Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1352: The Lord of Ten Thousand Demons

"The previous matter was that I was offended first. Please forgive me, Emperor Qin."

The Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons was gentle, and made an assertion about what happened before.

As soon as this sentence is said, it means that the Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons has completely acknowledged this matter!

Even the demon saint of the Soul Eater clan is dead in vain!

If the demon saint of the Soul Eater clan knows well, I wonder if it will be chilling.

However, the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor smiled lightly, as if he didn't care at all.


Qin Yi glanced deeply at the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor, and finally nodded.

Since the Emperor Ten Thousand Demons had already backed down, it would be difficult for him to continue to investigate.

After all, the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty is still part of the Tianyao Continent.

As far as the current Tianyao Continent is concerned, the most important enemy is the outer demons who are blocked in the chaotic current!

Although Qin Yi could kill the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and others, it would undoubtedly make the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty fall apart and weaken the vitality of Tianyao Continent.

It was a good thing for Qin Yi and Buluo Dynasty.

Therefore, Qin Yi finally agreed with the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor's statement.

"it is good!"

After receiving Qin Yi's reply, the joy on the face of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor became more intense.

For him, whether he could conflict with Qin Yi was the best choice.

Next, after Qin Yi and the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons made a few courtesy words, Qin Yi ended this embarrassing guilt and offered to resign.

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperors naturally would not stop him, and asked whether he needed to send someone to **** Qin Yi to leave the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty.

For this, Qin Yi did not reject the Emperor of Ten Thousand Demons.

The Ten Thousand Demon Emperor's intention to send someone to **** Qin Yi was extremely obvious. In addition to escorting, he also wanted to monitor Qin Yi and others.

It's not that the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor expects these demon clan soldiers to be able to watch Qin Yi and others.

Rather, to ensure that Qin Yi and others leave the Wanyao Dynasty safely.

If along the way, another demon clan of the Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty ran into Qin Yi and others and caused some trouble, it would not end well!

Qin Yi naturally understood the plan of the Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty, and did not simply refuse.

Immediately afterwards, under the **** of a group of monsters arranged by the Lord of Ten Thousand Demon Emperor, Qin Yi and others embarked on the road to leave Ten Thousand Demon Dynasty.

As for Xiaojin, he stayed in the Red Sun God Monkey clan.

Qin Yi had the idea of ​​taking Xiao Jin away, but Xiao Jin wanted to stay with the Red Sun God Monkey Clan and continue to receive the teachings of the Tianyang Demon Saint.

In this regard, Qin Yi did not force Xiaojin.

In any case, the Red Sun God Monkey family is also a strong family that existed in ancient times, with a lot of background.

In addition, Xiao Jin is a member of the Red Sun God Monkey Clan, staying in the Red Sun God Monkey Clan, Xiao Jin can also be more systematically cultivated and continue to grow.

Compared to staying in the Palace of Not lagging behind and becoming a pet, the Red Sun Monkey Clan is naturally a better choice.

And as Xiaojin, the disciple of Tianyang Demon Saint, in the Red Sun God Monkey clan, there is no need to worry about danger.

Therefore, Qin Yi did not force Xiao Jin to leave with him.


Ji Er, a simple carriage, walked away in the distance with silver light.

Behind the carriage, followed by soldiers of the monster race in battle armor!

As the carriage drifted away, until the end, it disappeared into the boundless sky.

At this time, the smile on the face of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing but indifference, and his eyes were extremely cold!


Even with a wave of the sleeves of the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor, a great mountain in the distance suddenly collapsed!

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