Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1359: Chaos in Tianyao

The Tianyao Continent is vast, vast enough to reach hundreds of millions of miles!

Judging from the chaos and turbulence, it is a vast and vast world.

Among them, martial arts are brilliant, human and demons coexist, colliding countless dazzling sparks, and establishing countless forces.

Among them, the supreme religion of the human race, the most powerful holy land of the monster race, and the imperial forces of the two races can be called the most powerful forces.

And at the moment.

In the nine major states of Tianyao Continent, Zhongzhou, Yaozhou, and even Qingzhou, etc., the existence of large or small forces was shaken by a piece of news!

Three years later, an army of the Demon Race outside the Territory will descend on the Tianyao Continent!

Extraterritorial demons.

Since the ancient times, the existence of the demons outside the territory has always affected the nerves of many top forces in the Tianyao Continent, and they are extremely jealous.

The extraterritorial demons are too powerful!

The Tianyao Continent in the ancient times declined due to the demons outside the territory, and it has not been restored to its peak in the ancient times for millions of years.

Even so far, the Tianyao Continent is relying on the Tiangong Seven Star Array to block the offensive of the demons outside the territory.

A piece of news suddenly appeared, saying that the army of the demon race outside the territory is about to come, how can it not affect the minds of the major forces on the Tianyao continent.

This news, driven by the invisible big hand, spread throughout the entire Tianyao Continent, and it was almost universally known.

At this time, the creatures on the Tianyao continent knew that there was such a terrifying threat outside the Tianyao continent!

With the spread of this news, the creatures of some small forces on the Tianyao Continent also knew some information about the demons outside the territory, and they were no longer limited to the top forces.

"Outside Demon Race, why is there such a powerful race!"

"How can this be good, how can we resist such a terrible enemy!"

Countless creatures of Tianyao Continent wailed.

A breath of despair spread across the Tianyao continent.

In the eyes of these warriors or monsters, even the Tianyao Continent of the ancient times was defeated, and the ancient sages paid the price of their lives to repel the demons outside the territory.

Not to mention, there is no ancient sage giant on the Tianyao continent.

How can they resist such a terrifying extraterritorial demons!

Even some warriors or demon races who were not determined, began to cause cholera in Tianyao Continent.

Or some people clamored and surrendered to the demons outside the territory.

Until the end, top forces such as the Six Great Teachers took action one after another, killing many troublemakers!

"If you dare to say this again, don't blame the ruthlessness of this seat!"

Those who are in charge of many forces, such as the sword master of Yijian Palace, even let out words.

The words of the first person on the Tianyao Continent are extremely important.

As soon as this remark came out, it really suppressed the storm abruptly.

The sword crushes Tianyao, the sword master of Yijian!

His words still have this weight.

Of course, many top forces have to issue declarations. The top forces of the two races of humans and demons will join hands to establish an alliance to fight against the demons outside the territory!

This allowed the spirits of Tianyao Continent to gradually calm down.

After all, most creatures don't want to become the slaves of the outer demons and be enslaved by the outer demons!

Furthermore, the deeds of the demons outside the territory are too remote and too hazy, and what many creatures understand is specious.

However, forces such as Yijian Palace have been high above the sky for millions of years. Compared with the demons outside the territory, these forces are the real behemoths, the most powerful forces in their eyes.

No matter how strong the extraterritorial demons are, can they be stronger than so many forces together?

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