Supreme Conquering System

Chapter 1570: Busy Dynasty

The training array produced by the system has one more function that can brainwash the crowd than the ordinary soldier array.

These soldiers, after they came out of the military plan, have since been completely imprinted by the imperial dynasty!

For this reason, Qin Yi also specially exchanged hundreds of military exercise patterns from the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry Corps from the system store.

At the same time, the ranks of the major legions have all been upgraded by several stars!

For example, Binzhou wolf riding from a four-star army to a six-star army and so on.

It only cost Qin Yi's 20 million killing points just to play the battle array, which cost most of the killing points that Qin Yi had accumulated!

And like listening to Fengwei and Nether Ghost Army, Qin Yi also paid special attention to expand the army for these two legions!

Arranged some warriors who are good at assassinating and investigating intelligence to listen to Fengwei and follow the orders of Bai Zai, Itachi and others.

Regarding the Nether Ghost Army, Qin Yi directly incorporated the soldiers who died before the Beihan Pass into the Nether Ghost Army!

Because these fighters had just died and their souls had not yet entered the abyss, Qin Yi could easily transform them into a ghost army.

In addition to the main battle regiments of the Buluo Dynasty, Qin Yi also asked Zhang Liang and others to send people to select some of the city guards from major cities.

Regarding the lord of the major cities, the county lords of the counties, and the state lords of the states, Zhang Liang and others were able to select them as soon as possible.

Although the Confucianism and Taoism prospered with Liu Ji, the number of civil servants in the imperial dynasty is also increasing.

However, Liu Ji was summoned for too short a time, and the influence of Confucianism and Taoism was not effective.

Therefore, this problem has troubled Zhang Liang and others for a long time.

In the end, it was decided to use some of the city masters and state masters of the original forces.

However, these people have to sign a contract before they dare to use it.

All in all, it is to ensure the stability of Tianyao Continent to the greatest extent!

After all, with the great formation engraved by Monkey King, the martial arts of Tianyao Continent will become more and more prosperous and powerful!

Set the charter as early as possible at the beginning, so as to avoid troublesome restructuring in the future.

Similarly, in the Seven Realms of Tianmang, Zhang Liang and others were included in the reform.

The warriors of the seven realms of Tianmang either migrated out of the seven realms of Tianmang, or signed a contract to stay in place.

Even Qin Yi deliberately transformed Tianmang Seven Realms into a training ground like the Sin Realm for soldiers from the imperial dynasty to train.

These things are simple to say, but in fact, the time consumed is measured in months and years!

It would take months to build the state city!

Of course, if the threat of the demons outside the territory is eliminated, there is no external crisis in the Tianyao continent, but there is plenty of time.

When everything is set.

Qin Yi didn't stay in Chenglong Hall anymore, and took care of everything with Zhang Liang and others, and the future Lord.

Courtier, this time should share the worries for the emperor.

In this regard, Zhang Liang and others had no choice but to accept it.

When the dynasty meeting on this day ended, the entire Buluo Dynasty seemed to be on a clockwork, running at full capacity.

In accordance with the regulations set by the emperor at the court meeting, implementation step by step.

Zhang Liang waited for the courtiers to run around night and night, and even Putian Buddha and others were not idle, opening a stable road from Tianyao Continent to the Seven Realms of Tianmang.

All in all, everyone is working hard for the future of the imperial dynasty.


Except for the emperor.


How could the emperor be lazy? Everything he did was working hard for the development of the imperial dynasty!

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