.

"Want to go?"

Datongmu Yuyi's eyes were cold, and his hands remained unchanged.

The big crystal hand, traversing Tianyu, captured the three dragons!

Although the three Devil Dragons have a terrifying aura, they seem to be able to match the ancient sage's blow. Even back then, Snake Yuan was able to escape from the hands of the ancient sage of the Tianyao Continent because of this trick.

After Snake Yuan's countless years of hard work, the power of this trick is better than ever!

But in fact, the three ghosts of dragons are nothing more than roots.

Ordinary old sages may have to abandon some means to solve these three magic dragons, but how is the big barrel wood feather clothing ordinary old sage?

In the original work, Datongmu Yuyi dared to be called the Six Dao Immortals and influenced the rise and fall of a realm. Isn’t it a kind of existence?

If it is said, Snake Yuan is not invincible of the existence of the five same realms.

Then, Datongmu Yuyi is also the five ancient sages of the same realm, invincible!

The lord of the world, how can you underestimate it?

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