Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1347: I don't make sense


Hearing Qin Yi's words, Heiyou Yaosheng and other strong monsters were furious.

A series of tyrannical auras loomed in the body of the powerful monsters such as Heiyou Yaosheng, and seemed to be brewing a strong blow.


Suddenly the wind blew up between heaven and earth.

More than five demon saints, urging their own demon power, how terrible!

Even if Heiyou Yaosheng and others tried their best to suppress it, it was enough to shake the situation!

"Why, do you think what I said makes no sense?"

Qin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression still calm.


Datongmu Yuyi also looked back, looking at the demons like Heiyou Yaosheng.

Just for a moment, the aura of the Black You Demon Saint and other demon saints directly pressed Datongmu Yuyi back.


With this look, he could see Heiyou Demon Saint and other strong monsters in shock.

This gaze, in a daze, made them seem to have gone back to the past, what they felt when they had just stepped into the path of practice and were reprimanded by their own master!

So majestic!

That's scary!

Heiyou Yaosheng and other powerful monsters are even more miserable. They want to question Qin Yi, but when the words come to their lips, they are still held back abruptly.

By this time, how could they not know the identity of Otsuki Yui.

Beside Qin Yi, there was only one person who could be so powerful that the two demon saints of Tashan could not resist!

That is the strongest person who extinguished the Tatian faction!

One person can be comparable to the existence of a big teacher!

"If you don't fall to the emperor, you can't..."

Black You Yaosheng's complexion was stiff, and the corners of his mouth were bitter.

However, before he finished speaking, Qin Yi interrupted him.

"What can't I do?

There are ranks in the world, so I punish those who dare to call my name directly, and those who attack my courtiers, can't it? "

Qin Yi said quietly without expression.


Black You Yaosheng opened his mouth, unable to speak for a long time.

Scolding the other party for daring to act recklessly in Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty?

Don't be joking, as Qin Yi said, there is rank in the world.

And the order among them is made by the strong!

For example, the powerful monsters of the Demon Race, such as the Mountain Demon Saint, believe in the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty, which is based on the powerful foundation of the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty.

If the Wanyao Dynasty is weak, then this sentence is a joke!

In the same way, Qin Yi is both strong and strong!

The silver horn demon saint dared to call Qin Yi's name directly, and the mountain demon saint tried to attack Qin Yi in vain, that was a violation of Qin Yi's taboo!

It is right to be punished by this!


Heiyou Yaosheng was sad and angry, but he could only lower his eyes.

After all, the pressure on them is too much!

One person slaughtered the Tatian faction, how could they not be surprised by such a deed!

Even if the strength of the Tatian Sect is not as good as the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty, the Tatian Sect is ultimately a big sect, not only has five sages sitting in charge, but also has the background left by the ancient sage of Tatian.

The Wanyao Dynasty was also very jealous of the Heaven-Taking Sect.

However, the Treading Heaven faction was destroyed by Datongmu Yuyi alone. With such a strength, how can the Black Nether Demon Saint and others fear not!

"Lord Buluo, I am waiting to acknowledge this matter, but you must be clear that this is the Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons, not your Buluo Dynasty!"

The demon sacred spirit of the Soul Eater clan is nowhere to be seen, but with strong support, he yells angrily at Qin Yi.

"not good!"

Black You Yaosheng's face changed suddenly.

The reason why he didn't dare to refute Qin Yi was because he was afraid that Qin Yi would find another excuse to act.

The words of the demon saint of the Soul Eater clan undoubtedly passed an excuse to Qin Yi!

Sure enough, Qin Yi waved his hand gently, Datongmu Yuyi understood.


A black streamer flashed across, as fast as lightning.


With a splash of flesh and blood, the demon saint of the Soul Eater clan widened his eyes, and suddenly there was no sound!

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