Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1451: Towards the abyss of death

The dark sky.


Terrible thunders are slowly gestating.


At this moment, the scorching sun is covered, and everything is invisible, only a vast sea of ​​thunder!

The silver snake dances wildly with great momentum!

A breath of ruining the heavens and the earth gushing out, like a volcanic eruption, instantly engulfing Yiqiong Mountain.

It's like the end is coming!


The thunder fell, smashing the dome of Yiqiong Hall.

Lei Qianji carried the sea of ​​thunder on his head, lingering around the thunder, like the **** of thunder in the sky.

"Mortal, kneel down to see you!"

Lei Qianji drives Thunder, his eyes are cold, and the horrible aura freezes the void of Qianli.

A mere feathered warrior from the ordinary world, a humble ant, dare to put on such a pose in front of him!

Is he worthy?

As a high-ranking ancient sage descendant, he has a respectable position, except for the disciples who are also ancient sage descendants, few people can get his eyes.

Not to mention, the lower realm warrior who is humble in his eyes!

Qin Yi's indifferent and indifferent, in the eyes of Lei Qianji, is a great humiliation to him!


Lei Qianji suddenly took a step forward, like a **** of thunder.

In the sea of ​​thunder, a thunderous beast quickly condenses.

Each one is extremely strong, whether it is a dragon, a tiger, or a pegasus. The only thing in common is that it is as lifelike as a living thing.


The sound of the beast roar is amazing, shakes the universe, and contains unimaginable terrifying power.

The huge sound wave shook the ground to open countless cracks, like spider web-like cracks, spreading in all directions along the ground.

In a blink of an eye, the ancient Yijianshan became fragmented!

If it weren't for Haoxing Sword Master and others to take action and settle in the palace, I am afraid that the newly built palace in Yijian Palace would collapse again!

"Do you want me to kneel?"

Qin Yi sat on the throne, his expression unchanged.

Lei Qianji's aura fell on Qin Yi, as if the breeze was touching his face, even the corners of Qin Yi's clothes could not be moved.

The black and white eyes stared at Lei Qianji indifferently, and the coldness in the eyes made people feel cold into the bones!


Lei Qianji was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Qin Yi to be so calm.

In the face of his aura, a small feathered warrior can resist it.

"I ask you, do you want me to kneel down?"

Qin Yi's nose shook, and his cold snort was loud and loud, even louder than the thunder.


If there is Ruowu's dragon chant, it is also sounded in the hall.

The golden dragon aura lingered in the hall, encircling Qin Yi's body, shaking the momentum of Lei Qianji.


Seeing this scene, the surrounding powers were all taken aback.

They knew that Lei Qianji could not do anything to Qin Yi, but they didn't expect that it was not Datongmu Yuyi who subdued Lei Qianji, but Qin Yi personally made it, and it seemed that he was not weaker than Lei Qianji!

This shouldn't be!

Lei Qianji is an ancient sage's inheritance, the cultivation technique is stronger than the martial artist of Tianyao mainland.

Even if it is, the sage's four-fold power may not necessarily be able to win the thunder.

They admitted that Qin Yi once relied on an unknown secret method to slash a thousand magic generals with a sword, and even more so, beheaded a thousand magic generals with one force.

But the secret method is called the secret method because it cannot be easily used.

Dazhi Luohan and others have never seen it before, and there is a warrior who can use the secret method twice in a short time!

It was only a few days since Qin Yi used the secret method.

It stands to reason that Qin Yi can no longer use this secret method.

Then why is Qin Yi so powerful?

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