Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1349: Lord of Ten Thousand Demons


Above the sky, the storm is violent.

A demon saint burst out of his own momentum, stirring the situation.

Just a trace of aura can shatter the space and flatten the distant mountains!

As for the ruins of Chiyang City on the ground, it was even plowed again.

Heavenly Sun Demon Saint and other demon saints are powerful, as if the stars in the sky shine!

"Seven saints, take action together, and you can definitely capture these celebrities!"

"The ancestor is invincible, and the power is infinite!"

"My Wanyao Dynasty, don't be insulted!"

The demon race onlookers looked even more excited.

Fortunately to be able to see the seven demon saints at the same time, if they have Rong Yan!

These seven demon saints are the foundation of the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty's ability to watch the sky shining in all directions, no one can stop, no one can stop!

However, unlike the excitement of all the monster races, the black ghost demon saints and other demon saints are waiting for it and dare not have any thoughts lightly.

After all, Datongmu Yuyi is the existence of the Tatian School.

The previous fate against the demon saints such as the mountain demon saint is enough to prove the power of Otsuki Yuyi.

Even if the seven of them joined forces, they would still have no idea.

However, if they retreat, doesn't it mean that the Ten Thousand Demon Empire is showing weakness, but it is also the demon race, retreating in front of the human race!

For the majesty of the Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty and the dignity of the demons, they had to choose a battle!

If you don’t even have the courage to stand in the last battle, then Tan He stands on the Tianyao continent!

Facing the aura of the seven demon saints, Qin Yi and others didn't realize it.

Datongmu Yuyi just took a step forward leisurely, blocking Qin Yi's body, his eyes were light, as if the seven in front of him were not seven demon saints, but seven ants!

The snake head on the right shoulder was high, and a bloodthirsty and ruthless look was reflected in the scarlet pupils.

To Snake Yuan, these seven demon saints are nothing more than food!

After signing the contract with Qin Yi, it also became Qin Yi's servant, and naturally took the responsibility of maintaining Qin Yi.

How many foods in a mere mere match with its owner?


In the void, the Qi machine circulated, shattering several pieces of space with a slight tremor, and cracking several spatial cracks.

Even if the Black Nether Demon Saint had an absolute advantage in numbers, their aura was suppressed by Datongmu Yuyi and others.

The cracks in the void are silent, spreading towards the sages of the Demon Race like Heiyou Sage!

This means that they are gradually being suppressed!

"Shoot together!"

The black ghost sacred eyes sank, and he couldn't help but suddenly shouted.


Several groups of demon demon sacred demon power rolling, impressively prepared to shoot.

In an instant, the demon spirit was overwhelming, and all kinds of visions appeared quietly!

The sky is full of blood, the sky is full of blood, the ghost howls...


At this moment, a majestic voice came.

Heiyou Demon Saint and other demon saints were taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but stop the action of urging their demon power.


With a trembling, a big hole was opened in space, and a middle-aged man walked out of it.

The middle-aged man wears a flat crown on his head, and is dressed in a lavender mysterious robe studded with gold rims and a graceful black-winged profound dragon. He is solemn and solemn!

The whole body is even more lingering, and the rivers are deep and deep, and it is a drop of profound mysterious water!

After the middle-aged man appeared, the aura on his body even surpassed the joint efforts of the black ghost demon saint and others!

"I'll wait and see the emperor!"

Seeing this person, Heiyou Yaosheng and others directly accepted the head and worshiped.

This middle-aged man is the ruler of the Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty.

At the same time, he is also the first person of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor in the Tianyao Continent!

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