Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1363: The origin of the martial artist

"Your Ancient Demon Sect is not qualified to say that I am 10,000 Buddhism. Who doesn't know that your Ancient Demon Sect is the remnant of the demon race outside the territory.

How will I know if you will betray the Tianyao Continent and take a counterattack! "

Being ridiculed by the Demon River Saint, Jin Lei Arhat naturally sneered at each other.

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of the great powers of the many forces present changed.

One by one, with slightly jealous eyes, they looked at the sages of the Demon River and other ancient demon sects.

"You, don't want to spit blood, my ancient demon sect is also from the Tianyao continent, so how can I betray the Tianyao continent!"

The Sage of the Devil River was furious, and started to shoot the crime.


The terrible devilish gas immediately filled the entire hall, suppressing the maids who screamed, kneeling on the ground, shivering.

"Why, being exposed by this seat, turned into anger from embarrassment?"

Jinlei Arhat smiled happily, the Buddha's light on his body was bright, and there seemed to be countless bhikkhus, walkers, and bodhisattvas who sang in bass.

As Jinlei Arhat said, there is a reason for the origin of the ancient demon sect and other demon sects.

Before the ancient times, there were no demon martial artists on the Tianyao Continent, and even martial artists who practiced demon martial arts were very rare.

In the ancient times, some warriors of the Tianyao Continent in the war against the demon clan outside the territories have either comprehended or seized a part of the demon Dao technique from the demon clan outside the territories, and this has formed the so-called demon martial artist.

However, due to the evil practices of the Demon Dao Cultivation Method, some of them were too evil, as well as historical problems, they were not accepted by the creatures of Tianyao Continent, and even jointly suppressed it!

Among them, Wan Buddhism was the most severely suppressed because of the mutual restraint of the exercises, and even almost caused the Demon Dao Martial Artist to disappear in the Tianyao Continent. At that time, the Demon Dao Martial Artist forged a **** feud with Ten Thousand Buddhism!

The demon martial artist is in a difficult situation, until the rise of the ancient demon sect, their living environment is relatively better.

However, even so, because the Demon Dao technique is more or less inseparable from the outer demon race, the Demon Dao sects such as the Ancient Demon Sect have been unable to escape the predicament of being jealous by many forces on the Tianyao Continent!

As the banner sect of the Demon Dao, the Ancient Demon Sect is the most closely watched by many forces!

If it weren't for the fact that the Ancient Demon Sect had never revealed its intention to betray the Tianyao Continent in millions of years, it would have been slaughtered by many forces together!

"Old bald donkey, believe it or not, I pulled your tongue out!"

The Sage of Devil River gritted his teeth and said.

If this Jinlei Arhat provoked the fear of many forces and jointly suppressed the Ancient Demon Sect, this would not be a good thing for the Ancient Demon Sect.

"Devil, I really want to learn your tactics!"

Jinlei Arhat was not afraid, straightened his back slightly, and stared at the demon river saint.


In the void, the two auras were colliding with each other, stirring the surrounding auras!

The majestic watched their noses and their hearts, and no one spoke.

Da Neng Human Race is accustomed to it. Every time these two meet, they will not stop unless they fight. It is even more impossible for Da Neng Yao Race to dissuade them.

"Well, this is not the place for the two of you to resolve your grievances. The enemy is now, so I can't wait for myself!"

At this time, Hao Xing Sword Master, who was sitting back on the main seat, had his eyes half open, and a sharp sword intent was like a nine-day star river, lying between the two demon river saints.


After receiving this blow, the two demon river saints suddenly groaned, and were shocked by the momentum of the sword master Hao Xing.


There was a trace of jealousy in the eyes of the two of them, and they all chose to give in.

Not only them, but even the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor and the others on the side, also showed fear.

Hao Xing Sword Master is stronger than ever!

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