Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1345: The two stood proudly, overlooking the demon saint


The mountain demon saint opened his mouth, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out.

The tyrannical true essence ran around in his body, disturbing the mountain demon saint dantian and muscles, which was an upset.

Until this blood spurts out, Mountain Demon Saint will feel better!

"Lao Niu, what's the matter?"

The Silver Horned Demon Sage waited for the Demon Sage and jumped to the side of the Mountain Demon Sage.

"Who is it that dare to plot against this seat?"

Mountain Demon Saint did not answer, his eyes swept around sharply.

Just now, it was someone who took action to restrain him, which made him not avoid Zhao Yun's full blow!

"What, there are others?"

Several demon saints were startled, and they looked around vigilantly.

Someone was hiding nearby, but they scanned the surroundings divinely, but found no trace of anyone.

"You are right, the weak must have the attitude of the weak."

"And you are nothing but weak in my eyes."

"Kneel down!"

Just when the demon saints were uncertain, a quiet voice floated faintly.


A terrifying coercion suddenly came.


This coercion is very peculiar, it seems to be only aimed at the mountain demon saint.

The coercion like a mountain of ten thousand feet suddenly pressed on the demon saint Tashan Mountain, caught off guard, the demon saint Tashan fell directly to the ground.


The faces of the demon saints sank, and they were furious.

To make the mountain demon saint kneel down is undoubtedly slapped all the demon saints in their presence on the face!

What shocked them even more was that even if this coercion overwhelmed the mountain demon saint to the ground, they did not perceive where this coercion came from!

It's like falling from the underworld, imposing it on the mountain demon saint!

Unstoppable like the majesty of Huanghuang!


The mountain demon saint roars.

Naturally, he could not sit and wait for death, being crushed to his knees, indifferent.

I saw that his body was surging with demon power, and a series of shocking mana exploded, resisting the terrifying pressure.


There was a roar of a bull, and there was a huge bull shadow with a straight back.

That pair of horns is even more sharp and unparalleled, and the halo that flows endlessly, it seems that even the sky can be pierced!

The horns are sharp, breaking the world!


However, the voice from the void was just a cold drink.


There was another muffled sound, and the mountain demon saint was directly overwhelmed to the ground, and his whole body fell to the ground.

The cow shadow behind the sky and the earth was also shocked, crushed to pieces, and directly dispersed in the air!


At this moment, no one of the surrounding demons spoke again.

Many demon saints have incredible gazes in their eyes!

The mountain demon saint was actually overwhelmed by his momentum!

If we say that the previous strong monsters thought that they were only trying to make a fool of themselves when they were under the intent of the demon saint.

So now, Mountain Treading Demon Saint clearly exploded with all his strength, but failed to break through the oppressive suppression, instead he was crushed!

Mountain demon saint, but a saint's triple peak power!

Even if it were, the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor might not be able to do this step, relying on his aura alone would crush the Mountain Demon Saint without the power to fight back!


At this moment, the void swayed like water waves.

Immediately, two figures walked out from the void.

One person, white clothes.

One person, brown clothes.

The two stood proudly, like a nine-day immortal stepped on by the nine-day palace!

Overlooking many demon saints!

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