Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1509: Wanjun fights the demons


Sirius roars and fought fiercely in the wild.


The silver dragon soars into the sky, **** sky!

Bingzhou Langqi and Baima Yicong were the first to set off the prelude to the war.

The battle of Tianyao Continent against the demon race outside the territory, or to say, a shocking battle between the Buluo Dynasty and the demon race outside the territory.

"General Lu, and General Zhao are still so impatient."

Huo Qubing sat on the horse with a faint ghost entangled in him.

Behind him, a silent ghost soldier of the ghost army, dressed in the cold ghost armor, carried the ghost of the ghost.

"I wait, but I can't fall behind the two generals.

The ghost army listened to my order, the whole army charged and killed! "

Huo Qubing raised the sword in his hand and roared loudly.

The cold ghost body, a long-lost warm current flows through it, it is blood, it is blood for the emperor to fight the battlefield!


The soldiers of the ghost army coldly spit out a word, like a silent killing machine.

In other words, in their cognition, they are the emperor’s killing machines!

The emperor gave them a second life, and they should serve the emperor with this body and fight fiercely against the demons!


The ghost army charges, the **** is coming!

With the charge of the ghost army, a vast world of **** suddenly appeared, suppressing the whole world and crushing the demons!

One hundred thousand ghost army fought a million demons, which is also ten times as many enemies, and the same mind, a powerful combat force broke out in this predicament!




After the Nether Ghost Army, another army that did not fall into the dynasty came.

The golden flag is flying, embroidered with a real dragon roaring up to the sky!

Exquisite feather white armor, red tabard fluttering in the wind, sitting on the horse is full of frosty white horses like a white dragon!

The emperor's guard, Habayashi!


Before Yu Lin Wei, a blonde girl who looked like the scorching sun suddenly drew a sword from her waist.

"Habayashi, kill!"

Altria's turquoise eyes lightly swept the demons in front of the army, and immediately shouted.

The demons offend me Tianyao, offend me not to fall into the territory of the dynasty!

When to kill!

Anger should be vented with a sword, ten thousand demons!

One hundred thousand Yu Lin Wei rides his horse and raises his whip, shooting like a sharp arrow at a million demons, the only war!

"Shaking Mountain Guard, kill!"

The army that followed was 100,000 Shaking Mountain Guards.

The commander of Shaking Mountain Guard was temporarily replaced by the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang, and only Liu Bei appeared here.

The three of Liu, Guan, and Zhang are all venerables in the realm of emergence, especially Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who can rival the power of the saints.

Therefore, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei did not fight together like Lu Bu and Zhao Yun, but entered the gossip array with the powers of Taishan Mountain God and Lan Ran, and fought with the power of the demons!

Only Liu Bei was left, carrying one hundred thousand Shaking Mountain Guards to kill!

"Power can shake the mountain!"

The vigorous shout, like the powerful force that shook the mountain guard, shook the sky and the earth!

"Golden Ge holds the sky, black armor is like a mountain!"

Familiar slogans, galloping horses, scorching armor.

Under the leadership of Qi Jiguang, the black cavalry broke out of the Northern Pass!

The black light shone, and the mountains and rivers screamed!


Molong danced to the sky, with an unrelenting aura, crushing it.

Although the black armored cavalry is only a three-star army, in fact, the soldiers in the black armored cavalry have no upper limit on their cultivation!

The cultivation base of the black cavalry has already reached the realm of entering Dao!

The number is as large as three million, and it can fight a million demons!

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