Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1379: Get up, the second warlord of the outer demons


Two powerful auras filled the audience and collided with each other.


Like a thunderstorm, the void of tens of thousands of miles was shaken.

The Yijian Palace, which has been swaying for thousands of years, seemed to be unbearable and collapsed!


Being pressured by this momentum, many great abilities were directly spurted out of blood, and the whole person collapsed directly to the ground.

"not good!"

Even the five-fold peak powers of several saints, such as the Holy Master Muyun and the Emperor of the Common People, are just three more breaths under the aura of Datongmu Yuyi.

Immediately, several people were crushed to the ground by this momentum!

As for the sacred mid-level war weapon above their heads, there was a whine, and Guanghua dimmed and fell to the ground.


Inside the hall, it was silent again.


After a long time, there was a sound of inhalation, and all the powers that did not make a move, such as the fairy of Nine Spirits, were dumbfounded!

Relying on momentum alone, dozens of sage powers and dozens of sacred mid-level weapons were suppressed in one fell swoop!

This scene, in their eyes, seemed like a dream.

"Old Sage Giant!"

The Ten Thousand Demon Emperor was stunned, his eyes were dull.

This momentum... is clearly the existence of the Ancient Sacred Realm!

Even if the Ten Thousand Demon Emperor overestimated the strength of the Big Tube Yuyi as much as possible, and even gave way in Chiyang City, he did not expect that the Big Tube Yuyi was an ancient sacred giant!

There is also only one ancient sage giant that can overcome dozens of powerful abilities and combine forces with many sacred mid-level warfare weapons!

"How can this be?"

The Sect Master of the Ancient Demon Sect's eyes were straight, and he couldn't believe it.

The reason why he didn't take action against Qin Yi was partly because Qin Yi hated ten thousand Buddhisms and belonged to the same camp as the Ancient Demon Sect.

Another part of the reason is also because of Otsuki Yui.

However, he did not expect that Datongmu Yuyi would be an ancient sage giant!

However, Datongmu Yuyi's body was like a abyss, like a prison, and extremely terrifying. It was far more powerful than the previous Haoxing Sword by ten times, or even a hundred times!

Hao Xing Sword Master claims to be only a thin film away from the ancient sage realm.

That big barrel wood feather garment that is a hundred times stronger than him is not an ancient sage giant, what is it?

Dozens of mighty powers and dozens of sacred mid-level warfare weapons are all vulnerable to a blow in front of Datongmu Yuyi, and only the ancient sage giant can do this.

The ancient sage reaches the sky!

Cover the galaxy!

That sacred middle-ranking weapon is said to be comparable to an ancient sacred giant after awakening, but this is the power of the sacred middle-ranking weapon after it is fully awakened!

Just relying on the powers of a few cultivators that are the highest but the sage's five-fold peak, and how much power can be awakened to the sacred mid-level warfare, how can it be compared to a real ancient sage giant.

In front of Otsuki Yui, it was self-defeating, unable to resist the momentum of Otsuki Yui!

Datongmu Yuyi stood with his hands in his hands, his expression extremely indifferent.

With your ant-like cultivation base, is it worthy to hurt my lord?

A reptile who knows nothing about life and death, who gave you the courage, dare to provoke my lord!

But Qin Yi ignored everyone from start to finish, but walked slowly to the Sword Master Hao Xing, leaning over to look at the Sword Master Hao Xing who was lying on the ground without any movement.

Suddenly spoke.

"Get up, I know it's okay, the second warlord of the outer demons, the thousand fantasy warlord."

Guan Qin Yi's words seem to be speaking to the "Hao Xing Sword Master"!

Qin Yi called the'Hao Xing Sword Master' the magic general of the demon race outside the territory, a thousand magic generals!

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